David Hogg is back and as indoctrinated as ever:
Ninety-seven percent. That’s the overwhelming percentage of Americans who are in favor of universal background checks. No issue in American politics is more universally agreed upon than this. Yet nearly 40,000 people died last year due to gun violence.
When our school was shot up, we became one of those statistics from the last eight years. We were the evening news headline. We were those kids running out of our school with SWAT teams armed as if they were going into battle. Seventeen of our classmates and teachers didn’t make it back that day.
Those statistics, though…
We have had enough of living in fear of our favorite places. It is time as a nation we end the cycle of gun violence that continues to rage on; already, not even a week into the new year, 577 people have been shot and more than 150 others are dead due to guns.
– David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin at The Daily Beast, Parkland Survivors David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin: It’s Time Republican Cowards Ditched NRA Cash and Voted for Gun Checks