hornady ammunition coronavirus
Courtesy Hornady

From Hornady . . .

Hornady Manufacturing Company is still in full operation and will endeavor to conduct business as usual through the coronavirus crisis. We are committed to keep production going during this situation.

We encourage our partners and vendors to continue to supply our operations. Please keep us abreast of your status and let us know if there’s anything we need to discuss in order to maintain the supply chain.

Stay strong. Stay safe. We will overcome this crisis.


    • Easy, make it illegal for the coronovirus to infect truck drivers and postal people.

      If you make it illegal, it won’t happen, right? /s

  1. “Hornady Manufacturing Company is still in full operation and will endeavor to conduct business as usual through the coronavirus crisis”


    I see Nebraska has 32 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (or SARS-something) at this time.

    And when the first production employee tests positive are they planning on bravely pushing forward with production, come Hell or high water?

    • I’m doubting they will. In the new authoritarian US they will shutter tg)he factory. Heard a rumor fat basturd J Prickster may shut down ILL. Ya thunink he sent a memo to Chiraq’s gangbangers?!?

    • Probably because they had only 32 test kits to administer. But hey, fuck our employees as long as we sell ammo to people who can’t even find an open range.

      • You are a dope. You think those employees want to be out of work like all the service industry workers? Real cruel of Hornady, keeping their people with a paycheck and trying to meet demand.

  2. Good. But i’m thinking I better buy a few cans of their American Gunner in 6.5CM sooner than later. Unfortunately, outdoor ranges in north LA Co and east Ven Co are closed.

    • Hmm. Seems to me like you and I are neighbors, SoCalJack. I stopped going to Oak Tree years ago because the Pro Shop employees are always rude and have no clue what CA laws actually say. I either patronize A Place To Shoot or hoof it out to California City for an extended experience and nobody looking over your shoulder.

  3. I’ve always liked Hornady, they think like Barrett.
    If a state has serious restrictions on citizen firearm ownership, they don’t allow that states agencies (PDs, SWAT…..) to purchase their items directly.

  4. If all these events did not wake u up… and u had 3 plus years of cheap ammo to stock up then ur just too stupid to own guns…please turn them all in or send give them to sane people. If u don’t know how to make ammo then again ur too stupid to own guns!

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