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Hawaii Homeowner Arrested After Stopping Violent Neighbor, Released After Self-Defense Ruling

Doug Howlett - comments 27 comments

Only in Hawaii would prosecutors arrest an armed homeowner who stopped a violent neighbor who had just rammed several cars with a front-end loader, shot and killed three women, wounded two others, and posed an immediate threat to shoot more. Yet, that’s exactly what law enforcement officials did before ultimately deciding not to pursue charges, citing “issues related to self-defense and defense of others.” Even anti-gun officials, as much as they might have wanted to prosecute the man, had to acknowledge this was a clear case of justifiable self-defense.

The incident occurred on Aug. 31 in Waianae, about 30 miles west of Honolulu. Rishard Keamo-Carnate, 42, shot and killed his neighbor with his registered firearm, Hiram Silva, 59, who had driven a front-end loader into Keamo-Carnate’s home and opened fire with his unregistered firearm (according to KHON 2 reports) on a family gathering. Silva killed three women—Cherell Keamo, 36, Courtney Raymond-Arakaki, 34, and Jessyca Amasiu, 29—and wounded a 31-year-old man and a 52-year-old woman before Keamo-Carnate acted to stop the rampage.

Keamo-Carnate was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder following the shooting, but prosecutors later declined to charge him. The Honolulu Police Department confirmed that charges were dropped due to “issues related to self-defense and defense of others.”

“This case clearly shows my client was within his rights to defend himself and others,” said Keamo-Carnate’s attorney, Michael Green. “Thank God they did the right thing.”

The deadly confrontation stemmed from a long-running neighborhood dispute. Silva, who rented out space for parties on his property, had been a source of frustration for neighbors. On the night of the shooting, partygoers reportedly sped through the area, prompting complaints from Keamo-Carnate’s gathering about the safety of children present. Silva retaliated by ramming his front-end loader into parked cars and opening fire on the group.

A smashed car and balloons remain from a Hawaii party that ended in disaster. KHON screenshot

In a bizarre twist, police later discovered that Silva’s front-end loader was carrying four 55-gallon drums of fuel, which he also fired upon during his rampage. The Honolulu Fire Department’s Hazmat Team was called to remove the dangerous materials from the scene.

Community members expressed outrage over Keamo-Carnate’s initial arrest.

“He sees people shot down at his home, and he winds up in a lockup,” Green said, emphasizing the absurdity of the situation. Keamo-Carnate was released about 20 hours after his arrest, pending further investigation.

The shooting, one of Hawaii’s deadliest in recent memory, has left the Waianae community shaken. Local lawmakers are now discussing the possibility of strengthening the state’s self-defense laws in response to the incident. Democratic state representative Darius Kila (that’s right, a Democrat!), whose district is near the scene, is among those pushing for changes. Kila has expressed interest in making Hawaii’s laws more clear-cut by shifting toward a “stand your ground” framework, rather than the current “duty to retreat” standard. He believes residents should be assured that they can defend themselves and their loved ones without fear of legal repercussions, especially in situations as dire as the one that unfolded in Waianae.

As violent crime continues to rise in the area, Honolulu police have pledged to send additional reserve officers to patrol West Oahu and are working with community leaders to develop safety strategies.

For now, Keamo-Carnate is free, with his attorney stating, “Justice was served in this case.”

27 thoughts on “Hawaii Homeowner Arrested After Stopping Violent Neighbor, Released After Self-Defense Ruling”

  1. The Honolulu Police Department confirmed that charges were dropped due to “issues related to self-defense and defense of others.”

    They definitely have “issues” with him defending himself and others. Get an attorney. Tell them the attorney is happy to speak for you.

  2. You stop a threat, save people’s lives, and .gov forces you to spend time in jail and spend money to defend yourself…in leftist states, anyway. In a Red state he would have been called a hero and enjoyed weeks of handshakes, hugs, free pizza, free barbeque, and free beer.

  3. “unregistered firearm” = IE an unconstitutional provision in a marxist state’s code. And not relevant to the story (Don’t pimp the unlawful).

  4. Damn, those “issues” thing again.

    There appears to be some real “issues” with the Honolulu P.D. and Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

  5. This is what happens when you antagonize a psyco. Respect your neighbors and you don’t have to worry about one flipping their lid and going on a murder rampage.

    • I’m not sure what you are saying. The victims are at fault for complaining to the neighbor about danger? If they had just submitted quietly to his abuse he wouldn’t have flipped out, so the violence was really their fault?

      Or am I misreading what you wrote?

    • I’ve got news for you, Bippy. No matter what you do, you will antagonize any psycho you come into contact with. He might just have some deep-seated anger over something he THOUGHT you did a week ago, when you weren’t even in town!

      Could be like that lady yelling at the tall buildings downtown. She’s unarmed, hell, she couldn’t be bothered to wear shoes this morning. Or undergarments.

      Or who knows, she could be like this dude, who decides to try to firebomb a party and kill some women.

      You can’t appease evil. It’s what makes evil thrive and grow.

  6. IIRC an earlier article laid the blame on the Honolulu Police Chief who claimed there was no right to self-defense in Hawaii law, erroneously of course.

    • News flash to any law-enforcement, member of the legislature, judiciary, executive or any other branch of government, individual or person or something that identifies as a person, civilian and non-civilian alike: RIGHTS TO NOT COME FROM LAW.



      Hopefully that is clear, because it sure seems to be completely unobvious to a large portion of humanity.

      • News Flash: I live innHawaii and can say with considerable confidence that the great majority here do nor care about our so-called rights. Zero. Zip. Not at all.

        The great majority of voters here appear to prefer our elected officials to be stupid, micromanaging, incompetent, and corrupt.

  7. Hawaii has been a democrat stronghold since they locked up the Queen. There are very few, if any, republicans in office there. The dems make their rounds, starting as a city councilman and going thru all the seats ending up as mayor or governor or state representative and so forth. Look at Neil Abercrombie. He was in almost every official position in the city and state government. They just change job titles and line their pockets at the people’s expense. Look at the rail debacle that is still not finished after 12 years. I was born and raised in Honolulu and left when I was 40 years old. Another example of corruption? My grandfather worked for the Ariyoshi crime family. Governor Ariyoshi. It’s all messed up there.

  8. Plenty of stories about Hawaii.

    Real quick.

    We found a girls purse from Australia. Knowing how much that can ruin your trip , we went to the Waikiki police hut right on the beach. It became clear quickly that we werent being asked the usual circumstances type of questions , it was more of an interrogation.

    I was told point blank that he thought I stole it.

    After showing him that no contents were missing , including $280 in cash , he refused to budge. Told to stay there as he was the only one at the station. After what he said about me , I flipped it and asked him how I dont know that he will take the money and blame me.

    He stepped out , we got the hell out of there.

    Called every hotel that I could , we found where she was staying.


    Returned with all contents.

    Concierge said the Police were looking for me. They told the PD the story and they left it alone.

    So much more to say.

    NEVER EVER trust the HPD.

  9. I have a customer who is a Pacific Islander, born in the Marshall Islands but spent more time in Hawaii, then moved here as a young adult. He has family in both island chains, and every now and then I ask him how they are doing. He just shakes his head, and wishes they would leave.

    • Spending a night in jail is suspect at best, but could be appropriate in the event of the need for further investigation in a situation such as this. However, the attitude and approach of law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office IS the story. They have no understanding of the concept of rights and the purpose of law.

  10. The first arrested, then released citizen should, as a minimum, be given the keys to the city, assuming that the duly constituted authority hadn’t lost them.

  11. The people living on those islands are under the illusion they enjoy the same rights as other Americans.
    That goes for about 15 other states as well however Hawaii is similar to a certain island nation full of leftists who speak English as well.

  12. Just goes to show how far the Left is over the cliff. Hard for me to comprehend this even knowing how crazy and stupid these people are.


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