Home » Horn: Protesting With Guns Keeps Your Message From Getting Through

Horn: Protesting With Guns Keeps Your Message From Getting Through

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

The problem, as I see it, is that you will never remember what the message that frustrated Michiganders were trying to convey, because of the ugly nature of some of the protesters. Honestly, I’m not afraid of guns and open-carry, I grew up with guns in the house and on the farm.

The problem quickly reveals itself when you combine guns, anger and ignorance. When you see people with long rifles screaming at the top of lungs, it shows the ugly side of civilization.

Some of my colleagues felt unsafe. I truly regret that part of it. Honestly I didn’t, because I trust the men and women we ask to protect us and the public. Having said that, what they put our Senate police, the House sergeants and the Michigan State Police through is an outrage. Our guys handled this day with poise and grace. But as an old bar owner, I know exactly how on-edge they must have been.

What is unforgivable, however, is the fact that the frustrated voices of the average citizen-demonstrator will go unheard, because of the noise these ready-for-violence protesters stirred up. To anyone reading, can we say that this rally served its purpose as you see photos of nooses and screaming people? To those that shouted angry messages at us from the Senate gallery, do you think you changed any minds?

– Ken Horn in Guns and screaming at Michigan Capitol drown out message of protest

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