lodestar smartgunz smart gun
Courtesy Reuters

The gun control industry coined the term “smart guns” many moons ago to describe what to date have been a series of flawed, unreliable firearms. Every few years since then, pretty much like clockwork, the mainstream media get all excited when another carnival barker comes along with a new prototype of a new gun that can only fired by its owner.

Now we have another of these as reported in Reuters.

Imagine the irony that my computer locked up just as I started to write this story about the marvel of mating computer tech with a self-defense firearm.  What could possibly go wrong with a computerized gun that needs to recognize a fingerprint, connect to a magical ring, or an enormous watch to unlock the firing mechanism? That is, assuming the battery hasn’t run down. But the “gun safety” people and their friends in the media call it “smart” so it must be, well, smart.  Right?

Of course, our “friends” in the fourth estate look right past the mountain of potential problems with the new “technology.” They instead gaze upwards to the heavens with stars in their eyes as an other supposedly-inspired entrepreneur recounts a story or two of a child accessing an improperly-stored firearm, resulting in a tragedy. This despite accidental firearm deaths being at or very near historic lows thanks in large part to the NSSF and the NRA’s firearm safety programs.

I once read about a pistol that had a fingerprint scanner imbedded to eliminate the need for a RFID ring, watch or other accessory. How many of us have struggled to get the fingerprint reader on our iPad, smartphone or computer to cooperate with us?  Especially if our finger (or thumb) isn’t clean and dry.

Now imagine struggling with that fingerprint reader as Mongo the Mauler, fresh out of the prison weight yard, beats the hell out of you. I couldn’t deploy a folding knife in a training class while under attack and that’s a whole lot easier than trying to finesse a fingerprint reader.

Counting on fickle technology for something that must be instantly available and readily usable to save innocent life seems wildly optimistic at best, foolhardy at worst. Yet here we are, with the mainstream news media once again gaslighting people reporting that firearm safety nirvana is at hand.

Reuters reports . . .

Personalized smart guns, which can be fired only by verified users, may finally become available to U.S. consumers after two decades of questions about reliability and concerns they will usher in a new wave of government regulation.

“…May finally become available.” That’s a lot of wiggle room there. Even if they do eventually arrive, will they be popular enough to “shake up” the firearms market? LOL.

Four-year-old LodeStar Works on Friday unveiled its 9mm smart handgun for shareholders and investors in Boise, Idaho. And a Kansas company, SmartGunz LLC, says law enforcement agents are beta testing its product, a similar but simpler model.

LodeStar has been working on “smart” guns  since at least 2017. They wanted to sell the disastrously flawed Armatix Pistol back in the day. Now they seem to have come up with their own model.

SmartGunz LLC claims that law enforcement agents are beta testing its product, a dumbed down version. I’ll bet a dozen of Krispy Kreme’s finest glazed donuts that they aren’t “beta testing” this product as the firearm on their duty belts.

Both companies hope to have a product commercially available this year.

President Obama promised us lots of hope and change, too. We saw how well that worked out.

LodeStar co-founder Gareth Glaser said he was inspired after hearing one too many stories about children shot while playing with an unattended gun. Smart guns could stop such tragedies by using technology to authenticate a user’s identity and disable the gun should anyone else try to fire it.

They could also reduce suicides, render lost or stolen guns useless, and offer safety for police officers and jail guards who fear gun grabs.

Reduce suicides? Can they? Do they detect the state of mind of the user, too? As for cops fearing a gun-grab, perhaps. But police officers are like me. They want to carry a tool that’s dead-nuts reliable no matter the weather, time of day, or whether or not they remembered to charge it the previous night.

But attempts to develop smart guns have stalled: Smith & Wesson got hit with a boycott, a German company’s product was hacked, and a New Jersey law aimed at promoting smart guns has raised the wrath of defenders of the Second Amendment.

Yes, New Jersey would love to put its mandatory “smart” gun law into effect should a viable product come onto the market.

The LodeStar gun, aimed at first-time buyers, would retail for $895.

There are always early adopters who will jump in on a new product, but a $900 price point for a life-saving product without a track record of safety and reliability seems like a product in search of demand in the marketplace.

The test-firing of the LodeStar gun before Reuters cameras has not been reported elsewhere. A range officer fired the weapon, a third-generation prototype, in its different settings without issue.

Noe the photo Reuters published of the test firing. The first thing I noticed was the man shooting the pistol had a GLOCK with a +2 extension on his magazine in his holster as his defensive gun. Would he trust this new gun with his own life, instead going with tried and true existing (“dumb”) technology? You make the call.  He certainly did.  And the gun he chose wasn’t this supposedly “smart” gun.

The second thing I noticed were his safety glasses are on top of the brim of his hat, not protecting his eyes. The third thing I noticed? The lady standing next to him was using her fingers to plug her ears. It looks like like safety-oriented LodeStar and SmartGunz ran a sort of Baldwinesque operation there.

Reuters reports the test firing went off without a hitch. But would Reuters’ Daniel Trotta known if it hadn’t?  After all Reuters sometimes doesn’t know the difference between a 9mm and a .9mm?

This new wondergun activates using “both a fingerprint reader and a near-field communication chip activated by a phone app, plus a PIN pad.”

The fingerprint reader unlocks the gun in microseconds, but since it may not work when wet or in other adverse conditions, the PIN pad is there as a backup. LodeStar did not demonstrate the near-field communication signal, but it would act as a secondary backup, enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones.

They didn’t demonstrate all of the new gun’s features. And the only person to shoot the “third generation prototype” was a range officer. Does that inspire confidence?

[LodeStar co-founder Gareth] Glaser acknowledged there will be additional challenges to large-scale manufacturing, but expressed confidence that after years of trial and error the technology was advanced enough and the microelectronics inside the gun are well-protected.

Building a prototype that (sort of) works is one thing. Building hundred or thousand of them at scale is an entirely different proposition. Fingerprint recognition technology might work fine for the occasional duffer going to the range once or twice a year.  However, for those of us who have and carry guns for saving lives in a host of environments and conditions, I’m just like the guy shooting this new gun:  I’m gonna use something that works.  Every.  Last.  Time.

Mr. Glaser will have to forgive those of us who aren’t willing to risk our lives on a still unproven technology.  Again, we’ll be sticking with tried and true tech that we know works every damn time.


  1. Rooters and their cabal of marxist “journalists” couldn’t find their ass if their furry tail was on fire. Ignore them as little d

    • I don’t get why “smart guns “are just a fancy way to lock up a gun.
      Cable locks, trigger locks, andintegral gun locks have all been invented.

      A smart gun would make first round hits at incredible distances and hit the intended target even if you pointed the gun in a different direction when you pull the trigger.
      A smart gun would make hits even if you fire it while you’re running away from the threat.
      you could hit moving targets in strong winds when you’re shooting from a moving vehicle.
      That would be smart fun!
      Not a fancy gun lock

      • Shoulder mounted Auto cannons. With lasers. Or my personal armed drone swarm following me about.

        There was that smart gun trigger/aiming system that the American sniper wife was supposed to use to out shoot a real sniper… Not sure that match ever happened. But that is more along the lines of what you are talking about.

        Smart trigger locks just means your gun battery may go down at an important point if you didn’t charge it. I wouldn’t necessarily oppose them being on the market if they weren’t typically pushed by gleeful gun controllers who see the promise of technology plus government mandates as a way to solve the gun problem by eliminating all the nasty dumb guns.

        • Holding out for the man portable .9mm rail/coil gun but your first two suggestions would be much more attainable/effective. Also how would criminals not figure out a way around the lockout given time after stealing your smart gun for the best case negative.

        • The company you are referring to is Tracking Point. They went bankrupt and closed up shop. Solid technology that worked well. Poorly managed and poorly marketed company.

      • My daughter discovered that her dogs nose would unlock the fingerprint reader of her iPhone, FWIW.

        The real test will be liability: will the maker accept legal responsibility for an ND caused by a failure of the lock? Or the death of a user who couldn’t bring the gun into action?

        For that matter, would Tesla accept liability for a crash caused by full self-driving? Don’t hold your breath.

  2. All I can say is, “where are the elephants?”

    (Because, as we know, almost every circus has elephants…)

  3. …but since it may not work when wet or in other adverse conditions, the PIN pad is there as a backup.


    F’ing idiots.

    • “enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones”

      Great – the fingerprint reader fails because your prints are all smeared up with blood from your initial ambush. Now you need to haul out your phone, open it – using a fingerprint reader that won’t work any better – and hope that it connects.

      I would really like the opportunity to test one of these creations. First thing I’d do is find a nice mud puddle to throw it in and drag it around. Then spit on the reader and smear it around.

      BTW – do people only require guns in the summertime? Or have folks given up on wearing gloves to keep their hands warm lately? Haven’t seen a glove yet with a registerable fingerprint.

      • On top of all that, the article says the app uses near-field communication. NFC works at very short distances meaning once you DO get the app open, you still have to hold the phone up to this paperweight to unlock it.

        • That should work well for the Tueller Drill, irl version. O’ w8, hold on while I pull my ph out and pull up the app!

          Morons, morons everywhere.

  4. “render lost or stolen guns useless”
    Absolute BS. The essential tech of firing a gun is a nail on a spring. “Smart” tech either has a movable piece of metal blocking or completing the movement. Neither requires a rocket scientist to defeat. For decades, people have been removing annoying safeties, such as firing pin blocks, grip safeties, integrated locks, and magazine disconnects, to get better reliability or trigger pull. Defeating these “smart” safeties will have similar difficulty, and there will probably be instructional videos on the web before the guns are readily available.

  5. When the capitol police and secret service and military and cops start using smart guns…then let’s talk about the nationwide roll-out

  6. There is a plan now to force auto manufactures to install “Remote shutdown” as part of every car’s computer software , so the government could stop everyone from freedom of movement, don’t think for one minute they wouldn’t also put that in guns given that guns become computerized.

    • But no one would ever abuse such a feature! You display a sad lack of trust in those who have your best interests at heart.

      • “those who have your best interests at heart”

        their concept of our best interest is us being enslaved to them. really, they’re quite generous with it. “a man takes care of his donkey because it it’s his investment.”

      • “in those who have your best interests at heart”

        aka…. the eager overlords lining up for power grab

      • @Ing Ha ha, enjoy being a slave to your masters. Net, Gun is fine. My Mosin has no provisions to accept electronic controls. It will stay that way.

    • “There is a plan now to force auto manufactures to install “Remote shutdown” as part of every car’s computer software…”

      Yeah, I bet they would love that, especially the GPS tracking part, as that makes it lots easier for the .gov to track your trips so they can tax the miles you drive as a way to pay for roadway construction maintenance. No more gas tax means that the money for that will be coming from somewhere.

      If they make a serious swing at that ball, the privacy folks will have *zero* problems with raising a massive stink on it…

      • geoff: You have been drinking the cool aid. The mileage tax is in addition to the present gas tax, not in lieu of the present tax. When did you ever see a tax go away?

    • (nod) remote shutdown, third-party algorithm intervention (if (shot) suspend(DELAYTIME);), bullet type permit/disallow, you name it.

  7. “…enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones.”

    A feature- not a bug. The etiquette being that you should be blowing your whistle while attempting to open the app on your phone- giving your unfortunate attacker time to reconsider his/her unjustly-compelled posture and find a less entitled citizen more willing to have their wealth properly redistributed.

    If the app somehow does open within a minute or two, it is programmed to immediately shut down the firearm electronically in order to render it “safe”. If, on the off-chance that the electronics fail, the mechanical systems are designed to be non-functional if the electronics aren’t working properly.

    It truly is a safety win-win…

    for the criminals.

  8. Yeah, over what now? 434 million guns in America now?

    Invent and try to sell all the smart gun dumbness you can dream up, will not make the slightest noticeable dent in the quantity of guns available to bad guys.

    Dumb idea.

  9. “LodeStar did not demonstrate the near-field communication signal, but it would act as a secondary backup, enabling the gun as quickly as users can open the app on their phones.”


    Aside from the obvious ‘need it right now’ aspect issues this whole thing poses… this part is not as simplistic as it sounds when you realize what a ‘near-field communication signal’ device actually is.

    You know how your phone has ‘blue tooth’ and how you can connect it to various devices? A ‘near-field communication signal’ (AKA NFC) device is basically ‘blue tooth’ like’ish in idea but differently limited and implemented in scope and function. NFC is a contact-less communication technology based on an RF field using a base frequency of 13.56 MHz. Its designed to exchange data between two devices through a simple touch gesture. NFC devices do not need batteries, they draw their power from the RF field. That RF field is generated by your phone via the app activating it. OK, with me so far?

    Ok, here’s the kicker – NFC devices only have a range of a few centimeters which means you will need to have your phone within a few centimeters of the gun while you are trying to make the gun work with a threat bearing down on you so how are you going to do that? Lets see, One hand holding the gun while the other hand holds the phone and trying to keep a finger on the phone to ‘unlock’ the gun… or maybe… yeah you’re going to die.

    Now you know why LodeStar did not demonstrate the ‘near-field communication signal’ die-ability.

    So what keeps the company from working with government to disable the guns via the app communicating with the gun? What keeps the company from charging a monthly subscription fee, and requiring the app for the gun and its use at least once a month to keep the gun functional so it will work the next time you ‘activate’ it?

    Customer: “Hi support. My gun doesn’t work.”

    Support: “Let me check your account.. hmmm. it shows you haven’t paid your bill so we disabled the gun.”

    or how about…

    Customer: “Hi support. My gun doesn’t work.”
    Support: “We received a federal court order to shut down all of our ‘smart guns’ in your area.”

    • Forgot to add: NFC devices are good for up to 4 cm (1.5″) – meaning your phone will need to be no father from the gun than 1.5 inches.

    • NFC devices do not need batteries, they draw their power from the RF field

      That’s true, as far as the NFC transceiver is concerned. But depending on what you want to do with stuff attached to that transceiver, like move a mechanical actuator, batteries may indeed be required.

    • “NFC is a contact-less communication technology based on an RF field using a base frequency of 13.56 MHz.”

      Contact-less, correct. But…

      It can be any frequency that’s being emitted. It was developed as a surveillance tool decades back by the national securities agencies. They used it then to ‘sniff’ what what was being typed on an IBM or IBM ‘clone’ PC.

      They exploited the fact a tiny microprocessor was (and still is, for that matter) being used to send serial data from the keyboard to the computer. By listening to the ‘song’ of the RF emitted, they then got the keystrokes for the passwords they needed.

      There’s no set range of distances or frequencies. it’s whatever works for the needs of the listener. All that’s required is that the receiver can hear the microprocessor RF ‘howl’ being emitted. And as chips have gotten faster, the frequencies have been getting higher and higher, and can be ‘heard’ further and further away.

      (You can hear the ‘song’ a device is emitted with a pocket AM radio. Just move it around near the device while it’s on, and if it has a CPU driving it, you’ll hear the ‘song’. Start pressing keys on the keyboard and listen how the sound changes. That’s the data of the key-presses…)

      • I was being brief and ‘translative’ for the the ‘audience’ which might include people who are less familiar with the technology.

        “It can be any frequency that’s being emitted. It was developed as a surveillance tool decades back by the national securities agencies. They used it then to ‘sniff’ what what was being typed on an IBM or IBM ‘clone’ PC. …. (rest goes here)”

        Hmmm, nope. You’re talking about something else.

        All NFC uses a base frequency of 13.56 MHz.

        NFC roots go back to the radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology which has been used for decades in retail stores to track merchandise and in other sectors.

        NFC is a subset of RFID in concept with a much shorter communication range for security purposes. In 2004, Nokia, Sony, and Philips came together to invent and promote NFC. In 2006 that group produced the first set of specifications for the NFC ‘tags’ used in NFC. NFC tags are small objects, like a sticker (or can be a built in ‘tag’), that contain information that a NFC compatible device, such as a smartphone, can intercept when passed over the NFC tag. The information on the tag is usually read-only, but certain tags do allow the device reading it to write new information to it or alter old information on the tag as well. Its maximum effective and function range range it 4 cm (1.5″). Although it is possible to detect it up to ~1 foot at ranges over 4cm its usually too weak to be effective although there have been variations.

        NFC-enabled devices must be either physically touching or within a few centimeters of each other for data transfer to occur. It is possible to detect the RF envelope up to a few feet in some cases, and the faint RF energy a few feet more but its too weak to demodulate at that point because its vanished into the background RF noise that surrounds us all the time.

        Examples of present day NFC use with a cell phone are payment services like Google Wallet and Apple Pay where you hold your phone within a few cm of the reader. Nokia marketed the the first NFC-enabled phone in 2007. In 2017, New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) phased in a system that enables riders to pay their subway fares with NFC technology.

        NFC issues though with this, one of them includes position of the phone. Phones that are NFC capable usually have the NFC portion in the top of the phone which means not only will you need to have you phone in one hand within 1.5″ of the gun but you will also need to remember to position the phone in such a manner as to ensure the NFC portion is within 1.5 ” of the gun.

        What you are talking about is not NFC but rather is a collection of technologies used in a collection called TEMPEST techniques to detect signals that are freely emitted at various frequencies. Its a completely different technology.

        • “All NFC uses a base frequency of 13.56 MHz.”

          That *particular* implementation may be 13.56 Mhz, but the technology driving it is far older.

          Near-field encompasses anything in close range ‘sniffing’ the RF being reflected or emitted.

          It’s the same as a photocopy being called a ‘Xerox’, when the photocopier itself was made by another manufacturer.

          NFC isn’t the only one using that technology…

        • The technology driving NFC was developed in 2004.

          You are referring to RF in general, so yes RF is older.

          “Near-field encompasses anything in close range…”
          Not necessarily.

          Your are confusing ‘Near-field’ for RF generally with ‘Near-field Communication’ in the specifics.

          The near-field for RF in general is a region in which there are strong inductive and capacitive effects from the currents and charges in the antenna that cause electromagnetic components that do not behave like far-field radiation.

          For ‘Near-field Communication’ (NFC) there aren’t strong inductive and capacitive effects from the currents and charges in the antenna that cause electromagnetic components that do not behave like far-field radiation. Because in NFC in the specifics its RF by inductive and not capacitive – its why the phone has to be so close.

  10. The only thing I could ever see “smart” gun technology being good for is a temporary lock that can be removed from the weapon at any time that gets put on a weapon you leave stored at the house or in the car. Sound familiar? It’s called a locked container or trigger lock.

    • The Supreme Court declared laws keeping the gun you use for home defense disassembled (San Fran had such a law) were expressly unconstitutional.

      A gun you cannot pick up and immediately use is useless for home defense…

  11. The irony of “smart guns” is if and when the technology becomes viable, liberals will call for their banning as well. They’ll go back to only “military and law enforcement” should have access to these “weapons of war”. “Smart guns” are just another smokescreen on the road to confiscation and prohibition. Moreover, you’d be better off with a hammer and a nail, than spending $1K on garbage leftist fantasies.

    • “…if and when the technology becomes viable, liberals will call for their banning as well.”

      No, they won’t, since it gives them control on whether or not they can work at all.

      Got an angry protest building up? Turn off every gun in 5 miles…

    • I definitely agree that when available, “smart guns” should be restricted to, and required for, Law Enforcement (of all varieties) for at a minimum at least 5 years before being made available to Liberals, another 5 years before being allowed for sensible people.

    • Ralph above did at 16:26.

      “Let the cops, feds, and the military beta test these smart guns. That would be fun!”

      Yours was at 17:51.

      Ralph beat you by over 1 hour earlier…

        • “I said why aren’t you guys CALLING for it.”

          Can you read? Are you seriously that stupid? Scratch that, we know the answer on the second one.

          You’re just pissed Ralph was first (and he was, by over one hour)… 😉

  12. The company is partly owned by a Democrat lawmaker. This basically an expensive troll of gun owners, especially in New Jersey. Also, any state that enacts laws requiring smart guns should force police to be the initial adopters. Then when they leave their gun in the shitter a kid can’t find it. If all works out, then let the law stand. Once the police unions stop endorsing democrats and enforcing these laws maybe this shit will stop. No cop carve outs!

  13. This sounds like a company taking gullible, anti-gun people for their money. Talk a big game even though the tech has been tried before, maybe put a little different ingredients in the recipe. “We’re almost at safe-gun utopia, send money now! and if you’re one of the first 50 callers you get a free tote bag!! A $29.99 value.”

    • “This sounds like a company taking gullible, anti-gun people for their money.”

      Yeah, and I’m cool with that. Up to the point the want to force us to do the same… 🙁

  14. It may work. Your EV may not propel you into a tractor trailer, or burst into flames in your garage. Then again, who knows? But you need this, think of the children!!!

    • Nobody believes me when I tell them it’s the inessay and elf be eye looking at your shit.
      Once they dissect it it might post, or it might not.
      Remember the policeman’s advice, “Everything you say Can and Will Be Used Against you.”

      • I get away with talking about my planned takeover of the planet Slug all the time, and nobody knows it. I’m just waiting for global warming to raise the sea levels so the gubment dont know I’m stealing salt water.
        You gotta code talk.

  15. Smart tech has no business on a firearm. My Ruger 9mm had a magazine disconnect. Removed and repaired it in less that 3 minutes, it now works like a pistol should. Brings me to modern cars with display screen controls. yea, great, except when they fail to work and no one is smart enough to repair them in five years. As far as gun tech, I suggest you go to a cowboy action shooting competition and watch a master shoot a single action revolver or a lever gun. First competition I attended, I watched a few shooters that were so fast I did not know they made full auto model 1873 winchesters. But hey, I’m old, what do I know.

    • Those cowboy guns are full of unreliable technology that can fail without warning! Mr. Baldwin said so.

      • They are, though. . . unreliable technology that can fail without warning.

        Face it: A Colt 1873, or a Remington 1875, or an S&W Model 3, is a piece of technology little advanced internally from a 16th-Century matchlock. They have a trigger, a sear (that is part of the trigger) and a hammer with a firing pin on it and a couple of notches on its breast for the sear tip to enter; The firing pin is the only BIG change from that matchlock. Otherwise, an Elizabethan gunsmith would recognize the guts instantly.
        Because of this simplicity, these old designs lack virtually any ‘safety’ features; They rely upon the knowledge of the user to keep himself and others safe, and that mostly by not carrying a live cartridge under the hammer and never cocking said hammer unless a loud explosion is desired followed shortly by something getting a hole put in it.
        They also break from time to time, and under just the right circumstances, they can fire. That’s not common, but it can happen.
        Usually, though, it’s the fool handling the gun that does the job without any help from the gun at all.
        Old guns do not suffer fools gladly; Aric Barwin the Worfress is just such a fool.

  16. If these things do take off, we need to shake up the market and the firearms eco-sphere w/ a outwardly identical firearm that does not lock up and is not “smart”. Kinda like dummy security cameras.

    • More then likely itd be any gunm sold after xx date has to be a smartgunm , making a kit gunm is traceable, it would be my guess most would download something from the net or even if you bought a disc for the 3dmaker all traceable.
      Purchases of x amount of bulk powder, primers would be flagged, might already be.
      Gunms could be grandfathered in however the emu nition for them would gradually run out of production, seems it’s all ready happening for certain calibers.
      Then the gunm blogs and magazines will start singing the praises of some wonder caliber, the military and leo will all admire it and every new smartgunm will be made in those calibers .

  17. Here it is, right square on the nose: Smart guns are not about safety for the general public. They are about keeping “nice children from shooting other “nice” children, or “nice” people, in their “nice” homes, in their “nice” neighborhoods.

    That, and preventing the occasional burglar in a “nice” neighborhood from being able to use the “smart” gun immediately (they have to take it somewhere and deactivate the “smartness”…during that time the burglar can’t harm someone with the gun).

    The unstated intention is that “smart” guns will become mandatory everywhere, and that the guns don’t work reliably.

    • And then there’s the 400-million-gun question of what happens to all the “dumb” ones and the people that are smart enough to want to hold onto them…

      • “And then there’s the 400-million-gun question of what happens to all the “dumb” ones…”

        Oh, that’s easy: “dumb”guns will be illegal to possess, or use. Which will put dozens of gun owners in the “Rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6” corral. If law abiding gun owners are truly law abiding, they will either give up their illegal weapons, or simply no longer use them. If that is not the case, then “law abiding gun owners become illegal gun owners, belying the notion of “law abiding gun owners”. And they will be assaulted by their conscience, night and day, until the end of time; shamed by their own shame.

        Regardless, gun crime in America will cease to exist, everyone will be safe, and Elvis will be proven to still be alive.

  18. You keep using that word (smart).
    I do not think it means what you think it means.

  19. I’ll have 1 of these smart guns when aliens bring Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis back and Sasquach gets elected as governor of Washington state.

  20. A firearm is an inanimate object. It can’t be “smart.” Anyway, no thanks. Under no circumstances would I trust this. Ever.

  21. As Mr Scott said, the more they think of the plumbing, the easier it to stop up the drain. They can create and mandate smart guns until they are blue in the face, but it won’t change a thing I do.

    As far as finger prints? That’s a joke. My finger prints are hamburger after years of twisting wrenches. It takes everything to get a usable set. It took multiple tries to get a set for my UPIN application. It took forever to get them scanned in the Silencer Shop Kiosk for my Trash Panda purchase. My cell phone doesn’t like them for logging on or into bank apps. It was a cop who fingerprinted me once for a CPL that said “your finger prints are hamburger”

    A gun with any technology for finger prints or RFD for smart use is prone to failure.
    That’s all there is to it.

  22. And again … the communists are trying to deceive us in to thinking we can’t live without muffler bearings or pushrods in their OHC engines.

  23. A citizen seeing a holstered 1911 hanging from Texas Ranger Charlier Miller’s duty belt, hammer cocked, ask, isn’t that dangerous. if it wasn’t dangerous, i wouldn’t carry the son of a bitch, replied Charlie.

  24. “Safe” gun, meet gun safe.

    This is totally unnecessary, and a kludge that can be easily defeated by the never-before-seen technology of “taking it apart and fiddling around with the mechanism.” 1911 guys will be the most surprised of all to learn about this, I’m sure.

  25. Just another load of marketting claptrap to part gun freak Americans from their money and good luck with that. By the time a gun freak Rambo Wannabe has decided on which toy he’s gonna use to save a hndred little that little old lady [that are probably better armed than he is] or just o panic he’s sure as sugar is sweet gonna get a bullet in the head. I mean does everybody in the house defending them selves from, intruders mostly imaginery anyway have to have their own and probably very expensive item?? If so theres the marketting exercise right there I served inntghe UK miolitary for nigh on two decades and for over10 years of them in the Royal Air Force was Sgt Armourer and Small Arms Instrctor [the rest was in the UK Army Infantry Reserves] From a PROFESSIONAL point of view a 9m SLP of pretty much any make, as long as it’s robust and reliable, is all the side arm anybody needs I’ve shot pretty much all that was availble to the UK Forces at the time and sevral though my contacts with UK Police Forces and I can tell you that in the real world there’s not a noticeable difference between them. IN my own considered opinion, though I realise that by now they are getting pretty long in the tooth the 9mm Browning Hi-POwer SLP was pistol enough for anyone -that’s why they were the PROFESSIONAL choice or something pretty much like them for perhaps 2/3rds of the Worlds Militaries an Police Forces. Follow the pro’s is what I say and stuff the marketting, I suppose that nowadays that means some kind of GLOCK or Sig Sauer though I’ve never used either, THat shows my age somewhat does it not?

      • Let me translate. He’s smarter than all of us. He’s a subject of an old hag queen and he likes it that way. Crime is a figment of our imagination so we don’t need guns.

        And like all anti gun types he’s obsessed with other mens junk.

    • I’d like to see you face down a Grizzly or a Polar Bear with your 9mm, dude! THEN tell me that’s all the sidearm anybody needs. You meant “anybody in London”.

  26. Oddly enough, if Alec Baldwin were to have had a ‘smart gun’ under the same circumstances on the set there would have still been a live round in the gun and he still would have pulled the trigger.

  27. The only “smart gun” is a gun that will guide the bullet to my intended target – even if the barrel isn’t quite aligned to the target.


    Smart Guns? Narada, I don’t think so. My gun is smart right now. It stays in the holster until I need it.
    That’s smart enough for this Auld Coot.

  29. Along with microstamping, California will require all new guns to be sold in the State have this feature starting 2022 in order to be included in the handgun roster.

    Another imaginary tech Newsom will incorporate into his anti-gun laws. I’m surprised he hasn’t mandated unicorn hair to be incorporated into every gun frame sold in the State

  30. Well, I’m all for it, in concept. After all, we’ve been dreaming of the magical weapon that answers only to its master’s hand since the sword-in-the-stone days. That said, I’m a bit conservative when it comes to my choices in firearms. I’m the kinda guy who feels more than adequately armed with a 1911 chambered in the venerable .45 ACP. I hunt with a bolt action rifle chambered in .30-06. I finally got around to buying an AR-pattern rifle last year, 58 years after it was first introduced to the public. I guess you could say I’m not really into all this new-fangled stuff, particularly when my life might depend on it. I’m thinking it might be prudent to wait out a few decades of smart gun use by the military and law enforcement, before I finally get around to pulling the trigger on buying one. 😉

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