Screenshot of Area 23, Sadie Floyd's North Carolina home where she defended herself against violent ex-boyfriend Colton Bush.

A Hubert, North Carolina, woman will not face charges in the fatal shooting of her estranged boyfriend after authorities determined she acted in self-defense during a home invasion earlier this month. According to the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office, Sadie Floyd shot and killed 28-year-old Colton Bush in her home on Bear Creek Road just after midnight on October 7. The shooting followed what officials described as a series of escalating incidents that had previously led to multiple domestic violence protective orders against Bush.

District Attorney Ernie Lee reported that Bush had unlawfully entered Floyd’s home through a window. Video evidence and witness statements showed that Floyd ordered Bush to leave before firing five shots from a .380 caliber handgun as he approached her, hitting him each time. According to investigators, Floyd’s friend, present during the break-in, confirmed that “Colton came inside the residence through the window and went after Sadie, so Sadie shot him.”

Screenshot of Colton Bush, who was shot and killed by his ex-girlfriend who acted in self-defense after he broke into her home despite a protection order.

Authorities revealed Bush had called Floyd 26 times and sent dozens of text messages the night of the incident, stopping at 10:11 p.m., just before arriving at her residence. He also made a call to dispatch about his ankle monitor dying and told his mother he expected to “go back to jail,” according to police reports. Attempting to enter Floyd’s home, Bush first used a long screwdriver at the door before climbing through a window.

North Carolina’s “Castle Doctrine” protects residents from prosecution if they use deadly force to defend their homes against intruders. Under this law, Floyd was deemed justified in using deadly force, as she had a reasonable fear of imminent harm given Bush’s forced entry and history of violence. Authorities noted that Bush was under an active protective order prohibiting contact with Floyd at the time of the shooting, following a history of domestic violence charges and violations of prior protection orders. Some people never learn, until it is just too late.


  1. There’ll be repercussions for her, but it looks like they won’t include jail, and hopefully she’s got friends/family who will help her sort things out.

    You gotta be prepared.

  2. Unpossible. He had an ankle monitor and a restraining order against him. They would have stopped him.

    She needs to go away for murder.

    Do I need to add the sarcasm thingy, here?

  3. Well I guess we settled last week’s question as to whether .380 is enough cartridge for defense.

  4. The shooting followed … a series of escalating incidents that had previously led to multiple domestic violence protective orders against Bush.

    This incident demonstrates unequivocally, once again, that protective orders are not worth the electricity used to generate them.

    Well, I suppose my previous statement is not entirely true, per se. It is more accurate to say that protective orders utterly and totally fail to protect the protectee from the aggressor. They do, however, provide a fair amount of protection to the protectee from legal liabilities following a self-defense incident.

    Summary: if a jilted ex-lover starts harassing and threatening you, by all means obtain a protective order–and understand that the protective order only provides some degree of protection from potential legal liabilities after you defend yourself from your jilted ex-lover.

    • Here’s one …

      h ttps://

    • Vinny,

      Clearly you fail to understand how civilian disarmament works. That woman was supposed to be unarmed and that would somehow cause her stalker to change his ways, to live in peace and harmony with everyone. Or something.

      Wait, I think I screwed that up. Oh, oh. I remember now. It is the gun’s fault. That woman’s gun enraged her ex-boyfriend and her gun caused him to show up in a jealous rage. If she did not have that gun, the boyfriend would have stopped by to apologize for his past behavior and respectfully reassure her that he was moving on. Yeah, that’s it.

      (In case it is not blatantly obvious, my above commentary is sarcasm.)

  5. Must have not been Sadie Hawkins day.
    So did this Bush guy also endorse Queen Kamala?
    And F Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    He is starting to act like girly boy.

  6. “…Floyd ordered Bush to leave before firing five shots from a .380 caliber handgun as he approached her, hitting him each time.”

    firing five and putting all five shots in the threat, thats pretty good shooting under stress. The first thing to go in the stress of a DGU is physical hand coordination.

    The ‘stress response’ (AKA ‘fight or flight’ response) can make you not think clearly during and for a bit after the event is over, its the effect of all the adrenaline flooding the body and the brain putting the body in over drive and then the massive release of cortisol. There are lots of effects, and it affects people differently.

    After the amygdala sends a ‘fight or flight’ (‘stress response’) distress signal, the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands. These glands respond by pumping the hormone epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the bloodstream. This hormone response also triggers the release of large amounts of cortisol. As this happens the sympathetic nervous system takes over and suppresses the parasympathetic nervous system. The persons body may even move on its own without them telling it to and they may not even be aware of it unless they keep track of their body state consciously. The parasympathetic nervous system is what helps a person determine their body state and think more clearly by calming the person down, but this system is suppressed by the sympathetic nervous system during the ‘stress response’.

    The sympathetic nervous system doesn’t worry much about coordination. Unlike the parasympathetic nervous system (which is suppressed during the stress response) where your body state (which includes coordination) is constantly signaled to you – when the sympathetic nervous system takes over during the stress response it becomes necessary to keep track of the body state consciously. This is where practiced gun handling training for a possible DGU comes into play as it provides you a practiced ‘checklist’ to follow in your mind in aiding you in keeping track of your body state and coordination and thinking more clearly under the stress response, which helps you put rounds in the threat to stop the threat under stress of DGU.

    • She apparently has some skill. Still shooting center of mass with your poodle shooter at #3 or4? Take the face shoot.

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