Gosh, we hope that title doesn’t violate the President’s wishes for a new era of civility in a post-Gabby Giffords world. But the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (yes, really) held their annual shotgun sports competition, the Congressional Shoot-Out, Tuesday and the elephants took top honors. GOPers won both the skeet and trap competitions while a donkey took down the sporting clays trophy. A Congressional resolution will no doubt be passed soon to honor the overall Congressional Top Gun, Rep. Duncan Hunter of California. And it looks like, when it comes to lobbyist shooting skills, the boys from the Freedom Group are tough to beat . . .

Yes, members of “the sportsmen’s community” also competed with Remington shooters winning all three events in the Elite category. We’re sure their sponsorship of events like this had nothing at all to do with their recent success on the military rifle sales field of competition. On the whole, though, any time you can get that many legislators out of the capitol (where the real damage is done) for an entire day, you probably have to consider the American taxpayer the real winner. Here’s the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation’s full press release:


Team Republican Wins “Top Gun” Title at the Congressional Shoot-Out

May 16, 2012 (Washington, DC) – The Republican team of marksmen outdueled their Democrat counterparts yesterday at the Congressional Shoot-Out held at the Prince George’s County Trap and Skeet Center in Glenn Dale, Maryland.

A record turnout of Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) members, both Democrats and Republicans, put partisanship aside to enjoy a friendly competition shooting rounds of trap, skeet and sporting clays.”

The members of the CSC do a tremendous job of protecting and advancing our interests and traditions in the halls of Congress and we thank them for turning out in record numbers for this event,” said Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) President Jeff Crane. “In addition to the members of Congress who showed their support for sportsmen, the outdoor industry and conservation leaders who care about hunting, fishing, shooting sports and conservation also helped make this a very successful shoot-out.”

Current CSC Co-Chair and team captain Rep. Jeff Miller (FL) joined by his co-captains, CSC Vice-Chair Rep. Bob Latta (OH) and CSC Vice-Chair Sen. James Risch of (ID) accepted the trophy on behalf of team Republican. Team Democrat was lead by current CSC Co- Chair Rep. Mike Ross (AR).

“The shoot-out is a great opportunity to highlight the issues that are important to the outdoors community, while at the same time fostering effective bipartisan collaboration on these crucial issues,” said Miller. “It is a real pleasure to work with other members of the Caucus and sportsmen’s community to promote conservation efforts and to preserve our critical habitat.”

“With all the Democrats who competed using full chokes and one arm tied behind their backs, we expected the Republicans to at least be more competitive than they have been in recent years,” said Ross. “As it turned out, our efforts to give them a fighting chance proved to be too much and they surprisingly won the “Top Gun” title this year.  I fully expect a different outcome next year.  For now, I congratulate my Republican colleagues who work with us in a bipartisan manner on the many important issues facing those of us who enjoy the great outdoor traditions of hunting, fishing, and sport shooting.”

Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA) won the Top Gun Member of Congress. The Top Gun from team Democrat was Rep. Mike Thompson (CA) and the Top Gun from team Republican was Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC). The Top Skeet shooter was Rep. Bill Huizenga (MI); Rep. Tom Rooney (FL) won the Trap competition and Rep. Collin Peterson (MN) won Top Sporting Clays.

Also in attendance were members of the sportsmen’s community who competed in three categories: Elite, Experienced and Beginner. In the Elite Category: David Radulovich of Remington won the Top Gun; John Bauer of Remington was Top Skeet shooter; Charlie Conger of Remington won Top Trap shooter and Gebben Miles of Remington won the Sporting Clays competition.

In the Experienced Category: Don Parrish of American Farm Bureau Federation won the Top Gun; David Lattimer of FN-USA/Browning, and Kevin Reid of Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. tied for Top Skeet shooter; Dave Butz, board member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), won top Trap shooter; and Forrest Wilson of ATK won the Top Sporting Clays.

In the Beginners Category, Andy Bopp, Hearing Industries Association, and Beth Daniel, Towson University and Hearing Industries Association, tied for the Top Gun award.

On Monday, the CSF also hosted the annual Industry Challenge at Prince George’s County Trap and Skeet Center, which coincides every year with the Congressional Shoot-Out. The First Place Team was Team Remington, made up of Charlie Conger, Gebben Miles and David Radulovich. Second place was Team Cabela’s, made up of Jim Heeren, Sean McLelland and Justin Smith. Third place went to Team ATK, which included Ryan Bronson, Steve Rodgers and Forrest Wilson. In the Elite category of the competition: Gebben Miles of Remington won Top Gun; Top Skeet went to Sean McLelland of Cabela’s and USA Shooting; Scott Robertson of Outdoor Channel won Top Trap and David Radulovich of Remington won Top Sporting Clays. In the Experienced category, Dave Butz, board member of the NRA, won Top Gun; Top Skeet went to Justin Smith of Cabela’s; Forrest Wilson of Cabela’s won Top Trap, and John Bauer of Remington won Top Sporting Clays.

Title Sponsors of the Congressional Shoot-Out were Alpha Natural Resources, ATK and Outdoor Channel.

The Host Sponsors were Cabela’s, NRA, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Remington and Winchester Ammunition.

Co-Hosts were Amgen, Ash Grove Cement Company, Beretta, Boone and Crockett Club, CropLife America, Dallas Safari Club, National Pork Producers Council, Oracle, Richard Childress Racing, SCI, Shimano and Yamaha.

Additional thanks to our other generous donors: Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Deer Park, Diageo, Old Virginia Tobacco Company and White Flyer.


  1. Holy big a$$ block of text batman! Can a brother get some line breaks and some indentions to go with my wall-o-text?

  2. “Additional thanks to our other generous donors: Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Deer Park, Diageo, Old Virginia Tobacco Company and White Flyer.”

    I’m a little surprised that with sponsors from alcohol, beer and tobacco companies, the B.A.T.F.E. didn’t show up and raid the place.

  3. Bit difficult looking up the history of this event, but:

    1) The Democrats won THREE YEARS IN A ROW from ’09-’11

    2) A guy from California was the Top Gun for all Congress this year (I’m assuming that’s an award earned by skill at the event)

    What’s wrong with this picture?

    • Why so surprised? The upper classes will always have their shotgun sports. They’re called “liberal elite” for a reason.

      • Really? You think the upper classes are predominantly liberal? Rich folks, in general, vote republican.
        Wealthy liberals are called “liberal elite” because its an easy label used by talk radio guys to delegitimize them “because they are out of touch with REAL Americans”
        What is a REAL American anyways? Someone who thinks just like rich Republican talk show hosts do? F*&# that. Disagreement, compromise, and moving forward is what we are all about.

  4. Well he was a republican from CA!
    Ha kind of funny I had to laugh..
    Now if we can only get them to repeal the state laws on gun control!!!

  5. Dan, I know you think you’re slick and funny, but your opening line was in bad taste.

    “Gosh, we hope that title doesn’t violate the President’s wishes for a new era of civility in a post-Gabby Giffords world.”

    Trivializing what happened to her in order to make a stupid joke is disgraceful. Her shooting was the direct result of the lax gun laws and attitudes in AZ, the very ones you support. Jared was enjoying Constitutional Carry that day. You should all embrace him as one of your own, and have the decency to leave the brain-damaged victim out of it.

    • How about trivializing a bunch of extreme hypocrite Dems who use violent images and words to describe their opponents (or “enemies” in the words of Obama, when campaigning for the Hispanic vote), yet squeal like stuck pigs when anyone does the same to them. Personally I think both sides could stand to be a lot more civil and remember that the other party is their opponent, not enemy, but the hypocrisy of the Dems on this issue is just revolting.

  6. The teams were dissolved at the start of this episode. All players received green shirts and began to compete directly against each other for the rest of the season. After the individual challenge, all players voted for one of the lowest performers. The top two vote-getters then competed in an elimination challenge as in earlier episodes.

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