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Hawaii Bans Ammo For Those Under 21

John Boch - comments 34 comments

Young adults in Hawaii just lost the ability to buy ammunition for self-defense. Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green signed a bill banning ammo sales to anyone under age 21.  Clearly Josh Green can’t read the 2nd Amendment or Supreme Court decisions in Heller and Bruen or lacks the capacity to understand them.

Hawaii Public Radio shared the great news for their gun control loving readers:

Selling firearm ammunition to anyone younger than 21 years old is now illegal in Hawaiʻi.

On Tuesday, Gov. Josh Green signed a bill that sets the age limit for buying, owning or controlling ammo.

The measure notes that Hawaiʻi has some of the strongest gun safety laws in the United States and one of the lowest death rates per capita.

And they think making it harder for the law-abiding to procure ammunition to defend their homes and families will somehow contribute to fewer fatalities among the good people of the Aloha State?

But before this week, the state had not set a minimum age for buying and owning ammunition.

Nicole Nakasugi, a teacher on Oʻahu, brought this loophole to the attention of lawmakers after a student informed her about it.

“I also knew she had access to an unsecured firearm. So when she came to me with the knowledge that she had learned that there was no age restriction to purchase ammunition I was immediately concerned,” Nakasugi said.

Nanny state Karen alert.

“I did some research and discovered that while we have age requirements for purchasing weapons, there actually were no age requirements for buying the ammunition that goes with the weapons. If the ability to purchase firearms has an age requirement, it seems only logical that purchasing ammunition for those weapons should too,” she continued.

Except, that is, for the young adults living on their own who might want or need the right to keep and bear arms to defend their homes and families. But their lives somehow don’t count to the busybody Ms. Nakasugi.

Here’s her hint for the day:  Gun control disarms victims, not criminals.

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