Home » Blogs » Henry Repeating Arms Announces It Is Moving Its Entire Business To Wisconsin

Henry Repeating Arms Announces It Is Moving Its Entire Business To Wisconsin

Mark Chesnut - comments 51 comments

Henry Repeating Arms, a longtime New Jersey company that is one of America’s leading firearms manufacturers and the world leader in the lever-action category, has announced it is consolidating all of its operations in Wisconsin.

According to a press release announcing the move, Henry is transferring all of its Bayonne, New Jersey, manufacturing operations to its newly expanded state-of-the-art headquarters in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, and two additional facilities in nearby Ladysmith, Wisconsin. The company is also set to close on a third Ladysmith facility in mid-summer 2025.

This strategic transition accommodates the need for increased production capacity and better supports the company’s future growth driven by innovative firearms design.

 Anthony Imperato, founder and CEO of Henry Repeating Arms, said the move benefits the company in several different ways.

“We are putting all of our eggs in one basket, the Wisconsin basket, because it makes us more efficient, more productive, and allows for more collaboration amongst our design and engineering teams, all while sustaining and enhancing Henry’s solid reputation for quality,” Imperato said. “With about 400,000 square feet of cutting-edge manufacturing operations in four facilities within minutes of each other, Henry Repeating Arms is well positioned for its next chapter.”

According to Andrew Wickstrom, president of Henry Repeating Arms, planting its flag firmly in the state of Wisconsin solidifies Henry Repeating Arms’ commitment to American craftsmanship in the heart of the Midwest and underscores the company’s relentless pursuit of enhancing the quality of its offerings.

“This transition allows us to double down on what we do best—making world-class rifles, shotguns and revolvers right here in the heart of America,” Wickstrom said. “Our Wisconsin operations have been essential to our success for a long time, and now it is the cornerstone of our bright future.”

Henry Repeating Arms has played a principal role in the increased consumer demand for American-made lever-action rifles, a platform the company has been committed to since its founding. As the company introduces new, innovative lever-action rifles and expands into other segments, its increased capacity in Wisconsin will accelerate speed to market, streamline distribution and enhance quality control to effectively meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s firearm enthusiasts, competitors, hunters and collectors.

The company traces its roots back to Benjamin Tyler Henry, inventor of the original Henry Rifle back in 1860. During the Civil War, the Henry Rifle gave a single man the firepower of a dozen marksmen armed with muzzle-loading muskets.

In fact, in Major William Ludlow’s account of the Battle of Allatoona Pass, he credited the Henry with troops’ success.

“What saved us that day was the fact that we had a number of Henry rifles,” Major Ludlow wrote. “This company of 16 shooters sprang to the parapet and poured out such a multiplied, rapid and deadly fire, that no men could stand in front of it, and no serious effort was made thereafter to take the fort by assault.”

51 thoughts on “Henry Repeating Arms Announces It Is Moving Its Entire Business To Wisconsin”

    • I watched the whole thing and I don’t see how that’s a “Major Announcement”.

      Something. Anything. Like firing that guy who made the statement that went against her leadership? That would be a start, but I haven’t heard anything.

      She has taken several “L”s now. Unless she turns it around, and fast, I think she’ll be a short timer. Maybe almost as short as Jeff Sessions was.

  1. Someone needs to inform Mr. Imperato that, while Wi is not the Peoples Rep of NJ it is FAR from a normal/conservative state. The place is totally run you the commies of Madison and the welfare queens of Milwaukee.

  2. While I heartily endorse moving TF out of New Jersey, and recognize that there is an inherent business efficiency in consolidating operations, . . . Wisconsin???? Did they have no available spots in WY, TX, MT, ID, KY, WY, etc.???

    • Wyoming and Montana are being overrun by west coast transplanted locusts flocking to the larger metro areas and bringing their plague with them. My last trip to Tn. cured me of visiting there also. I have about 6 months left in Mn. until my home is finished in the SD Black Hills – hopefully Gov. Rhoden continues the legacy of Noem – he really didn’t do much as Lt. Gov when she was running the state, quite admirably I might add. Yeah, Wisconsin wouldn’t be my first choice to expand anything gun-related into, but Magnum Research hasn’t had any problems in Pillager Mn. that I know of.

      • Speaking of Minnesota, where I also live, the city water department came out today and shut off my neighbor’s water service until he arranges to have his suspected mis-reading meter replaced.

        I left a Get Well Soon card in his mailbox.

        • You just committed a felony.
          It is against the law to put things in people’s mail boxes. Only a USPS worker can do that.

          • Cool story bro. Did you know it’s even illegal-er (insert
            smileyface here) for me to carry a duck on top of my head while crossing the Saint Croix River from Minnesota into Wisconsin? No?….look it up, along with the other
            ” Mattress Tag Laws”

          • Okay, on a roll now – although “mattress tag laws” is alot less subtle. And the duck is actually multiple state and federal offenses.

          • I wasn’t being pernicious.
            It’s just that so many innocent things we do are against the law.

  3. Yeah Indiana would love Henry too. I echo the teetering on tyranny Wisconsin choice. Their govner is a loon🙄

  4. Missouri would have been a lot closer to the black walnut forests that stocks are made from than a purple state that could go liberal progressive any time.

  5. I wish them well. As others have noted WI isn’t going to be as unfriendly as NJ but won’t be as friendly as a state could be. Hopefully Henry doesn’t run into problems on this front.

    That said, consolidating all civilian arms manufacture into red states is probably not a good idea.

    • Stych,

      “That said, consolidating all civilian arms manufacture into red states is probably not a good idea.”

      Umm . . . “Joo gonna hafta ‘splain that one to me, Loosey!” IF the idiot, deranged Leftist/fascists are successful in instigating their long-touted (but never actually achieved) “revolution”, please explain to me the ‘advantage’ of having more firearms manufacturers in ‘blue’ states. As for long-term economic viability, the trends are clear – Red states are much more ‘business friendly’, generally have more rational tax structures, and recent events have demonstrated that Blue state corruption is AT LEAST as bad as Louisiana (the acknowledged leader in Red state corruption).

      I dunno, Chief; I’m thinkin’ getting ALL the firearms and ammunition companies moved to Red states is both a tactical AND a strategic victory. What am I missing??

      • Consider how the USDOT has gone after states, which in this case just happen to be red, over speed limits in the West. The general formula being “do what we tell you or all your federal highway dollars are withheld”. This matters quite a lot in the context of the 16A, because it allows the Fedgov to put the hurt on a state in ways the Framer’s never foresaw.

        Now consider how much recent administrations have been willing to use EO’s. Also, consider how the courts have treated Biden EO’s vs Trump EO’s.

        Now, having done that, keep in the back of your mind how the Left has, for decades, claimed that the 2A doesn’t cover selling or buying firearms but rather only the right to “keep and bear”.

        This is something the Colorado legislature has actively attacked. Their general idea being to create a patchwork of laws that make FFLs in Colorado uncompetitive with those FLLs in neighboring states. If they can do that to a significant degree for a year or so, they’ll put the vast majority of FFLs out of business and be left with only the big box stores with legal departments that tell the store to follow every law no matter how crazy it is, a situation we already have vis a vis the “mag ban”, which could be argued to be the genesis of the current -003 battle over “assault weapons”.

        I noted this, got slammed for being an idiot who didn’t “get it” by the Right/2A folks in Colorado (and elsewhere) and then the Left came out and admitted it point blank multiple times on the floor of the Legislature. (And people wonder why I constantly say the Right pays little to no attention…).

        With that in the background… There is no reason that we should assume going forward that we will run the board every single time. Eventually we will lose some major election and the Democrats will come back into power. At this point, most Democrats, even *moderates* are not friendly to firearms ownership, even if they’re not openly hostile. They are also increasingly tribal, which is to say they see anything outside their own party as evil or borderline evil.

        It is therefore unwise to consolidate all civilians arms manufacture into places they’d like to go after anyway or which they can flip (another openly admitted strategy of theirs). It’s like telling the enemy artillery units where your ammo dump is.

        Red states will come in two flavors “evil” (Florida, Texas etc) and “evil and lightly populated”. Both are targets for blanket attacks from the Executive Agencies in the manner of the USDOT. A future Democrat President can sign an EO creating a new, and obscene, regulation which if not complied with the States lose one or more federal funding streams until they comply.

        This can be used to target anything, as USDOT has shown. Why couldn’t it be done to firearms manufacture? There’s no reason it can’t. The one thing that would give the Left pause in such a circumstance is hurting people in blue or purple states because it can cause them to lose votes in key areas.

        Ergo, placing a manufacturing hub in a state like WI, which is part of the “blue wall” makes a certain sense over time since it hedges against such behavior at the federal level. A Lefty POTUS would be less likely to go hard across the board because it would potentially lose the Dems a key state they need at the national level.

        There’s the obvious risk of state-level regulation attacking the manufacturers, just like in Colorado, however that applies to a lot of sparsely populated red-states too. Idaho and Wyoming are decidedly not happy about how their state electorates have changed in the past few years and it doesn’t take a lot of Left-coasties to overwhelm such states.

        Therefore, spreading things out across various states makes sense. Eggs in baskets and all that.

        Think of it as an Operation Gladio style stay-behind sort of thing and a form of distributed defense. While not perfect, it makes blanket targeting of an industry much more difficult and easier to counterattack.

        Once again, that drum I’m always banging, knowing your enemy is a very, very useful tool to have in your kit and one that the Right generally doesn’t just not have but actively avoids picking up.

  6. While I agree that Henry makes a nice product range, they have as much in common with the original Henfy rifles as an F-35 has with the Wright Brothers first product. Emperiato bought the rights to the Henry name in 1996, and shortly afterwards started production of a mostly patent-expired Ithaca design with updated materials and manufacturing. They’ve come a long way since their H 001 product, and I hope they continue doing well after their somewhat questionable business decision.

  7. Guess what the most prolific crime is in New York City… come on, at least try to guess. Here’s a hint … ‘ghost’

    i’ll wait…

    ok, the the most prolific crime in New York City is… ‘Ghost license plates’, yep….I’ll bet you were gonna say ‘Ghost Guns’.

    In New York City, since March of 2024 there have been more than 70 toll-operations in New York, 39,000 summons issued, 902 people have been arrested, and 4,000 cars impounded – for having ‘Ghost License Plates’.


    So … violence and assaults by criminals are are basically fairly common in New York city, violent crime in the subways is fairly common, people get burned to death in the subways, criminal gangs think they own the city, police take 7 – 15 minutes to arrive after the fact — yet NYC can mount a major operation to make sure the residents are safe from ‘Ghost License Plates’. Okidokee then.

    • I guess NYC will want to sue car manufacturers now because they someway or another should have known their cars would be used to perpetrate the crime of ‘Ghost License Plates’

      • Nope, just have a 27 digit number imbossed across the front and rear bumper covers in 8 inch tall letters, in lieu of plates, and have the BATFE
        ( bureau of automobile taxes, fees, and extortion) be the central clearing house of assigning, investigating, and collecting for all infractions… and if they are late paying or don’t respond – hit them with an early morning raid leaving NO survivors . A ten or 21 day waiting period to pick up the vehicle from the dealership should make everyone happy.

    • “Ghost” plates hits the gubmint right where it hurts (and where they truly pay attention) – their income stream. Every ghost plated vehicle is a missed opportunity to collect registration fees, track down parking violations and collect toll fees. Add in dodging mandatory car insurance (insurance companies donate a LOT of money to politicians and NGOs).

      More folks getting robbed and whacked generates revenue – more government employees, which equals more union members, it all adds up to making the money “pump” bigger and bigger – taxpayers pay the taxman, government pays their employees, government sector unions collect dues, unions transfer money back to politicians…the only people who win with ghost plates are the buyers and sellers.

  8. Democrats still suffering in the depths of stupid-as-a-bag-of-rocks-purgatory and the party dying by having Kamala run in 2024, the party top dogs are casting around with increasing desperation for someone to pull them out of the hole they’ve dug themselves into and the New York Times has selected another Kamala-disaster-but-worse for them by selecting none other than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Swizzle Stick) to run in 2028.

    … the congresswoman whose lack of basic knowledge of how the U.S. government works and other matters that you’d think even a bartender would know has made her an enduring object of ridicule among patriots. The congresswoman who has inspired ongoing speculation as to whether the “D” after her name stands for “Ditz.” The congresswoman who is so far to the left as to make Chairman Mao look like a capitalist roader. That Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


  9. Miami Incident Highlights Fact Cops Have NO Duty to Protect You.

    “Imagine you’re in the center of a mob. A bunch of punks on bicycles are beating you half to death–let’s assume you’re disarmed for some reason–and you’re not sure you’ll survive. Then you see it: A white car with flashing blue lights. You’re saved!

    Only, you’re not. The officer never exits the vehicle. She just sits inside and watches, possibly recording it on the dash cam, but doing absolutely nothing else.

    It’s insane, right? I mean, we’ve seen officers fail to protect people before–Parkland is a prime example in my mind–but this? This is just a fever dream on my part, right?

    No, it’s not. It happened in Miami.


  10. Henry repeating Rifles should have chosen the most heavily pro-gun and pro- Second Amendment rights state that exists to move to. Wyoming would have been a better choice or Georgia or Tennessee or Texas.

    • A lot of his employees will make the move to Wisconsin.
      Same fingers different state and more then likely those fingers making the firearms are second Amendment supporters.

  11. How the Dismantling of ATF Has Begun.

    To abolish or restructure, that is the question. Well, it appears that the Trump Administration is working towards significant restructuring of the ATF. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses recent revelations that Acting ATF Director, Kash Patel, will be reassigning approximately 1,000 ATF agents to assist the FBI with immigration enforcement efforts. While ATF is claiming that this is merely a temporary move, those of the civilian disarmament left are freaking out, which is always a good thing.


  12. Gird Yer Loins: Progs Schedule April 5 as Nationwide ‘Day of Stompy Feet and Waah’. (note: mass protests planned… and if the more recent past and present is any indication, the phrase ‘protest’ – ‘maybe’ but don’t count on it being a ‘maybe’ – means violence, chaos, destruction of property, domestic terrorism, attacks upon those who are conservative, insurrection, more of Democrat congress scum calling for violence and death to be visited upon Trump voters and calling for a war ‘in the streets’, ANTIFA, BLM, a bunch of angry male-to-imaginary-female Trans creatures too stupid to figure out why they have/had a penis, a bunch of Trans groupies professing their devotion to substantiating the DSM5 ‘gender dysphoria’ is actually just what it says – a mental health illness, and probably some pro-lifers thrown in —- or in other words, left wing mental illness and marx -ist socia -lism and stupid on full display.)


  13. Good for Henry Firearms on the move, I have been to New Jersey, it is a visually nice state, however the states communist rule has destroyed any real business expansion. By moving Henry has made the decision to not to comply with the NJ insane regulations damaging business.


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