Donald Trump channeling The Man with No Name. Is it high noon for America? AI Photo generated at Night Cafe.

Josey Wales, Shane, Jed Cooper, the Man with No Name, the Stranger, Chris Adams, Vin Tanner, Preacher, Ethan Edwards, Harmonica, William Munney, Will Kane, Django, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump?

In a list of some of the top Western movie anti-heroes (most of them played by Clint Eastwood it seems) one would not expect to see Donald Trump’s name. In fact, even for supporters of Trump, the comparison is apt to bring at the very least a smile of amusement to their face.

It would be hard to confuse, for instance, the reticent and almost sullen Josey Wales or the unbragging, yet unflinchingly confident Man with No Name, with the brash and cocky Trump who is as at home in the spotlight as he is at Mar-a-Lago. But over on conservative news site BreitbartDinesh D’Souza, a right-wing political commentator and film maker who hails originally from India, that is exactly the comparison he is making as he promotes his upcoming movie, Vindicating Trump, due out in theaters Sept. 27.

He makes a good comparison of the two—the standard Western plot structure and the drama unfolding in America today—but we’ll let you be the judge how accurately D’Souza casts Trump as today’s real-life anti-hero.

Here are some quotes and a rundown from the Breitbart story:

“Before I came to America, I had no direct familiarity with Americans or American culture. My knowledge was largely through the lens of movies, most commonly Westerns. I saw a whole bunch of them, and my favorites include For a Few Dollars More starring Clint Eastwood and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance starring Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne. The Western is, above all, a morality tale and, as such, it provides a remarkably clear and insightful way to look at Donald Trump and our current crisis.”

He then goes on to say In a typical Western, the story begins with a peaceful small town, where life is simple, and the sheriff, though kind-hearted and non-violent, maintains order. However, this harmony is shattered when violent gangsters arrive, taking control of the town and terrorizing its people. The sheriff is powerless against them, and the town falls into fear and chaos. Just when it seems hopeless, a mysterious lone rider appears. Although rough and misunderstood by the townspeople, the gangsters immediately recognize him as a serious threat, someone with the strength and power to challenge them.

“The gangsters put him to the test, and he quickly shows that despite his evident circumspection, he has no intention of submitting to their authority. So, they resolve to destroy him in one way or another. They will stop at nothing. They try to buy him off, to intimidate him, to turn the people of the town against him, even to beat him up and kill him.

But the man proves uncommonly resilient. He takes some heavy blows, but he doesn’t go down for good. He is persistent…eventually there is the great shootout…The gangsters have rigged the odds. Despite their superiority in firepower, they are determined to cheat.

“…in the end, through sheer mastery of the arts of combat, he defeats the gangsters.

“That’s fiction, the way we like it. But it also seems to be reality in America today. America, after all, is Shinbone. The Left and the Democrats—they are the gangster regime that takes over the town. The old sheriff represents the old Republican establishment, well-meaning but utterly incapable of facing the gangster threat. And the man who comes over the mountain, and leaves in the end—that’s Trump. We are living out today the script of a classic Western, and the only suspense is to see how this story will end.”

How the story will end indeed. We are all waiting to see that.

And while I’d much rather watch a classic Western than another debate, I will say this: If Trump strolls into the next debate (if there is one) strapped with a pair of Colt Single-Action Army revolvers on his sides, draped in a serape, a cigarillo dangling from his lips, having not shaved in several days so he looks more like his son, Don Jr. (a la Junior’s Field Ethos), and then tells Kamala he’s her “huckleberry” or “let’s play for blood,” then that is one debate that will be a true box office hit for every American.


  1. I must have missed the Westerns where the stranger, once in control of the town, gives the gangsters a huge tax break and reduced regulations. Or the ones where, after the townspeople decide to toss him out of power, gathers a gang of supporters to try to take over the town’s government to stay in power.

    Fantasy belongs in media, not government.

    • Obtuse. And blind.
      For the 447th time, Trump did not cause Jan 6th. And video evidence proves he told them to be peaceful and go home.
      And if I remember correctly EVERYONE got a break on taxes.
      Sorry champ, economy was WAY better under Trump.

      • “be peaceful and go home”

        It’s never mentioned that there were two completely different crowds. It isn’t like that crowd walked from Trump’s speech over to the Capitol. The areas weren’t even that close. The crowd was already at the Capitol and becoming unruly before Trump’s speech was even over! People are still misinformed about what happened because they want you to be misinformed.

        P.S. Why weren’t they talking about the DNC & RNC bombs?? Why wasn’t that included in the House Select Committee Report? They tried to memory hole it. Gee, I wonder… Wake up people.

          • Oh, did I claim that no one that heard the speech went to the Capitol? You misunderstood me because that isn’t what I said.

            Police confrontations at the Capitol began a full 30 minutes before Trump’s speech was over! That is a fact. The Capitol was about two miles away from where Trump was speaking. These were two different crowds.

            That doesn’t mean that no one at the speech made the trek over there, but the media made it sound like the crowd finished listening to his speech, then marched over to the Capitol to commit violence. That’s propaganda. Furthermore, if they were following Trump’s directive, then they would have been peaceful because he said to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

            Those are the facts. Gathering “a gang of supporters to try to take over the town’s government to stay in power” is a fantasy placed in your mind by the mockingbird media.

            • Attackers who were there 30 minutes earlier were not in any way motivated by Trump’s “Stop the steal!” media campaign, and none of those who came over after the speech participated in the attack to stop the vote certification. Sure.

              • Oh, so now it’s goal post moving time. It wasn’t Trump’s speech. Now it was the stop the steal campaign. Because there were no shady things happening in the 2020 election. Yeah, sure S_V. Keep telling yourself that lie because Orange Man Bad. Standing up to shady election practices is NOT the same as asking people to be violent. In order to sell Trump being responsible for violence, they had to pump the public’s brain full of propaganda. You fell for it. You’re the reason they treat us this way. It works.

                From the time the violence began until the time it would take people to walk from Trump’s speech, it would have been a full hour. Facts completely destroy the media narrative that you, and half the country, bought. Then there is the fact that we had federal asset provocateurs in the crowd. Remember the only guy caught on camera telling people that, “we need to go in to the Capitol!” It was so important to him that he was caught on camera saying it both the day before and the day of. Yet, it was so unimportant to him that he didn’t go in himself. Gee, I wonder what that was about? Then, the MAGA-hating Select Committee defended the supposed MAGA guy! Please tell me you aren’t too stupid to understand that one.

                Then there is the inconvenient truth that the people who were responsible for security at the Capitol denied extra security measures, despite the fact that there was intel available saying that there was going to be some stuff going down. That would be Nancy Pelosi. Her and Mayor Bowser denied extra security measures requested by none other than Trump! Nancy is actually on camera the day of Jan 6, 2021 saying that this was her fault! It’s interesting what the media chooses to report on and what they choose to ignore. Their job is not to present the facts. It’s to present the narrative. See Operation Mockingbird. Educate yourself on the facts, and use your brain. Stop falling for their constant lies.

                P.S. Like I mentioned in another comment above, then there is the case of the bombs at the DNC and RNC. Why was that major story swept under the rug? Did you know that our future black, female VP was at the DNC while there was an active bomb attack? Isn’t that a major story? Isn’t that the sort of thing she and the media would be bringing up all the time? Why did that major story get swept under the rug? See if you can figure that mystery out.

  2. I think we’re all indebted to Serpent_Vision for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

  3. This Trump fantasy is as bad as believing that making drugs legal, will make all of the crime go away.

    Trump has only 4 years if he is elected. He is still better than the communist democrats and better that the communist libertarians.

      • Even the brain dead Biden was a very assertive male. Harris despite her being the California AG. She is as submissive as they come. She is as flexible as a jellyfish. But with no sting.

        They really are terrified of the alpha male Trump. Unfortunately there are a lot people who want as weak an american president as possible.

        They believe that will keep the country safe.

  4. Rather than the Eastwood characters, I would see him as more of the James Garner character of Brett Maverick. A polished smart ass who does the right thing while looking for the next profitable scam.

  5. Well they persecuted Dinesh as well as Trump. As far as giving “tax breaks” to rich folks we ALL got them when DJT was president. And rich folks create jobs & wealth. And no new war’s were started for no good reason. Envy & coveting & jealousy are major sins leftards🙄

    • Musk will be attacked, as will the Teamster’s President & any others who dare to offend. Democrat Rigged Kangaroo Justice will be “cleansing” our nation, until CW2 starts.

  6. Kind of more William Munny like to me; a man who regrets many things he has done in the past but those past acts have given him both the capability and the need for redemption in the moment.

  7. At the local fairs there are lots of young people, teens and twenties, walking around with Trump shirts and hats. One of the people I was with remarked that it was odd because at that age no be of us cared one bit about politics at all. To use the parlance of the time politics was “gay.”

    I told her these kids are into Trump for the attitude. He has an image of a take-no-prisoners-fuck-everybody anti hero. She still didn’t get it. So I asked her why, back in the day, she thought Degeneration X was awesome. Same thing.

    Trump is attitude era WWE.

    • LOL! I was “into” politics at a young age mainly based on not wanting to get drafted & go to Vietnam!!! Multiplied a thousand fold now at 70. None of these kid’s have a draft(yet!)🙄

  8. I don’t really think DJT, winning or losing this November, moves the needle one bit.closer or further from the inevitable civil war at our doorstep. It’s coming, and the Donald is inconsequential to the sloping abyss we are sliding down into.

    • Not quite inconsequential if you believe that pushing it down the road a few years or a decade has any value. But otherwise, yes, the ending of the Book is pretty clear.

    • Kamala is the incumbent of the worst administration of our lifetime. Do you like inflation? Higher interest rates? Borders open to unchecked illegal immigration? Pushing p-o-r-n and confusing gender theory on children? A DOJ focused on political enemies? The world being on fire? It really is that simple.

      She could secure the border today if she wanted to. Biden put her in charge and said, “she speaks for me on this.” She was charged with limiting immigration when we all know the plan from day one was to flood the country with the world’s poor and get them immediate government welfare benefits. He gave her that impossible job so that she would be responsible when anyone complained. There were rumors from day one that he didn’t like her.

  9. Perhaps if DJT somehow is declared the winner, he can figure out a way to keep all the illegal scum who have jumped our fences and send the Harris/Walz voters to where ever the hell the illegals came from. Seriously, the US would be better off with the invaders than anyone who’d be stupid enough to vote for Harris.

  10. One of the reason the Democrats fear Trump getting elected is because they know he will then have access to enable him to expose the traitorous dirty secrets of the things the Democrats did to lie to the American people (e.g., a few examples, the false inflation numbers of Biden-nomics, the intentional censorship of millions of American citizens by Biden and Harris that continues to this day, the collusion of the Biden administration with Mexico to not stop people from crossing the border illegally, the various orders by Harris to tell the Border Patrol to stand down at certain times in certain areas while people crossed illegally and then to pick them up in buses and transport them away from the border, and a whole lot more and more sinister… some of which has already been exposed in house hearings)


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