“What if I had a gun, I mean, who knows?” That’s the rhetorical question asked by a Pittsburgh woman whose home was invaded by two yoots Sunday morning. A home that recently had a new security system with cameras installed. And is it just me, or do they appear to know that they’re being filmed. Check the way the second dood takes one step inside and appears to know exactly where the camera is, strategically pulling the bill of his cap down. But back to the home owner’s question. If she’d had a gun, maybe she wouldn’t have lost her cash and computer. Maybe she wouldn’t have been pistol whipped. Or maybe it all would have gone to hell. But wouldn’t you like to have the option?


  1. “the alarm wasnt on”
    Who cares! Even automated call systems can’t teleport the police to your door!

    • No-bet!

      These guys knew the security system was installed. They knew there was a camera there. They were allowed in once when they scouted the home, and installed the system.

    • Unlikely; she’d have recognized ’em.

      Allied with the crooks, though… ’tis a distinct possibility.

      Then again, most security cameras (camerae?) are hardly covert. Asswipe one (with mask) might’ve seen the camera and clued asswipe two.

    • I worked for an independent home security company when I need cash (between “real” jobs). My…co-workers…if you can call them that, weren’t bad people…except that one guy. The rest were lazy.

      During lunch, when we were actually in the shop, we would discuss the fancy places/expensive stuff we saw. Just common discussion.

      However, “that one guy” used to postulate openly about installing back doors in systems. PRAM bugs (we burned system ID chips for the panels), cable loops available from outside the house to interrupt function, etc.

      I never though much about it as a lot of WHAT-IFs so through one’s mind that are not necessarily acted upon.

      So, wait 6 months and then sell/give the info to someone…?

  2. I had people in my family ask why I carry around my house and I tell them of incidents like this one. When someone enters your home and your not aware of it until you see the person or persons, you ain’t got time to run to the safe and get the gun. That’s why it’s with me always just in case.

    • You should ask them if they lock their smartphone up when they are home. People freak out if they forget their phone in case of automobile trouble or a sudden urge for angry birds; yet they cannot wrap their head around protecting LIFE.

  3. Wasn’t the question of the day would you warn a home intruder? I still vote NO. 00buckshot as a first choice. Round chambered, safety on at the ready. Years ago I sold home security systems. A lot of folks would just get a SIGN…

    • A warning in this situation would definitely be unwise – especially when armed bad guy #1 is working with armed bad guy #2. Stop #1 with accurate fire, or the threat thereof, and you have evened the odds if #2 is still outstanding.

      Alert #1 with conversation, and you’re outnumbered at least 2 to 1. Who knows if #3 or more are outside on the perimeter or with a getaway car.

      • Plus since neither BG 1 or 2 lives by the “No man left behind rule” chances are when he see his buddy take a couple in the chest he will depart in peace..

        • exactly right.

          not many people need to worry about a determined and professional team of hit-men/terrorists invading their home with a mission to assassinate them at all costs.

  4. “What if I had a gun, I mean, who knows?”

    Who knows? She knows. I know. The whole notion of a twit with a gun is utterly preposterous.

  5. Since I can’t afford to pay a cop to patrol around my house I carry a gun in the house and have one available for my wife. It seems that roughly 100% of all criminals run off when confronted by armed resistance even if the criminals are armed and out number and out gun the defender they seem to always retreat.

  6. I think I’m going with, the son knows these 2 yoots and owes them some major cash and from the way they came in may have been in the house before.

    • “Nitpicking, but it’s spelled “dude” not “dood” :)”

      This spelling is in keeping with the original article’s spelling of “yoot”*;
      used here to describe the two young miscreants.
      This is of course, properly spelled ‘yute’ though some scholars disagree preferring ‘yoot’.
      (*Source: J. Pesci, JD, Brooklyn College :The Big Book of Legal Terminology.)

      See also:
      Urban Dictionary
      The superior way to spell “dude.”
      J: Yo dood did you do the math homework?
      Steve: Hell no.

  7. “She heard the door open”.

    LOCK YOUR DOORS. That gives you time to get a gun. (“hmm, the Colt Officers model with .45 Hydrashoks, or the Ruger .357 with 125 grain hollow points? oh, wth, .45 in the right hand, .357 in the left. Excuse me sir, would you like to vacate the premises, or would you prefer to expire from a nasty case of lead poisoning”?)

    • I emphasize to customers that doors shoud be locked and the system armed at all times.

      “If you’re away, the system protects property to some extent but if you’re at home, it gives you warning in time to grab your gun.”

      “But I don’t have a gun.”

      “Get one; the gun and proficiency training are less than this cheque you just wrote to me.”

    • Locking doors is good, but only slightly better than unlocked or even wide open if the door, lock and strike plate are pathetic. A swift kick by even an average sized man can kick a door in with a single try, leaving no time for reaction by residents. Everyone should reinforce their doors, hinges, strike plates and upgrade their locks. It won’t be impenetrable by any means, but will provide you with enough reaction time to defend yourself.

  8. +1 Accur81. It’s really duuuuuuude. And this over 60 OFWG is mildly offended if someone half or one third my age calls me “dude”.:-)

    • I’d rather be “dooood” than “sir”. I always respond with “Don’t Sir me, boy. Do I look like a damned officer to you?”. That usually leaves them entirely baffled and I move along unobstructed.

  9. Is it just me, or did she sound upset and frightened at the thought of having done them harm had she a gun?

    Wistful and regretful I can see, but unenthusiastic and afraid?!?


  10. I do home carry, Ruger LCR .38 five rounds of hollowpoints in pocket holster and another 5 rounds in speed loader in another pocket. Husband has no idea that I’m armed in our home at all times. I’m sure if other friends and family knew that, they would think paranoid but I’ve lived long enough to know it’s better to have a gun and not need it then to need a gun and not have it. Just brought my sister-in-law a Ruger SP 101 357/38 snub nose revolver with craved bear paw holster to wear on 20 acre property with house four miles outside of town and by damn if she does not home carry, I will take it back and give her box of candy for her next her next birthday. I have no patientence with folks who think nothing bad can ever happen, especially women!

    • Ruger SP 101 was my first carry gun after a human predator tried to mug me way back in Jan. 1997. I remember like it was yesterday. Good gun. Now I OC a 1911 outside or in the home. It’s always with me.

  11. Home carry? Bathroom carry? How about a new tenant, always keep a firearm at arms length, As a young LEO I was driving home (off duty) I saw a couple of young men in a hell of a fight; not having a trump card ((firearm), I called it in to the SO and was on my way. About thirty seconds later the dad of one of the young men emptied a 12 ga into his opponent and a young man died, I have carried ever since and hope the rest of you do the same.

  12. Listening to this woman I would say a firearm is the LAST thing on this planet she should have. She is not competent to operate a simple home security system, turning her loose with a gun would be courting disaster. I shudder at the thought of her operating a motor vehicle!

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