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Hi-Point pistols and carbines are now available in more colors and camouflage patterns. I kept my gun snob’s upturned nose a safe distance away and snapped some photos while peering through the holes I’d cut in a paper bagĀ . . .

Not sure if camouflage is ideal on a front sight blade.


Words between pictures.


And the moment you’ve all been waiting for!


Seems like it would throw off the weight balance while holding it sideways, though.

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  1. Darn.
    That scope isn’t on their web site yet.
    I bet it costs $45 and another $10 for the mount.
    And I bet it would fit in my Glock 17.
    And I bet it would work just fine.

    • Ok I was a little off.
      $92.00 for the scope
      $89.50 for the mount

      They also have speed holsters for your optics-equipped Hi-Point.

    • If it was cheap I was going to buy that mount for my airsoft gun, but 100 bucks is more than the damn gun itself cost!

    • Hey i just bought a mount for my glock 22 off ebay for $11 and it works great for a scooe and also has a bottom picatinny rail for light or laser

  2. If you combined some of that camo with one of those scopes you’d have a shooter straight out of Borderlands.

    • You sir, have just made me want a highpoint for the first time in my life. Borderlands was the bomb!

  3. Still considering a H-P .45 ACP as a trunk/lake house gun. Cheap, easy, not worried if it gets stolen.Like the desert camo just because.

  4. Ya know, I’ve always thought everything looks worse in camo, but hi-point proved me wrong: it actually looks BETTER in camo.

  5. This broke college student will still hold out for a time when he can afford an m&p or a glock.

    • I’m not ashamed to say that I had a hi point in college… Well maybe I’m ashamed but my theory on guns is the same as my theory on blowjobs… A bad one is still better than none at all.

    • my first gun was a hi point because i was pretty poor at the time.

      i traded it in when i finally upgraded..kind of wish i kept it just as a reminder that times can be lean..

      it was reasonably accurate, when it actually decided to fire instead of stovepipe.

    • Which is yet another affirmation of the lifetime income hypothesis….

      People who will never be able to afford to be a broke college kid, often live in locales where guns are more obviously useful. HiPoints work well enough for home defense. Concealment, not so much, but they have a pretty good reputation for reliability.

      • Thank You Stuki, I sell guns for a living, and I can tell you I see more problems with Ruger and Remington than I EVER have with a High Point… I hate fuckin gun snobs… That being said; my Daniel Defense is better than yours… lol

    • “This broke college student will still hold out for a time when he can afford an m&p or a glock.”

      Are you gonna say that when a crack-head is breaking down your front door?

      HiPoint’s are reliable. They go bang when you hit the switch.

      When you can afford a GLOCK brand GLOCK, get one and retire the HiPoint to the safe as an extra.

      Someone you care about someday may have need for a gun loan *fast*.

      If it never gets returned, no big loss since you now have the Glock…

      Buy the damn HiPoint. šŸ™‚

  6. Cars, guns, etc…why is it that low priced options are all ugly? Why can’t someone design a nice looking cheap gun?

    • A few years back when I was looking to get a Jackson Rhoads guitar, all the interesting paint jobs were on the lower end models. An RR1 (the higher end of the production line) only came in black, white, and I think one other color I’m not recalling off the top of my head. I wanted the blue sunburst, but wasn’t willing to sacrifice a better built guitar for looks alone.

    • I think the SCCY’s look alright. Not supermodel good looks, but alright. I think it also falls into the cheap category. I want to buy one just to play around with at some point.

    • Design costs money. Good design costs lots of money. To keep price down you have to cut costs. Cars, motorcycles or guns, pretty is expensive.

  7. If camo is supposed to hide an item by making it look like it’s surroundings, shouldn’t Hi Point’s be made to look like the waistband of saggy sweatpants?

    • That’s actually an idea…

      Butt-Crack camouflage.

      In various shades to match various skin tones…

  8. What no pink camo carbines?? Hey! Say what you will, the damm things work well.

    The Dahl Hornet. Semi-auto from hip, Burst fire when zoomed.

    • I believe all of these patterns and colors (and more) are available on the carbines as well. The first sentence alluded to that, but apparently I neglected to take any pics of the carbines.

  9. Some of those camo patterns would be far more appropriate and appealing on their carbines. While Hi-Point pistols are a bad joke, the carbines are much gooder. I’ve tested two (9mm/.40S&W). I found them to be reliable, handy, and liked them enough to consider buying one as a truck/cabin gun, probably the .40 flavor. But it’s far more likely I’ll just hold out for an M1 carbine.

  10. See what happens when you put wanker rails on a pistol? Some wanker comes along and clutters the pistol up with useless fiddly bits.

    If you can afford the hi point, the 90 buck scope and the 90 buck mount you can afford a decent used Glock or Ruger.

  11. Not interested. They are some ugly mugs. I almost bought one of their carbines once – but it only accepts single stack mags – so I passed.

  12. Any camo you see on there pistols they also have for there Carbines. HI-point’s web site got an update not long ago and it had all the camo. They are even selling designer grips now.

  13. Aw, too bad, no “new” extended magazines for the carbine? That’s what I really want to see out them, I’d buy one of those carbines right away if it had a reliable 20 or 30 round mag. Now that’s a trunk gun.

  14. A scoped Hi-Point? Really? You can put the Hubble Telescope on a Hi-Point and it still wouldn’t be accurate.

    • Say what you will about how ugly and inefficient a high point is, but I have seen a .45 acp outshoot 2 different $1,000 1911s.

  15. So we can get a Hi Point with a scope on it, but we can’t get a Hi Point in 10mm Auto because it’d be “too big”


  16. I love my hi point JHP 45. It was first gun purchase. It is still as ugly as is was on the first day I held it.
    It shoots great. These color patterns give me some good ideas for my firearm. DuraCoat might be in the future.

  17. I’m sorry, but those camo schemes are not doing the brand image any favors. It’s like something you would find on a cheap Walmart t-shirt. It’s a shame because for the amount of gun you get per dollar hi-point deserves more respect.

    • I love that video! I have seen it here before, but if you hadn’t re-posted it, I would have. I think there is an interesting and attractive part of the American psyche that is about creating a winner from an underdog, making something great out of a hopeless cause.

      Just look at what people do with really awful car designs, hot-rodding them and making them into works of art. I’m a musician (mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc.) and I’m very aware of a long standing tradition of making stringed instruments out of cigar boxes, antique food tins, etc. It’s become an art form in and of itself.

      I think a Hi-Point is an appropriate “canvas” to make something from nothing. Would I use one for self-defense? No way! But I appreciate the effort.

  18. Hey they have t-shirts and hats and a decal for the back of my truck. I gotta get me a shirt to wear to the range next time……

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