Not that Mayor Mike’s marketing mavens have ever really hit any home runs in trying to convince Americans to support more restrictions on their right to keep and bear arms, but whomever is producing his spots is clearly in a slump. Their most recent effort did a better job making the case for gun ownership and armed self defense than it did at scaring women into relinquishing any of their rights. The video non-sequitur above is obviously a takeoff on the much better executed, more lulz-worthy Bad Lip Reading vids. Still, the producer, dayjoborchestra, managed to repurpose MAIG’s “Demand a Plan” post-Newtown appeal and generate something that’s every bit as effective and coherent as the original. And he probably did it in his spare time. That alone deserves a virtual fist-bump.


  1. Sorry, I’m a bit out of the loop. Was this originally an anti-gun/rights ad that was overdubbed for “amusement”?

      • We already have a plan, they just don’t like it because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

        Disarm the bad guys, arm the good ones.

      • HAHA
        Demand a plan! We don’t care what it is as long as we do something!
        That’s what got us the patriot act…

      • Sarah Silverman may get the biggest liar reward of all, with her ‘houses of worship’ duplicity in the video, and we’ll all seen her over the top, anti-Christian mockery, disguised as humor of course. In fact if she were a non-Jew using the profanity and language against Judaism that she uses now against Christianity, she would be attacked and marginalized by western culture as a racist and a bigot. Its fitting that in this group of liars and hypocrites, she gets to pull the religion card, showing the magnitude of the blatant disrespect and duplicity that our mass media culture has for the American public.

      • With respect to Will Farrel in the clip, in his defense he was holding a wooden gun because he couldn’t be trusted with a real one…….

    • Yes but I’m willing to suffer through it. After all, it’s for the kids!

      These ‘bad lip reading’ videos are great, but even better when done to a bad PSA….

  2. whoever is producing these spots is not a slump. clearly it’s a pro-gun hero who applied for the job with the intent to sabotage mike’s agenda. our hero is very smart (doesn’t take much really) and convinced all of them to agree to run these videos. good job! don’t let them catch you.. or he’s just a slump.

    • β€œIn order that the masses may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, peoples palaces. Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds.” (Protocol 13:3)

  3. That was hysterical! Needed a good laugh, and yeah, it really does makes as much sense as what comes out of Ms. Watt’s mouth. Which is, to say, that it doesn’t make sense. None at all.

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