As we prepare to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends and settle in for a long holiday weekend, we want to first, thank all of the readers of The Truth About Guns and wish you a very happy holiday. For you support, interest and input on the many articles and reviews we run each day, we are truly grateful. You are why we get up and work each day.

With this being a four-day weekend at the TTAG offices, we also wanted to let you know we will still be posting stories each day, but we will be on a reduced “weekend” posting schedule until Monday when normal posting will resume.

Again, thank you for visiting our site, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope all of you get a little time to get out and go shooting or hunting with the people you enjoy being around during this great time of year.


  1. Thanksgiving Day.
    The day I always wanted to bring a BB gun to the Macy’s day parade.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Carry always. You never really know if that bird is dead…until you have roasted, sauteed, fried, baked, or pressure-cooked it!

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