It’s been said that H&K isn’t the most customer friendly company when it comes to the civilian market, but a recent filing with the German government reveals that the (nearly) bankrupt H&K has received approval to export a new rifle based on the G36 design for the U.S. market. Designated the HK293, the rifle will come in a variety of configurations… as soon as Uncle Sam gives it their stamp of approval. Needless to say we’ll be watching for this at the SHOT Show in a few weeks. Make the jump for the proposed specs . . .
Short rigid shaft | Long, rigid shaft | ||||
Model | Run length without fire dampers |
Total length short rigid buttstock folded |
Total length short rigid shoulder rest be folded |
Total length with long rigid shoulder stock unfolded |
Total length with long, rigid shoulder rest be folded |
C HK243 HK293 C (Compact) |
228 | 722 | 502 | 746 | 502 |
K HK243 HK293 K (short) |
330 | 811 | 604 | 837 | 604 |
S HK243 HK293 S (Sporter) |
420 | 912 | 694 | 938 | 694 |
L HK243 HK293 L (Long) |
480 | 972 | 754 | 998 | 754 |
Adjustable shank – Type I | Adjustable shank – Type II | |||||
Model | Total length with length- adjustable buttstock folded and fully extended (convex / concave shoulder contact) |
Total length with length- adjustable buttstock folded and fully inserted (convex / concave shoulder contact) |
Total length with length- adjustable buttstock be folded |
Total length with length- adjustable buttstock folded and fully extended |
Total length with length- adjustable buttstock folded and fully inserted |
Total length with length- adjustable buttstock be folded |
C HK243 HK293 C (Compact) |
646/632 | 606/592 | 502 | 772 | 700 | 502 |
K HK243 HK293 K (short) |
818/804 | 778/764 | 604 | 862 | 790 | 604 |
S HK243 HK293 S (Sporter) |
920/906 | 880/866 | 694 | 964 | 892 | 694 |
L HK243 HK293 L (Long) |
980/966 | 940/926 | 754 | 1024 | 952 | 754 |
Science and comparison to 14-16 inches of penetration aside, I would still hate for that round to be doing its thing 6-9 inches inside MY body cavity.
Kind of like buying a new computer so Word will run faster…
Perhaps they would like to lodge a complaint with the labor relations board that the street thugs they might be tasked with apprehending are too big. “Please send smaller criminals that comply with female officers’ standards memorandum.”
Oh my, the Derp.
There is no right to carry in a church, even if the church allows it. GCO brought suit in federal court and was denied certiorari at the us supreme court.
I’ll be honest. Cops coming through that door deserve whatever they get.
They should be consumed by roaches.
‘Nearly Bankrupt’ is a stunning fate for a company that charges such outrageous prices for their guns, magazines and spare parts. Their previous civilian G36 was a ridiculously expensive range toy, permanently crippled to limit it to obscenely overpriced single-stack magazines.
We’ve been hearing for a couple of years (from HK) that customer service is going to be a priority, but I’ve yet to see it. This could be a step in the right direction, but only if it’s seriously competitive in price. If it can’t undercut the Tavor, they might as well not bother selling it at all.
Sure, it looks cool, but will it blend?
Seriously, does it do anything my AR doesn’t that will justify that HK price? Each to his own, though, and I wouldn’t kick it out of bed.
Great news. I really want one of these!
Sign me up for the long, rigid shaft, please!
This doesn’t seem to be a SAFE Act related letter. NYC has much different gun laws than NYS (I’m saying this as a gun owner who lives in NYC). In NYC long guns can only have 5 round magazine capacities. We’ve also had an “assault weapons” ban since 1991 (with a 1 feature requirement).
I recently bought a Remington 870 and got a ration of shit from the Kew Gardens’ Rifle/Shotgun division because the receipt didn’t clearly show the magazine capacity.
What the person who got this letter can do is try to find 5 rnd magazines for these rifles, show the Kew Gardens folks the receipts and they should be fine. Don’t bring it to the 1 Police Plaza license division in Manhattan, though, because they only deal with pistol licenses.
Would any TTAG readers be interested in reading a post about what it’s like to be a firearms owner in NYC? If so (and if it’s ok with Robert and co.) I could write something up.
PT…you are correct. This isn’t a SAFE Act issue.
Unless it’s built in the USA, it’s going to have to abide by the same import restrictions everyone else has.
SL-8 2.0
When the gun control supporters question why us law-abiding citizens think that their agendas will lead to confiscation, we need only point at this and at what’s happening in California and say, “Because you’re full of SHIT.”
Unfortunately, moments like this are a good sign that you have passed the point of no return in the fight–that working within the system to change it so that it doesn’t violate your natural rights is no longer possible, because the system will not allow it. Your only real options are to submit to the oppression of your rights, resist and be thrown in jail or killed, or leave. Right now, within the U.S., it is possible (albeit financially difficult) to take the third option and move to a more rights-friendly state. But if the gun control machine continually overtakes our state legislatures as they’ve done in CA, CO, CT, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, RI, and HI, eventually there will be nowhere to run to, and we will be left with two very painful choices–resist, or surrender our liberties forever.
Let’s make sure we don’t get to that point, and work within the system where we can, while it’s still possible.
A range I belong to is 200m to the front door of the local JH and HS. (according to google maps) That range is for shotguns, handguns and rifles. It’s across the road and facing away from the school (obviously) but if you aim high enough, you could rain on a subdivision half a mile behind the range. They’re obviously very strict about all targets being placed inside the bunkers and warn new members of being stripped of their membership if they’re ever caught not being COMPLETELY compliant with range rules. But it’s a great example of a range within corporation limits that hasn’t hurt anyone and hasn’t caused a school to be peppered with bullet holes. but of course, it could all change that one day someone isn’t in complete control of having their booger hook off the boom switch and a ND causes the range to be moved or completely shut down
It is rather nuts to outlaw a bolt action .22 with a 7 round magazine.
I will buy one as long as I have the option to put the original furniture back on it.
The Glenfield Model 20 (the one with the squirrel on the stock) that I got when I turned 13 uses 7 round magazines.
Oh, I called the number listed on the form and the lady knew nothing about such a letter. She said it sounds like a hoax. Why could’t Robert Farago have called before publishing this nonsense? Oh, I know! More hits! Anything to bring up the hits for the advertisers. Maybe they should change their name from the The Truth About Guns to Ridiculous Rumors About Guns.
Of course there will be no apology or retraction from TTAG. That’s the norm.
Never register anything in your gun safe. Not even once.
P E R I O D.
It will be taken away from you at some point. This is absolute proof.
what about 6 shooters?
Well, this is good news for those of us everywhere who have been looking for that perfect prop to go with our Starship Troopers halloween costume.
So how far is it from NY to America?
I’m honestly interested if it is priced competitively.. I have great reservations on that front though. The 416/MR556/M27 are exceptionally clean cut ARs with a price to match. My ARs are lego sets so the 416/MR556 doesn’t fit in. This would be a buy just to have a G36, nothing more, it doesn’t out perform competitors.
I don’t know the specific models but I have seen, held and shot two(2) “desert eagle” 1911s that were garbage. They were both at least a couple years old. One was chewing itself apart at the slide lock from what looked like extremely soft metal. The other one was just sloppy loose and looked as if it had been detailed by 3rd graders, it also malfed constantly. I didn’t bother to find out the reason for the FTF/FTE problems so that could have been anything including a bad mag.
Both were well taken care of and rarely shot with no obvious signs of abuse.
What’s sad is that this Pastor is in Mississippi, doesn’t get the whole good guy with a gun is a good thing. As long as the “shell” wasn’t moving at 1,000 feet per second, when it hit someone, that’s also a good thing.
As a proud resident of Mississippi, if my pastor banned guns from my church, I would find a new place to worship. As it stands, my flock, is the safest because I am there. Enhanced permit and all. (Enhanced permits in MS, allows the carry of firearms in traditionally off limit places, like churches).
Snoopy dance.
Even if she had a choice, which I doubt she did, she would have been looking forward to a clip of herself minimizing the pain of rape victims. Being played over and over and…
Shred the notice and mail it back to them.
Wheeee! It’s fun to kick gun-grabbers out of office!
“…Ray was an ‘upstanding guy’ and that’s why he wasn’t releasing his mug shot.”
Are you freakin’ kidding me? The chief thinks he gets to decide what is released and what is not because of his own personal feelings about the guy? I don’t care if the mugshot is released or not, frankly, but someone should go Freedom of Information Act on the chief just to let him know how it works. “I’m not releasing information about this incident because the suspect is my brother-in-law and one hell of a poker player.” I mean, sheesh.
Century Arms: Rebuilt junk that looks like a good gun.
Apparently the UC9 is carrying on with that fine tradition.Their newer WASR 10s aren’t bad, but everything else…..not so much.
I am far from an HK fanboy and am not all that enamored with black rifles in general, but the photo of that rascal gives me a significant tingle. Easy to imagine picking it up at the range and working through several scenes from Aliens… and I’m just not normally that kind of a guy.
Let’s check the math
150Fails/1000=.15 or 15%
Glock 19 Magazine 15 rounds
15Rnds X .15F=2.25 failures per mag.
Who on earth would give a Glock a 3 1/2 stars for reliability if you had to tap and rack twice per mag?????????????? It would be on it’s way back to the factory like an old horse for glue
Grading on one hell of a curve.
Good thing they listed the gruesome AR-7. It has no scary features, but the detachable mag holds a whopping 8 rounds of 22lr. It was originally made by Armalite, hence the AR prefix. It’s more common name was the U.S. Survival rifle. It’s now made by Henry and sold as a backpacking gun.
5 guns is usually called an arsenal.
those who wrote these codes…should be the first ones to be held responsible…the second ones will be the enforcers… on …ball is in your court….NULLIFICATION…is the answer…..and you will define it….Semper Fi
Wud-Din Sprok-Kets!
Joerg is the man!
Isn’t this the G36, that (according to some reports from german military) “loses” it’s POI when heated? One number I’ve seing is POI shift of up to 2 ft at 100yards….
Wasn’t this the base for XM8 that did not pass the triels over here?
I live in Canada where we don’t need to own assault rifles and guns with multiple rounds. And guess what, I still feel safe walking the streets, driving and riding the streets, and safe in my home. Is there really a need to own these? I’ve heard from some of my American friends, “Well this way if someone starts something, I can finish it.”. Think about it. By the time you find your gun, the other persons already shot you, so why bother. It’s really quite amusing reading this stuff from the U.S.
This is so funny. You don’t feel the need. That’s because you are still a subject of the crown and don’t know what liberty is. Plus you don’t know what rights are because you don’t have any. The point isn’t if we need a semi automatic gun it’s our right to have one. Perhaps if you had similar rights you would understand.
I’ll probably regret posting this, but there is some cause for this new law. In some of the older apartment buildings, the smoke really does get into other people’s apartments, and its not a trivial amount of smoke. If you are elderly and don’t get out much, what do you do when people smoke in the hallway or on a shared balcony? Or, if the HVAC systems are so old, that you get smoke coming in from the ducts?
It sucks that government had to pass a law because some assholes cannot be considerate of older people.
Go ahead, crucify me.
Common sense: So rare, it’s a Goddamn super-power!
First off, common sense does not exist, there’s no such thing. It’s only a common learned response. It’s also only an assumption that everyone has learned the correct response. With respect to firearms, the 2A, and the anti-gun crowd, they assume we are lacking the sense that only they possess. Maybe a better term would be, natural sense. The sense that exists in nature. You know, the good sense God gave a dog. All living, breathing things have a right to self defense. From the smallest bio-organism to the Blue whale, all have the innate right to survive. If these anti gun people were lions, they’d be pushing for de-clawing and corrective dentistry. How can the anti-gun Left possibly argue against the natural right of all animals to defend themselves? Hey, aren’t these the same usual primates who are advocating for animal rights, i.e. don’t shoot Bambi? Of all the animals living on this planet, we are the only ones who engage in self-loathing. Hmmm?
One thing: A value is a subjective desire, not objective truth. The word to use is “principle(s).”
Good article.
If I lived in New York, I would type a carefully-written reply. It would read as follows:
“Dear government,
F*** you. I will own whatever gun I like. I purchased it legally.
You have become what my granny used to call “too big for your breeches”
Go pound sand.”
I have no further use for this corrupt government. A reckoning is needed. Flush the toilet bowl that is this nation.
Whoa. And you thought Hell wouldn’t have Spanish architecture and palm trees.
“Executive Pastor of Operations”? WHAT’S THAT? Nothing says “corporate religion” more than a title like that.
I have no desire to own this rifle. That being said I own an HK USP Tactical and it is my favorite polymer pistol compared to my Glock and my Springfield XD. I have also met the HK guys at the 2013 SHOT show and they were nice. They even let me fondle an MP7 and took pics of me holding it. Now what I really want to see is a new civilian legal MP5 clone. Maybe something like the SP89. That I would buy for around 1k, and then SBR to make into a semi MP5K. Having shot an MP5k full auto I have a irrational desire to own one.
I also harbor no hate towards HK. On the other hand I do not worship with blind devotion like some firearms version of a BMW fan boy. I do remember that they did import rifles and MP5 clones before the original assault weapons ban. I was too young, now they cost too much.
And the hoodie is insult to the memory of St. Trayvon!
Jim Barrett, you are an intelligent and well balanced human being. I don’t agree with everything in this post, but I do agree with a lot of it. It’s well thought-out and reasonable, and I’m glad you wrote it.
Good comments folks!
I might add that in my community I frequent public gatherings such as homecomings and open houses at the FD. The LEO response can me much affected by how they perceive you as part of the law abiding community or not. Also, I’m not afraid to recognize them at these outings and in brief conversations. I also have friends that are LEOS including family members.
Keep the comments away from social media as well.
And I do not worry about losing the firearm I choose to carry. In fact most are customized in one regard or another. Worrying about losing it is like saying you only wear your ‘grubs’ and not your suit because there might be a tornado and you don’t want to ruin your suit. Though we discuss the how’s and why’s of a deadly encounter and the aftermath, the happenings related in this article are just about as rare.
We are discussing human life. It cannot be replaced…my firearm can!
Hoping for a single stack 9mm. I would get in line for one of those right now.
The difference in generations. When I was 13 I had my own shotguns and rifles. They were not secured in a safe that my father controlled. They stood in my bedroom closet with the ammo on the shelf above.
A 13 yo playing with a gun around his 5 yo brother is either completely ignorant of guns and mildly retarded or a wannabe thug.
It is very unfortunate that females haven’t had opportunities for the sort of early familiarization their male siblings are offered, but as urbanization metastasizes all over the damn place, a lot of young men are in the same boat. I have found that women and girls can be the best shooting students in the world, though. The absence of preconceived notions or macho posturing is a real advantage. I hate to hear that bozos are still pulling that old trick of handing an inexperienced lady a hard kicking pistol just to get a cheap laugh. That sort of crap doesn’t do any of us any good.
Merwin, Hulbert nickel-plated .38 S&W “twist-break” revolver, made about 1880. 98% condition. Unfortunately, it has the standard hard rubber black grips instead of pearl or ivory, so it lacks that final touch. Not available at your local big-box store, and definitely NOT on sale at a steep discount.
Contrary to liberal cant, crime causes poverty not the other way around. There are still a lot of places in this country inhabited by poor people that aren’t crime invested beyond a little drunk and disorderly. Crime drives out people who work. It gets into the schools and prevents those who want an education from getting one. It keeps honest people off the streets and local commerce dries up. This is all by design. If the black community, and let’s not talk around the ethnicity, ever figures out it is the white liberal politician, working through his black lacky, is working to keep him poor and down then the Democratic Party is SOL. Not even the dimwitted “I am all for Obamacare but I didn’t think I would have to pay for it” Millenials won’t be able to salvage things for the Party.
Many of you think that the average gangbanger makes more than minimum wage. He doesn’t. He may be selling drugs on the street corner but they are not his drugs. If he has his own franchise then he has costs. The only people getting rich are the gang leaders, not the troops.
Please keep posting, I’ve never someone say it like that before but I agree. Personally though it is obvious that stood role is the only way forward for any community though. What if the panthers were around. However I would love to hear your views on this as you expose my ignorance which is very refreshing.
Just figure that if white America traditionally used military rule against the black nation there should be a military response. This is because in any two tribe society one always dominates. However I am not black nor white and only 20. Here for education though. Thanks,
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ
This is really cool! Not sure if it’s worth the price though. I don’t think I could drop $60 per caliber…
This weapons platform is a hundred years ahead of the m-4 in every respect, from its engineering, to its material, from its design, research and development. This company has been producing top of the line firearms for decades, for combat, not internet fantasy trips in your mothers basement. Everything about this rifle is what men in war time environments crave, its light weight, piston operated, unique with its disassembly, it actually works in the sand, snow, rain, the ergonomics, charging ambidextrous, the trigger, barrel, the stock can fold, extend, and lift for proper cheek weld, the rails are plentiful, the magazine is stellar, just like the sig 550….:}+)…I will buy one in black…
still no 293 in the states
they lied to us
boycott HK