Honor Guard

On January 21st, Honor Defense will announce full details of its Honor Guard pistol voluntary upgrade program. For the time being, it sounds like changes to the striker assembly inside the slide are expected to resolve the drop safety vulnerability. Honor Defense’s press release follows . . .

Honor Defense offers Voluntary Upgrade for Honor Guard Pistols

Gainesville, GA (January 18, 2017) – All Honor Defense pistols meet or exceed industry and U.S.A standards for safety. These include the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Sporting Arms Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. (SAAMI®), and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) test protocols. Abusive handling (drop tests and jar off tests) have been conducted internally and confirmed by an outside laboratory recognized by the State of California.

Recent events indicate that handling an Honor Guard pistol beyond U.S.A. safety standards by dropping or striking the firearm with a hammer may cause an unintentional discharge. As a result, Honor Defense has developed an upgrade to the Honor Guard striker assembly (within the slide).

To receive the upgrade, go the Honor Defense website and follow the directions outlined in the Honor Guard Upgrade section. Once received, Honor Defense will upgrade your slide unit and promptly return it to you.

This upgrade will provide increased drop performance beyond U.S.A safety standards and is available to all owners of an Honor Guard pistol.

Details of this program will be available on www.honordefense.com on January 21, 2018.

Honor Defense is committed to providing the best single stack pistols for personal protection and using only American craftsmanship and parts for our firearms. Honor Defense pistols have been designed utilizing 100% USA parts, materials with every firearm assembled by Veterans.

Honor Defense is also committed to safety and ensuring we produce the finest possible firearms. For example, in addition to exceeding industry standards, the Honor Guard is designed for disassembly without pulling the trigger, or the use of tools. This is part of the Honor Defense commitment to safety and overcomes one of the major safety issues consumers have with striker-fired firearms. The added feature of a take-down lever eliminates a disassembly activity that could potentially lead to an accidental discharge.

For more information on Honor Defense, visit us www.honordefense.com.

Follow Honor Defense on social media including Facebook, facebook.com/honordefense as we update our customers on progress with new products and programs.


  1. Man, I haven’t seen a tap-dancing two-step like that in a *loooooong* time.

    Why, I distinctly recall (dis) Honor Defense loudly proclaiming there was nothing wrong with their ‘perfect’ weapon.

    Huh. Imagine that…

    • Really? You must have missed that whole Sig scandal a few months back where they literally called their safety recall exactly the same thing (a “voluntary upgrade”).

      • I also missed the part where Sig attacked everybody who said their guns could fire when dropped instead of admitting the issue existed. No, wait, that was Honor.

      • Nobody would have been upset if they hadn’t attacked their customers and critics first.

        Doing the right thing wrong is the dumbest thing a company can do. You are going to end up repairing/upgrading the pistols eventually. Do it with a smile, don’t pick a fight about it.

        Just bad business.

        • “Do it with a smile, don’t pick a fight about it.

          Just bad business.”

          Bad business?

          The blatant, the utter *contempt* they showed in those blog comments to the people that spent their hard-earned money on that gun is what I find the most egregious thing.

          They will learn that Karma is a queen bitch.

          The internet *never* forgets. The screencaps of those comments will live forever to bite them in the ass for *eternity*…

    • They’re still saying there’s nothing wrong with them. What this press release said was that, “There’s nothing wrong with our perfect firearm, but if you insist upon abusing it, we have a free “upgrade” that gives our perfect firearm even more capability to resisting abuse!”

  2. On Dec. 20 , when Honor announced there would be no recall, I wrote this –


    ““How long will they be able to hold out untill they finally issue a recall?”

    Honor is in a very tight spot on this.

    The company is welded to the design, and to admit it’s defective will likely sink the company.

    What I would *HOPE* Honor would do is immediately come up with some sort of fix for it, and produce the parts for it, and then announce a recall or ship the parts to the customers that want them, as soon as the parts are available.

    I hope some sharp gunsmiths take a look at the issue and offer Honor an engineering way forward on this. Ignoring it won’t make it go away…”

    Huh. Looks like that’s what they did. Good news!

    I look forward to Jeremy’s re-test of the gun after the parts upgrade…

  3. In other words, they don’t have the resources to do a mandatory recall and are betting the company that their supposed initial testing efforts would be sufficient to avoid major legal liability. Got it. I’ll continue to use guns from established manufacturers.

  4. Welp.
    They can’t say, “yeah, our design was bad – let us fix it” because they’d then be on the hook if someone DIDN’T fix it and got hurt. They still may get sued anyway but now they can try to say, “hey, we told you so”.
    Still seems slimy.

  5. We tried to deny the problem existed by blaming everybody else and letting the trolls scream in our defense to “just not drop it”, but that didn’t work. So now, you can spend your time and money sending it back to us and we pinky-promise to f̶i̶x̶ i̶t̶ provide increased drop performance. O̶r̶ y̶o̶u̶ c̶a̶n̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ g̶o̶ b̶u̶y̶ s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶.̶

  6. I’m glad the people I bought from don’t consider it an upgrade to not get shot by your open gun because you fumbled a draw under stress. I’ma stick with them.

  7. OK that’s fine for a pistol I’ve never seen in the flesh…did they explain why the HD is a veritable copy of the Shield?!?

    • Except the part of the Shield that makes it not go boom when you drop it. If your going to steal someone else’s design, at least steal it competently. There’s a reason why nearly every striker fired gun has a dingus, as a drop safety.

      I wonder if Steyr would like to own Honor, because if Sig infringed on their patents for a chassis system, Honor did too, and those two things would kill Honor dead, or Steyr could take over and fix this thing. Have terrible marketing, and great customer service, I’d go for that, And remove that stupid billboard from the side.

  8. Apparenlty Honor Guard missed a few small details when they copied the M&P Shield……which I might add won’t fire a round no matter how hard you whack it with a hammer or no matter how far and aggressively you drop it. Just saying.

    • If I’m not mistaken, it’s actually more a copy of the Sig P320 (hence this issue in the first place, perhaps…). Sort of a P320 shoved into a Shield-like frame.

      Corrections welcome… I don’t pretend to be an expert. I am just relaying what I have understood other gun designers to say.

      Be safe.

      The real Mort (not the Snerd ha)

  9. The lesson to be learned here, for striker-fired pistol manufacturers, is that if one is going to copy Glock, then COPY Glock, and pay the bloody licensing fees right up front. It’s safer.
    Once you’ve got all of the good features properly copied, and your new gun is at least safe, THEN you can quickly add those extra parts, such as bits of felt in the trigger mechanism, pivoting disassembly levers, external safety switches, grip safeties, giant brand lettering, and all of the other bits to make YOUR Glock ‘yours’ and convince people to buy YOUR ‘Glock’ and not Glock’s Glock.
    At least then your new Glockopy won’t fire when dropped, and you can work on other, more important things, like whether or not to have finger grooves or orange-peel stippling (ribbed for extra pleasure) or big panels on the side telling you where to hold the thing properly, or what shade of ‘dirt’ you should paint it. The money saved in NOT having to fix pistols that fire when dropped would surely pay for even LARGER lettering on the side of the slide to tell people at much greater distances who built your gun.
    It’s perfect!

  10. I had an Honor Guard a little while back. Notice I said HAD. I got rid of it, and got a trusty S&W Shield. Just saying….

  11. Cunning response! The 2A community loves when you take no personal responsibility and profess supreme faith in government regulations and standards.

  12. Just got mine back from the “voluntary upgrade”. They didnt do a damn thing to fix the drop issue. Still does it 10/10 times from no more than 12-18 inches off the ground.

  13. Man, the owner of this company is terrible. If you do not agree with him, prepare to get blasted. And for sure do not disagree with his comparison’s of other nice firearms in the same class. This guy is a One Eyed Jack and I have seen the other side of his face.
    Sorry, but I just do not like this company and all. And their Patronizing marketing is disgusting. I am surprised they are still in business.

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