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(courtesy The Truth About Knives)

I’m pleased to announce the arrival of The Truth About Guns’ sister site: The Truth About Knives. Click here to link across. Our man Chris Dumm is large and in charge, tasked with running the knife site with the same passion, honesty and integrity we apply to firearms rants, news and reviews. More than a few of the writers hereabouts will be creating edgy content for the new site, along with as-yet-undiscovered talent. If you’d like to be among their number, or have a knife or knife-related product you’d like TTAK to review, please ping Chris at [email protected]. We’ll be running some knife-gun related posts for a while, linking over to TTAK, to help get the site started. After that, both sites will practice perfect brand purity. And . . . that’s about it. Good luck to Chris and his team!

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  1. As a former knife grinder I can’t say how excited I am about this new web site!
    Now where’s the bill cap you promised?

  2. “More than a few of the writers hereabouts will be creating edgy content for the new site” I gotta say the site looks sharp. Maybe they could also feature cutting-edge technology. I’m glad you guys have honed in on knives.

    I’m sorry I couldn’t resist!

  3. I almost hate to say it, but it looks kind of naked without the advertising. * grins *

    But I like the content.

  4. Hopefully in a few years it won’t be overrun with political posts about fighting for your rights to own things with sharp edges and points.

    That’s a criticism of the political environment, not of TTAG.

    • Actually, that is exactly what I hope for. Knife rights have been trampled on for far too long. We have started making some incremental changes for the better in Utah, New Hampshire, and Arizona, but we have a long way to go.

      Wonderful idea, and I hope it works as well as TTAG.

    • I’m hoping the bring over some anti police articles about knife and hatchet and machete wielding cops who are going all Rambo and violating peoples rights with sporks and such…that would be awesome.

  5. Cool, tried to log in and was shut down HARD. F-^<) knives. I'll stick to my 45, 12g and 5.56 and read all the cool-ass s$#|t on this site. I've got a couple of 10" blades in the kitchen anyway. If so!t gets that deep so be it.

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