Honor Defense pistol (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

Honor Defense makes a damn fine pistol. TTAG’s T&E guy Nick Leghorn awarded their introductory HG9SC a four-star rating. Honor knows their 9mm polymer semi-automatic handgun enters a crowded marketplace, including the 400-pound silverback gorilla in the room (too soon?): the GLOCK 19. To differentiate themselves from the competition, their presser proclaims “Honor Defense is proud to announce a line of firearms that are 100% made in the USA. While other companies buy parts from foreign companies or produce their pistols in other countries, Honor Defense keeps all production in America.” Would that make any difference to you when considering adopting their gun? Full press release . . .

 Honor Defense ad (courtesy ammoland.com)

Atlanta, GA -(AmmoLand.com)- Honor Defense is proud to announce a line of firearms that are 100% made in the USA. While other companies buy parts from foreign companies or produce their pistols in other countries, Honor Defense keeps all production in America.

So proud, in fact, that Honor Defense has launched its new “All American, No Apologies” campaign. The goal is to let everyone know that all Honor Defense pistols are made in the USA and assembled by veterans in Gainesville, Georgia, USA.

“Like the majority of Americans, we are offended by people that apologize for being an American. If they are embarrassed or ashamed of the USA, we ask that they buy another brand of firearms,” said Gary Ramey, President of Honor Defense.

“We only partner with American owned companies with an American workforce. We also asked for input from professionals that have carried a firearm for a living. People with backgrounds from DevGru/(Navy SEALS), DEA, Army, Law Enforcement and civilian training. The firearms are built with more features than any other pistol in the size class and are truly American.”

Ramey adds, “We won’t apologize for that.”

Look for “All-American, No Apologies” advertisements and other marketing efforts in upcoming weeks and months.

HONOR GUARD 9mm Features:

  • Striker-fired design that can handle +P loads
  • Trigger has a wide face with a crisp 7lb pull
  • Short reset for quicker second shot and better control
  • Ambidextrous slide catch and magazine catch
  • Available with or without an ambidextrous manual safety lever
  • Modular system with stainless steel chassis
  • Custom texture design to provide better grip in all situations
  • Replaceable back straps to allow customization.

For more information, visit their Facebook page or website at www.honordefense.com.

About Honor Defense:

Honor Defense offers the finest American-made pistols-using only American partners and materials. Honor Defense pistols are built with more features and higher quality standards than other pistols in their size range. To create its pistols, Honor Defense secured input from a panel of professionals that have defended our nation or have extensive credentials in self-defense training.

For more information, please visit www.HonorDefense.com.


  1. I care more about how it’s made rather than where it’s made. Keltec and IO are made in the US but that doesn’t mean they don’t have problems.

    • Precisely. Just being “Made In America” doesn’t mean shit. If it’s “Made Well In America”, you might get my money.

      Build a good product and stand behind it, and you won’t need to try to shame people into buying it.

    • LFP is, what, low 60%? Americans gotta work. If quality is close or better I’d buy USA. If if a bit more expensive upfront, probably costs much less overall when you consider what welfare and incarceration cost. I’d rather pay an American’s salary than pay a foreigner’s salary and then pay an American’s welfare amd health care.

  2. It’d be a plus, but won’t make up for bad performance.

    I spent too many days working on GM cars in my youth to ever again subsidize shoddy engineering. The same goes for S&W triggers. If I’m paying extra, it better be perfect.

  3. That’s cool. I always appriciate companies improving and supporting American manufacturing. Though Springfield, SIG, S&W, and Glock (among MANY others) do huge things for our economy, regardless of their minor outsourcing. Unlike a lot of other industries. I look forward to doing the same in my own busines.

    That peice still looks like a Shield got gang raped by a P320 and a Caracal, though, and chose life afterwards. (Medical and genetic impossibilities aside, of course.)

    • Which parts does S&W outsource?

      I know the M&P .22 pistols are German but thought most of their guns were US made.

      I do know a lot of knives and items they brand are foreign made

      • The M&P .22 was what I was thinking (and most of the “German” aluminium .22 conversions, like SIG, are actually produced in Eastern European factories under German management). Most of the rough MIM castings (specifically SIG) are being produced in India, which are then turned into the small parts, at the parent factory. But I don’t know that about S&W for a fact. Like I said, minor outsourcing. Made in America, like most things, doesn’t mean exactly what the words say.

        • Only the M&P 22, not the M&P 22 Compact, is made by Walther.

          Walther makes 22s for almost everyone.

    • I found the follow up video from Hegshot87 where he states that some viewers who watched his original video on the Honor Guard were experiencing the same thing, and it seems to be a quality control problem where some of the pistols left the factory with burrs on the trigger bar that can interfere with the reset.

        • Gary, I don’t want you to get the impression that I am down on your company or don’t wish you well. I held one of your pistols at Blue Ridge Arsenal in Chantilly a couple of months ago and thought it felt great in my hand. Your factory texturing beats the Talon grips I put on all my pistols, and I especially like the fact that the texturing extends to where my support hand thumb meets the frame. The only reason I didn’t buy one that day was because of the unknowns. I wanted to wait and give the new gun some time to get the bugs worked out. Based on the video I posted, I’m glad I did. I have no reason to doubt you will make right any problems your customers might have, but I want to be sure the guys on this site know that there are potential issues to be aware of before they put their money down and put their life on the line with this gun. I’d also like to know if the production/inspection problem that led to the trigger bar burrs getting out the factory door has been resolved. Fixing customer problems after the fact is great, so long as you also fix the production problem or design, whatever the cost, to prevent problematic guns from getting to consumers in the future.

          I am a big fan of Ruger despite having some issues with multiple guns I have purchased from them, in part because of the way they handle problems that come up. As fas as I know, I was the first person to make a post on a popular gun forum detailing the issue with the original guide rod design on the LC9s (striker version), that caused the slide to hang up on the guide rod tip and not return to battery in some cases. Their customer service department claimed I was the first person to contact them about it. Ruger paid for me to ship the gun to them (both ways), had the gun back to me in less than 5 business days from the time I shipped it, and sent me a free Ruger hat a couple of weeks later as a thank you for being a repeat customer. They ended up redesigning that guide rod and offering free replacements to anyone who had purchased that model and requested one, whether they had experienced the problem or not, and without having to send the gun to Ruger.

          If you follow Ruger’s customer service model, then I wish you every success and I might end up with one of your pistols in the future.

          • Thanks Frank,
            We appreciate the note.
            The burr on that part was an isolated incident and a process has been put into place to ensure that doesn’t happen again.
            It’s worth noting that his followup video pointed out that the firearm was fixed and we provided good customer service.

            Because we shoot every firearm before it goes out the door, it is “all hands on deck” if a pistol has an issue.
            Would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you more about your impressions when you were at Chantilly.
            Please give us a call if you have some time tomorrow.
            We enjoy hearing from others in this industry to share thoughts and suggestions on how to improve.

  4. It does matter, albeit the last priority, after reliability, precision, ergonomics, parts support, fit n finish, value, customer service, warranty, politics and whatnot

    I love myself some made in murica. But i gotta protect the american lives living in my house before that

  5. I don’t like cheesy names that try to guilt trip me into buying their product.

    • ^^^This

      In a crowded market, you have to stand out, but what do that have that’s an improvement over Kahr, S&W, Glock…..

      Its really hard to break into a market dominated by mature designs by companies that have a deep history in both products and support.

      Look at Taurus, huge conglomerate inherently started with complete designs. They’ve had a terrible time moving on to the plastic striker market, or even Smith with the Sigmas.

      • That and the cheesy “HONOR” down the slide is a big red flag.

        “Honor” is earned, and seldom bragged about. Honor is generally understated. Honor is… not some goobers playing an appeal to patriotism/guilt card.

        I wish they would have just built a quality product and differentiated it that way. But sadly, they chose the other way. The sad and pandering way, which involves loudly trumpeting how many Vet orgs they support, and the like. I am a huge supporter of quality made-in-the-usa merch, but I would have to remachine the slide before I would be seen shooting it.

        It seems like an OK gun from most reviews I have read. How that translates at their price point is a different question.

  6. For me……I’m cautious when a product is attached to that kind of emotional marketing.
    Pride cometh before a fall.
    American pride should not be sold.
    A great reliable product should stand on function not sparklers and eye glinting rosie the riveters clutching fresh baked apple pie while doing photo ops with uncle sam.
    Start national anthem now.

  7. Yes. But must of good quality and value.

    But as important is that Chicom is absolute nogo for items similar to something the PLA might use (against the US/west). That would be optics, outdoors, camping, survival, etc. Other items prefer not Chicom where other viable competitive products are available.

  8. So, it’s basically as much of a Shield as they can get away with copying? Because it really, really looks like a Shield.

    • As a shield carrier, I will say that it looks similar, but it has many features that the Smith doesnt offer.

      There are actually quite a few guns in this category.
      Beretta Nano
      Ruger LC9S
      Glock 43
      Springfield XDs
      SIG P290
      KAHR CW9 and PM9 (i think)
      Taurus 709 Slim
      Keltec PF9 (the original?)
      Etc etc etc

  9. The marketing smacks of Jingoism, but I wouldn’t let that stop me from buying one of their pistols if it met all my primary criteria.

    I prefer to buy American made products, but if their pistol doesn’t meet all of my primary criteria it wouldn’t make up for any deficiencies.

  10. It absolutely does make a difference, BUT….only if, as others have already said, it’s made WELL in America. And that alone is a significant challenge, for a lot of reasons. Not least of which is because we’ve lost so many skilled craftsmen in the gunmaking trade over the years. Dyspeptic can elaborate on this far better than I can. I’m rather tickled happy that the guns are made here in Georgia (Gainesville is about 90 minutes outside Atlanta.) But, it’s so much more than just that; from the engineering and design, to the parts specc’ed and sourced, to the actual production, QC, testing, redevelopment, on and on it goes. And oh yeah, that warranty thing. And finally costs, because the talent really does go where the money is, despite all that silly socialist talk from folks who really should know better.

    This could be kinda fun – we could get a Caracal, a Honor, and maybe a couple other guns and dissect them to ascertain the differences in manufacturing. Polymers engineering has advanced to the point where it’s considerably cheaper to make and sell semiautomatic pistols than revolvers as a whole. That’s not good or bad, just the way it is. But beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, too, and so fine craftmanship will always have a place for those willing to pay up. I’ve got a Walther PPX – shoots great, fits my large mitts like a glove, phenomenal trigger, superbly accurate, super affordable. But it’s got a face only a mother could love after a few too many drinks. Nothing’s perfect.


  11. The name looks like they’re targeting knuckle dragging Trumpgoobers. Pass for that alone.

  12. If everything else were equal (reliability, value, ergos, etc.), then, yes, I would be more inclined to buy the firearm that was made in the US. But, I would not do so unless it was the equal of other guns.

  13. My Glock 19 has American Made all over it. It also says Georiga on it. It has the reputation to boot. Not saying this isn’t good stuff, but until you ditch the single stack mentality and ammo capacity that goes along with it, I’ll keep my money.

    • Many Glocks are made in the US, but most are still made in Austria.

      But why is the Glock 19 the “400 pound Gorilla in the room” when the M&P Shield is identical in size and capacity to the HonorDefense? The Shield is the best selling gun in this category (single stack 9mm with about 3″ barrel) with well over 1 million in use.

      The G19 feels like a 400 pound gorilla in your pants after carrying a Shield/HonorDefense.

      • Not to mention looks identical… I get that it’s different, especially with the removable chassis, but it looks like they straight stole a lot of the design from Smith

  14. Unless quality is much worse, I’d buy American. As I said above, you can pay an American’s salary, or you can pay a foreigner’s — and pay the American’s welfare/healthcare/incarceration costs. Even if the quality is a little lower, I’d consider it an investment in future quality.

  15. Their terrible names are 100% effective in keeping me away from their products, wherever they are made.

  16. I buy the best quality product I can afford for the job, if it’s American made, great. I won’t use subpar quality stuff just because ‘MURICA. Also think about how specialized some markets are; would you buy electronics produced in America over electronics produced in Asia? I wouldn’t. Guns are the same, as there are several European countries that have a hundred plus years of experience producing firearms that are exemplary.

  17. If a similar gun is pretty much the same price I’ll go American. But I know I can get a perfectly serviceable Taurus709 for 2 bills. I certainly don’t care for the cheesy name. And they got LOTS of competition in this category. Sorry but I have zero guilt buying foreign. Part of being old and having some of the worst American junk cars from the 70’s/80’s(Ford Maverick,Pinto,Mustang2, and a few other vans- all American). I had a 1962 Ford Galaxy that was awesome. I just got a pay as you go Chinese phone for $20-no American company can come close. And I got a Pardner Pump for 2 bills that kicks azz… my next gun MAY be a Glock-because they work.

    • “Sorry but I have zero guilt buying foreign. Part of being old and having some of the worst American junk cars from the 70’s/80’s(Ford Maverick,Pinto,Mustang2, and a few other vans- all American)”

      Exactly. In 1989 I was buying my first new car. I looked at American.

      I bought quality. I bought a Honda.

      300,000 miles, no regrets…

      • I drove that Galaxy 500 120mph(not safely!). 390 engine with Thrush mufflers-it cost me 140 bucks in 1972! I also had a ’65 Mustang(it didn’t run great). If I had both now…yeah I and the wife have an internet business. We get business(and fans) all over the world-every continent except Antarctica. Go with quality.

  18. Is the owner still stalking posts about the pistols and insulting people who have anything negative to say?

      • I prefer ‘Enthusiastic Debate and Social Intercourse’. You can label it as you would like. 🙂

        Also known as ‘Calling People On Marketing Bullshit and How They Really Don’t Like That. At All.’

        • Hey guys, I must have missed that beat-down!
          But my phone is on if you’d like to call.
          I posted my cell number back in those posts so we coul talk shop. And people wouldn’t need to hide behind their online “handle”.
          But no one ever called.
          Not once.
          Feel free to call, we’ll have more social intercourse!

        • The problem with phone calls is that they’re between you two.

          Out here in the open, we all see it.

          If you want to earn trust, answering tough questions in the open is the way to do it.

          • Int19h,
            While I would love to try and answer every question and challenge from every troll, it’s a bit of a time bandit.
            Truly interested people that don’t hide behind anonymous names are always encouraged to call, we love discussing shop.
            We are more than happy to discuss anything at length.

            So Int19th, feel free to call, late in the week is preferred due to regulations on shipping (less hectic at the office).
            We work long hours, but will be more than happy to provide insight on why things are designed the way they are.
            My guess is we will both learn something.

    • Guns plain,
      We all follow The Truth about Guns because they have high integrity and give honest reviews.
      People in the gun industry follow them too!

      • OK,
        First, don’t feed the trolls; second don’t BE a troll.

        That being said, I’ll probably end up with one, since I only have 3, or six if you count 380, single stack CC targeted guns.

        I like the idea of the swap-able chassis, SIG with the 250/320 probably has done the most with it so far since those have been out for a while, and at $45ish IIRC that’s kinda a no brainer.

        I’d really like to have one with an option to swap from a single stack to double, that would be huge for me. Winter vs summer, shorts vs pants, etc. I don’t know if that has an impact on frame and magazine geometry to the point that you can’t do it, I’ve taken apart a 250 and seen pictures of the HG and it doesn’t “seem” to be an issue, but someone would have to tell me.

        @ $100 or so I’d be really, really be interested; or a package with both for $75 more would drive more cash flow to HG into the chain. I’m not sure about the FIST thing, its still a different mold I’d guess, but actual sales would have to tell if its a good thing to continue and its a sunk cost for tooling at this point.

  19. If it’s so great, why not have a lifetime warranty vice a 2 year to only the original owner. Almost comes across as the original buyer will sell it within that time frame so they could get out of repairing a fairly new pistol.

    Seems if they believe in their product they should offer a longer warranty.

    • This is a pretty tough market, so I’m not sure if there’s a difference between 2 years or lifetime. I like the idea, but the Shield exists, and has a pretty long history now, and costs the same so….

  20. Yes. It matters. It doesn’t matter so much that I’ll buy inferior stuff just for the sake that it’s made here. “Made in America” almost universally means anymore “assembled by minimum wage non-English speaking Mexicans in a sweat shop in L.A.”. It does not mean finely made by well paid skilled craftsmen nore it doesn’t mean that the workers are even adequately skilled for the job in the first place.

    Make it here, make it with pride and make it with quality that you can’t get elsewhere. It’ll cost more in the end and I’ll be happy to pay that.

    US Optics demonstrates that you can have top shelf kit made here but it’s expensive even by the standards of top shelf kit and it’s not as refined or sophisticated as non-US made brands. American skilled workers (largely veterans even) at US Optics are being paid a fair wage for delicate work. I’m happy to give them my money because if it’s not right they make it right. Levi’s are a demonstration that it doesn’t always matter where something is made so much as the standards it’s made to. Budweiser is a demonstration that no matter what you think you’re doing, you can hire Americans and pay them fairly to make crap in the USA. It’s not enough for it to just come from here. It has to be up to snuff for the price too. Economically, that’s asking a lot.

  21. A bit late to this party. Mr. Ramey seems a bit defensive. Handled a Honor at my local gun store. It’s okay I suppose but it won’t replace my Walther PPS or G36 anytime soon.

    • Col Potter,
      Not defensive at all, did not intend that at all.
      Have had some fun repartee with a few of the folks from an initial post a long time ago.

  22. Surprised at the negativity in a lot of these posts. Is there some kind of troll club following Honor Defense around the intertubes just to harass? Seems like after 7-1/2 years of Obummer and the possibility of another 4 of Shrillary, gun enthusiasts would welcome every company that puts new guns into the market, encouraging them rather than putting boots on their necks.

    Looks like a S&W? So what? I almost bought a S&W, until I dry-fired it. Gritty trigger. The Honor Guard didn’t exhibit that problem when I dry-fired it.

    Don’t like the branding on the slide? I can see that being a secondary factor in a gun choice, but a reason to completely brush off a weapon? It doesn’t bother me a bit.

    I like to see new companies succeed. I hope Honor Defense does. Can’t wait to see the ambidextrous manual safety version hit the market.

    • Hmmm…I don’t know this guy from Adam. He just got free(?) publicity on the biggest gun blog in the world. I ‘m not against him-I just object to the idea that I have to “buy American”-or get a guilt trip lecture. I’m a senior citizen with a somewhat limited income-I go for the best quality for the least $-without apology…if that’s Honor Defense I’ll buy it.

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