Joe Biden, John Kerry

Former Obama administration Secretary of State and Biden administration “climate envoy” John Kerry’s recent anti-First Amendment rant during a World Economic Forum panel on “Green Energy” wasn’t directed at gun owners and gun-rights groups, but it could have been.

According to a Fox News report, during the panel discussion Kerry lamented the fact that the government can’t stifle speech that doesn’t agree with those in charge. In doing so, he called the First Amendment—which was written partially to protect freedom of speech—a “major block” to hammering out what he considers to be “disinformation.”

“You know there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc.,” Kerry told the audience. “But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

In this case, Kerry was talking about those who don’t espouse his theory on climate change and don’t embrace the radical policies he and others in the Democrat party claim are necessary to combat climate change. He wishes the First Amendment wasn’t there to hinder his ability to shut those up who disagree with his point of view on the matter.

Interestingly, Kerry quickly turned the conversation into an endorsement for the Harris-Walz campaign, which he apparently believes might have the ability to “govern” such free speech.

“I think democracies are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to deal with the challenges they are facing, and to me, that is part of what this election is all about,” he said. “Will we break the fever in the United States? What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

While that’s nonsense enough, you might be asking what that has to do with the Second Amendment. And the answer is, everything.

Stifling speech that doesn’t agree with the administration currently in charge isn’t limited to climate politics. There’s little doubt that Kerry and his ilk would also like to silence gun-rights groups that disagree with the government’s assertions that violent crime is a “public health crisis,” AR-style rifles are “assault weapons,” and the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act gives gun makers “blanket immunity.”

The Biden-Harris administration holds those three “facts” as among their utmost certainties as far as gun policy is concerned. Who believes they wouldn’t like to cut back on any dissent about those ideas if they were given the opportunity?

In the end, any time you hear any politician—from either party—call the First Amendment a roadblock to anything except tyranny, you should sit up and take notice. Those who want to curtail First Amendment rights would also be stifling the ability for Second Amendment supporters to voice our opinion on the issue.


  1. Remember when Bush Jr. was pres and everybody on the left kept preaching about the value of dissent? That was their buzzword for at least a couple of years. Kinda like how they’ve been using “weird” as their buzzword all summer and into the fall.

    Why won’t you value my dissent John Kerry? He was all for it in the 70’s. Then again in the 00’s. Mysteriously silent on it from 08-16. Now he thinks people should be punished for it.

    • He’s enough to make you give up ketchup. It’s a meaningless gesture, but l can’t help it. I see the name Heinz, and my stomach turns.

      Front-running the Trump admin by going “backchannel”;with the Iranians was the final final straw..

    • “Why won’t you value my dissent”

      There’s a great difference between dissent and intentional disinformation for election interference.

      Here is a perfect example, MAGA republican politicians Trump, MTG, etc and many others have claimed noncitizen voting caused Donald Trump to unfairly lose the 2020 election.

      But the facts show that an extensive audit conducted by the Republican leadership of Georgia found a grand total of nine noncitizens voting out of a total 8200000 registered voters.

      That’s a noncitizen voting rate of .0000011 %.

      So much for the MAGA fake news story that the election was compromised by non-citizen voters.

      “Georgia GOP secretary of state reports audit found 20 noncitizens registered to vote out of 8.2M
      BY: STANLEY DUNLAP – OCTOBER 23, 2024 6:56 PM

      Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference at the Georgia Capitol on October 23, 2024. He announced an audit of voters turned up 20 noncitizens who illegally registered. Alex Wong/Getty Images
      Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Wednesday that an audit of U.S. citizenship conducted by his office revealed 20 noncitizens who had registered illegally to vote.

      Raffensperger released the findings of a voter citizenship audit that revealed that nine of the 20 noncitizens identified in the citizenship audit had voted illegally in previous Georgia elections.

      Raffensperger said that the 20 noncitizens identified by the audit have been referred to local prosecutors for further investigation. Additionally, the audit prompted an ongoing investigation to determine the citizenship status of 156 additional registered voters.

      State election officials reported Wednesday that the majority of the nine noncitizens illegally voted before the state implemented citizenship verification through the Department of Driver Services in 2012. There are currently 8.2 million registered voters in Georgia. A voter must be a U.S. citizen and possess a valid identification card in order to vote in Georgia.

      Raffensperger said this year’s audit is the most comprehensive citizenship check ever conducted in Georgia. The audit reviewed records from county courts, the Georgia Department of Driver Services and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The identities of the 20 noncitizens were discovered when they declared they were not citizens after being requested for jury duty.“

      • The folks running Georgia are so dumb they decided to put social sec # on DLs, in place of DL#s.

        They don’t have a clue about what is going on.

        • “folks running Georgia are so dumb they decided to put social sec # on DLs“

          If that were true, it would be a violation of federal law.

          “Section 7214 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 [42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(vi)(II)] explicitly prohibits printing Social Security numbers on identification documents issued by motor vehicle agencies, including driver licenses and vehicle registrations“

          And that’s all y’all got in response?

          How about an apology for all your lies about “illegal immigrants voting in elections!”?

          An extensive Republican-led audit of every registered voter in Georgia revealed a noncitizen voting rate of 11 millionths of one percent.

          Like Donald Trump‘s attorney general of the United States William Barr said when asked about the reality of significant voter fraud in the 2020 election, “it’s all bullshit”.

          • “if that were true, it would be a violation of federal law.”

            is true… my own state did that in the past. some other states did it too. then the law changed and so did the states to stop doing that.

            “How about an apology for all your lies about “illegal immigrants voting in elections!”?”

            “illegal immigrants” have voted in elections.

            Miner49er, how about an apology for all your lies, and disengenous, and trolling, and not knowing what context means, and intentionally taking discussions off track, in the comments section, and deceiving by posting under different names to start another mental illness TDS excretion, and for your criminal activity IRL.

          • Arizona uses these separate ballots because the state requires all voters to prove their citizenship before they can vote in state and local races. Such documentation isn’t required to cast ballots for federal office in Arizona.

            The decision to let these roughly 98,000 voters use the full ballot is a victory for Arizona’s Democratic secretary of state, Adrian Fontes, and liberal groups that pushed for this outcome.

            Notice how Arizona has strict proof of citizenship requirements for state ballots but not for federal ballots. Why would they do that? Why do they want 98k who didn’t show proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections? Why is that important to them?

            Off the top of my head, I can think of several noncitizens indicted for illegally voting in NC and OH very recently. So yes, they are voting. Those guys got caught. That means there are many more that didn’t get caught. Why would Democrats want to make that criminal job easier with loose voting laws? Answer: because they WANT them to vote (duh)! It’s the only explanation. Why do Democrats want outdated voting rolls full of ineligible people? The only explanation for that is to make it easier to fraudulently cast ballots in those ineligible names. This crime is nearly impossible to catch in Democrat-controlled voting districts. That’s by design.

            Why did Democrats block the SAVE Act? Why did Democrats push for a law that would allow noncitizens, including illegals, to vote in Washington DC? Why did Democrats vote against a bill that would deport ILLEGAL immigrants CONVICTED of sexual offenses? Answer: because they don’t care about people being sexually assaulted. They don’t care about illegals getting DUI’s either. Kamala invited CONVICTED murderers into the country! They don’t care. Why? Because this is a Democrat strategy to import future and current Democrat voters. The first bill the Puppet-Harris Admin put forth was amnesty for illegals! That was their number one priority! They did that as they ended Trump’s border and immigration policies so they could flood the country with poor illegals very likely to vote for Democrats. This is not a complicated subject. You’d have to be a certifiable moron not to notice what is happening.

  2. “You know there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc.,”

    Called treason. Some of us here, me included, have taken an oath that has no expiration date. there are a lot of people in government have forgotten they are representing the people, not the other way around.

    “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, “

    • “guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts“

      Yes, and real Americans achieved a great step in that direction with the $787 million settlement by Fox ‘News’ for their intentional lying regarding the 2020 election.

      And the dominion and smartmatic lawsuits continue, holding the lying piece of shit MAGA propaganda outlets accountable for their intentional disinformation regarding the election.

      “Called treason“

      Yes, when so-called patriots wrap themselves in the flag and then intentionally lie about the election in order to unlawfully seize power, that is indeed treason.

      • MAGA. Make America Great Again. You and your fascist buddies say it like a curse word. Your hatred is so complete it blinds you to the truth.

        • “You and your fascist buddies say it like a curse word”

          In this world, one is judged by their words and deeds.

          The hatred and division expressed by the MAGA crowd sets the tone.
          The attack on the United States Capitol on January 6 showed the world the hatred and violence of the MAGA mob, video evidence proves it was not a “day of love” as Donald Trump claims but rather an attack upon the very foundations of American democracy.

          “Optimism comes less easily today, not because democracy is less vigorous but because democracy’s enemies have refined their instruments of repression”
          Ronald Reagan

          • Demonstration in a political venue is political demonstration. “Mostly peaceful” arson and looting of private business is not political demonstration.

            • All of which was promoted by Kamala. She told them to keep going, and she would help to bail them out, if they got arrested.

            • “is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?“

              More public lying by you, your empty slander betrays your lack of intellectual capacity.

              So be a man, show your hand, post your evidence that I am a felon for all to see and I will stand convicted.

              Yeah, you’re as full of shit as a Christmas goose and not quite as smart, sad!

              • stop it with your usual deflection and answer the question.

                is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?

              • “is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?“

                First, the construction of your question shows your intellectual dishonesty.

                There are actually two parts to your question, as a classic assumptive question it postulates facts not proven.

                In this case, your question assumes that I am a felon and you are asking why I am a felon.

                I am not a felon, your assumption is incorrect.

                And, as a non-felon, the second part of your question “why am I felon” is nonsensical (as is most of your posts on this forum).

                It’s clear why you fit into the cult so well, after all Donald Trump “loves the poorly educated”.

              • stop making stuff up and deflecting, answer the question and excreting your mental illness TDS.

                “I am not a felon…”

                That’s not what your record shows and that’s not what you told me.

                So to bring you back on track from your flight of deflection and mental illness TDS, lets recap… you posted..

                “In this world, one is judged by their words and deeds.”

                I asked…

                “is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?”

                so answer the question…your words and deed…is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?

        • “Your hatred is so complete it blinds you to the truth“

          It is true, I do hate those who use violence against their political opponents.

          “Man Is Arrested After Shootings at Democratic Campaign Office in Arizona
          The authorities said they believed the suspect was “preparing to commit an act of mass casualty.”
          Share full article

          Bullet holes remain in the glass window at a Democratic Party campaign office in Tempe, Ariz., last month.Credit…Gabriel Sandoval/Associated Press
          Tim Balk
          By Tim Balk
          Oct. 23, 2024

          An Arizona man has been arrested on terrorism charges in connection with three shootings at a Democratic Party campaign office in suburban Phoenix that wounded no one but rattled campaign workers in a bitter election season.

          The man, Jeffrey Michael Kelly, 60, was arrested Tuesday, according to the authorities. Mr. Kelly also set out anti-Democratic Party signs lined with razor blades near his home, attaching bags filled with an unknown white powder and labeled “Biohazard,” according to court papers.

          More than 120 guns, 250,000 rounds of ammunition and a grenade launcher were uncovered at Mr. Kelly’s home, a lawyer for the Maricopa County attorney’s office, Neha Bhatia, said at a virtual court appearance on Wednesday. Some of the firearms were machine guns, she said, adding that the authorities believed he was “preparing to commit an act of mass casualty.”

          Yes, another conservative Republican gun owner:

          “More than 120 guns, 250,000 rounds of ammunition and a grenade launcher were uncovered at Mr. Kelly’s home“

          • Sounds like a gun nut that had enough stuff to commit mass casualty, for a long time. Makes you wonder why he never did…

            • “Makes you wonder why he never did… “

              Like many MAGA conservatives, he knows he’s full of shit and doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to act on the delusions he’s received from Sean Hannity and other MAGA propagandists.

              But with continued hammering from the billionaire propaganda outlets, he probably would’ve acted. I know you folks are disappointed, but personally I’m glad that he was apprehended before he actually killed anyone.

              • Like that fellow that shot Trump? egged on by the fascist left media and the corporate billionaires that own them?

              • “egged on by the fascist left media“

                He was a registered Republican, he and his family supported Donald Trump:

                “Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Donald Trump Signs in His Yard—Neighbor

                Published Jul 16, 2024 at 5:38 AM EDT
                Updated Jul 16, 2024 at 10:13 AM EDT
                By Khaleda Rahman
                National Correspondent

                A neighbor of the 20-year-old who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump said there have been pro-Trump signs on display in the yard of his family’s home.
                A neighbor in Bethel Park, the Pittsburgh suburb where Crooks lived, said they saw pro-Trump signs in the family’s yard as recently as a few months ago.

                “There absolutely was MAGA-supporting signs for a while,” Kelly Little told WTAE-TV.“

              • Yeah, presidential assassins always try to kill the person they support. That’s how it works. Brilliant take as usual Miner. I like how you omit his social media posts in favor of the drooling puppet, Biden.

              • “Unlike your boy Crooks.”

                Let’s not forget that other deranged TDS-suffering assassin. They’ve done an amazing job of memory holing two assassination attempts on a presidential candidate. Our media are totally not propaganda outlets for Democrats.

              • “minor you still didn’t answer. 40’s question“

                Yes, I pointed out the details of his intellectual dishonesty above.

                Hey, be grateful I’m taking the time to answer any questions on here.

                I’ve been really busy, quelling revolutions, toppling governments, making old women blush and young girls squeal.

              • Miner49er, stop making stuff up and deflecting and excreting your mental illness TDS.

                “Yes, I pointed out the details of his intellectual dishonesty above.

                Hey, be grateful I’m taking the time to answer any questions on here.

                I’ve been really busy, quelling revolutions, toppling governments, making old women blush and young girls squeal.”

                You pointed out no such details, what you did was deflect and excrete more of your mental illness TDS. Evidently, aside from not knowing what context means you also don’t know what intellectual dishonesty means either.

                “I’ve been really busy, quelling revolutions, toppling governments…”

                Oh, so that’s how you see yourself while sitting around pounding on your keyboard – you imagine yourself as some sort of ‘heroic of savior action figure’… typical violent radical left wing fantasy… always with the ‘imagined cause but doomed unless you can save the day’.

                Is that what you thought you were doing to your victims, quelling a revolution and toppling governments?

                “…making old women blush and young girls squeal.”

                That’s not what the criminal charges and court called it. How old was that “young girl”?

                So to bring you back on track from your flight of deflection and mental illness TDS, lets take a moment from your fantasy of “quelling revolutions, toppling governments” and recap… you posted previously…

                “In this world, one is judged by their words and deeds.”

                I asked…

                “is that why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?”

                so answer the question…are your words and deeds why you are a convicted felon Miner49er?

  3. “win the right to govern”?

    what right to govern? you don’t have a right to govern. you have what ‘we the people’ allow you, you are not monarchs or rulers. you don’t get to have a ‘right to govern’, you are employees, you are servants of the people. there is no ‘right to govern’ in the Constitution, there is only existance of the government by the will of ‘We the People’ and you are servants to that will of ‘we the people’.

    • Exact, what right to govern? Politicians are merely people who have won a popularity contest that allows them the privilege to serve ‘We the People’. Therein lies the problem with many present day politicians. They take the oath of office as a formality with no real meaning. Our forefathers were no fools and the Bill of Rights aren’t just so many words recorded on paper. Present day politicians don’t seem to know, care or show respect for the Bill of Rights and their disdain for ‘We the People’ is clearly displayed for all to see.
      Who’s your boss? ‘We the People’.

    • Many of the political class forget they were “elected to govern” and instead think they are “chosen to rule”. Some for eternity, just like their inspiration the CCP.

      • “think they are “chosen to rule”

        Yes, and this November we will rid ourselves of one who has proclaimed himself “chosen” to rule.

        “I am the Chosen One”: with boasts and insults, Trump sets new benchmark for incoherence
        President outdoes himself in new press conference as he attacks the Danish prime minister, Jewish Democrats and the press
        Tom McCarthy
        Wed 21 Aug 2019 16.26 EDT“

        Followed shortly thereafter by the sentencing of Donald Trump for 34 counts of felony business fraud.

        • I think you’re living in denial, miner. harris has blundered this election from the start. Worse than hillary. Trump will get elected.

          Even if he gets a prison sentence, he will not, then Vance will step into the oval office. So America still wins.

          I know how much you hate America, miner. But think of this. If you get your fantasy and kamala gets the office America will soon collapse. That would make you happy.

          But if we collapse, so does the rest of the world. Phucked beyond belief.

          • Harris is serving as a modern Rahab, treacherously opening the gates of her home country to a horde of foreign invaders. I guess she sees the motley throng of well-nourished “asylum-seekers” coming over the border as her “chosen people.”

        • “Yes, and this November we will rid ourselves of one who has proclaimed himself “chosen” to rule.”

          Yes, it will be good to get rid of Biden and Kamala and Walz. Like Kerry said, these democrat idiots think they have a ‘right to govern’ and that’s usurping power the constitution simply does not give them – talk about compromising the election, well, there it is in Biden and Kamala and Walz.

          • Talk about compromising the election, it seems left wingers will make up anything at all to keep people not left wing from voting…

            WHAT?!? DENIED The Right To Vote For Wearing A Blackout Coffee Shirt?!?

            h ttps://

        • Compare and contrast the lifelong business man that only wanted two political terms with the lifelong government teet-sucking parasites that cling to power until they die or until they’re functionally dead.

        • Now now miner, you well know that Harris thinks she’s The Chosen One. Indeed, she was selected by party bosses without going through a normal primary process, and then presented to you and your fellow suckers as your choice. Even though you leftists had soundly rejected her during a legitimate process a few years prior.

          Then we’ve got Clinton, who’s still sucking on sour grapes because you leftists won’t stroke her sense of entitlement.

          To say that any on our side feel entitled is a serious case of projection.

          • “Now now miner, you well know that Harris thinks she’s The Chosen One“

            You claim to know what Kamala Harris thinks, mind reading is your super power?
            Damn, you MAGA are truly delusional.

            Sorry, you can’t know what she thinks… But we know what Donald Trump thinks because he told us:

            “I am the Chosen One”: with boasts and insults, Trump sets new benchmark for incoherence
            President outdoes himself in new press conference as he attacks the Danish prime minister, Jewish Democrats and the press
            Tom McCarthy
            Wed 21 Aug 2019 16.26 EDT“

  4. The Second Amendment is all about citizens ownership of assualt weapons.
    To debate on what is and what isn’t is ludicrous.

    KH/TW in 2024, let the games begin.

  5. @40cal Booger.
    Your living in the old America.
    This is the new America.
    Our rights are what ever our government allows us to have.

  6. I’d like to care more about all this crap, but I’m just an old burnt out Marine living alone out in the MS woods with too many guns. Y’all do what you think best. Just don’t fuck with me.

    • I be clinging bitterly to various forms of property, as well. Although I may have to break down and get AC, or move north.

      • “I may have to break down and get AC or move north”

        Yep, it really strange, it’s almost as if the climate is changing…

        But that can’t be it, Republican Governor DeSantis has forbidden climate change.

        “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
        George Orwell, 1984

          • I don’t think anyone fears DeSantis, especially given his poor performance in the last Republican primary.

            My post was just pointing out his incredible stupidity, it seems he’s somewhat surprised to find out banning the term ‘climate change’ does not seem to actually have any effect upon the increasing violent weather Florida is suffering.

            • No fear? Then why the smear? There is nothing lower than a man who tries to use warming seas to fuel his Marxist fantasies of total power.

              • “Then why the smear?“

                It is not a smear to state the fact that Ron DeSantis censored the use of the term ‘climate change’ in state documents.

                You folks cry ‘censorship by the government!’, then defend the chief executive of the State when he censors words and phrases from the Peoples’s documents.

                “tries to use warming seas“

                It’s not politics, it will be the increase in frequency, severity and range of catastrophic weather events that make large parts of the United States uninhabitable.

                “Homes in parts of the U.S. are “essentially uninsurable” due to rising climate change risks
                By Aimee Picchi
                Edited By Alain Sherter
                September 20, 2023 / 12:01 AM EDT / MoneyWatch
                Millions of American homeowners like Mary Morse find themselves stuck in a financial bind, facing mounting risks from wildfires and floods linked to climate change while their home insurance rates rocket upwards. Increasingly, the crowning blow comes when insurers withdraw coverage, leaving individuals and even entire communities vulnerable.“

                There is nothing lower than a man who tries to use his fantasies of total power and censorship to deny the reality homeowners are experiencing.

              • “It is not a smear to state the fact that Ron DeSantis censored the use of the term ‘climate change’ in state documents.”

                100% False, its not a “fact” “DeSantis censored the use of the term ‘climate change’ in state documents.” a lot of state documents still refer to climate change, its just not a priority now in Florida law like it was

                Desantis removed most (not all) references to the term ‘climate change’ from Florida law, and restructured Floridas law so that climate change was no longer a priority because those ‘priorities’ were not working to help Florida against the unique circumstances it faces. Instead, the changes for priorities now are reducing reliance on foreign energy sources and strengthening the energy infrastructure in Florida against, as the bill/measure said, natural (i.e. climate change effects affecting Florida) and manmade threats (i.e. against the environment, against the infrastructure, etc…) to protect Florida like a governor is suppose to do, is constitutionally obligated to do, for their state. So to address that protection need to address the unique needs of Florida to prepare communities for rising seas, more intense storms and flooding, and hardening the infrastructure, Desatis removed the ‘climate change’ priority because it simply was not working to help Florida.

                Miner49er, why are you so cowardly afraid of discussing without egregious disingenuous trolling and deceptive spin and mis-representation?

              • “There is nothing lower than a man who tries to use his fantasies of total power and censorship to deny the reality homeowners are experiencing.”

                Then, Miner49er, why are you cheering for Biden and Harris and Walz?

              • “100% False, its not a “fact”

                Sorry, the policy actually began with Republican Governor Rick Scott:

                From the Miami Herald (local reporting often has the actual ground truth that national outlets miss):

                “In Florida, officials ban term ‘climate change’
                BY TRISTRAM KORTEN
                UPDATED MARCH 11, 2015 11:52PM

                DEP officials have been ordered not to use the term “climate change” or “global warming” in any official communications, emails, or reports, according to former DEP employees, consultants, volunteers and records obtained by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

                “We were told not to use the terms ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming’ or ‘sustainability,’” said Christopher Byrd, an attorney with the DEP’s Office of General Counsel in Tallahassee from 2008 to 2013. “That message was communicated to me and my colleagues by our superiors in the Office of General Counsel.”

                Kristina Trotta, another former DEP employee who worked in Miami, said her supervisor told her not to use the terms “climate change” and “global warming” in a 2014 staff meeting. “We were told that we were not allowed to discuss anything that was not a true fact,” she said.“

              • Are we pretending Mary Morse would have been helped by saying “climate change” a lot in 2015? What Floridians will do is allocate the money they would have paid the insurance companies to better construction.

                Not to mention pulling back from flood zones.

                What will help folks in the mountains, I do not know. What I do know is that if fossil fuel emissions had been reduced to zero in 2015, it would not have helped Helene victims at all. The time for that was in the ’90s, or even before.

                Warming seas are real, and Marxist politicking is highly counter-
                productive. Ditto Kamalala’s foreign invasion.

  7. Just remember that Democrats are really only against the procession and use of firearms when they aren’t wielded in the support of their agenda.

  8. Kerry & Jane were tools of the communist VC. Kerry is still giving the shiv to the U.S. with the one world order B.S., still a commie now cozying up to the U.N..

    • Jane now sez she wants to “put all the old white men in jail for climate change.”

      If it ain’t one thing, it is another.

    • “Kerry & Jane were tools of the communist VC”

      How ironic, unlike you, John Kerry has actually killed Viet Cong guerrillas in combat.

      “The former Navy lieutenant met a 70-year-old former member of the Viet Cong, who remembers the 1969 attack.
      The pair warmly shook hands.
      Mr Kerry, who is in Vietnam as part of his last trip before leaving office, won a medal for bravery for his actions but became an anti-war campaigner after returning home.

      Mr Kerry told his former enemy, Vo Ban Tam, he was glad they were both alive.
      Mr Vo, now a shrimp farmer, said he knew a man whom Mr Kerry shot and killed and remembered the plan of attack when they first spotted the US patrol boat.

      The Viet Cong unit had a rocket launcher and was shooting at the US fighters to try to steer them into its range.
      However, Mr Kerry took a bold move by leaping ashore to pursue his assailants, and shot dead the rocket launcher’s operator.
      Mr Kerry, then aged 26, was credited with saving his crew and was awarded the US military’s Silver Star for bravery.
      Mr Vo named the dead fighter as Ba Thanh and said he was 24 years old.
      “He was a good soldier,” he told Mr Kerry, speaking through an interpreter.
      Mr Kerry never knew the name or age of the man he shot.“

          • Viet Nam was a dem war, just like Korea.. The ROE were dem rules. Wasnt Kerry was planning a career in politics? Ya need a good war record for that.

            Is that what you call “enlightened self-interest”?

          • So l am on a boat that b is out of rpg range and they are shooting at me to get the boat in range – and “leap ashore” and shoot rpg man who suddenly in range? Bullshit. I would not be surprised to learn Kerry did something brave, but this story stinks.

  9. Excellent article!!!
    Keep in mind that the high priests of Anthropogenic Global Warming Theology openly assert that it is necessary to reduce the human population by 80% to 90% to save the planet sometime mid century. It is obvious to anyone who knows anything about demographics that it simply isn’t possible to reduce population that rapidly by limiting births. It would be necessary to systematically exterminate the vast majority of the human race.

    Obviously; rounding up people and shipping them off to concentration camps would alarm people. Gas chambers and mass crematoria would have the disadvantage of causing air pollution. Even worse, the intended victims of this culling of the surplus population might not take kindly to bring systematically exterminated. They might take up arms to defend themselves, just like the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto. This is why the AGW theology cult embraces gun control. It is much easier to exterminate unarmed victims.

    Of course cooking up a potentially devastating plague in a Chinese laboratory might be an effective tactic.
    Developing vaccines that are actually deadlier than the disease then mandating vaccination would only enhance the effects. Of course the maximum pay off is that the vaccines cause testicles to shrivel up transforming the victims into transsexuals.

    • That is the dumbest thing I’ve read, ever. People would not stand for it and fight back. There would always be resistance by armed people. There aren’t enough ‘enforcers’ to cover the entire land mass of the United States. The military would never support the extermination of US citizens. With all the destruction, no one would want to live in what was left.

      • ” The military would never support the extermination of US citizens.”

        Yeah, right. Let’s see, Bonus Army and the Battle of Blair Mountain, to name a few.

        • Second dumbest thing written.

          Blair Mountain – This ‘battle’ was between civilian miners and the federal troops were called in to STOP the fighting. The miners willingly surrendered to the federal troops because they were not rebelling against the federal government, but rather against the local and state governments that catered to mining interests to the extent of denying citizens their constitutional rights.

          Bonus Army – Two killed when the vet encampments were destroyed.

          Hardly the extermination of Americans by the US military. Buy a history book dumbass, get someone to help you with the big words.

          • Cato is certainly correct about the battle of Blair Mountain, an unlawful and unconstitutional attack by corporate militia known as the Baldwin-Felts detective agency who killed innocent women and children in their fight to subjugate America’s working folks.

            The patriotic coalminers were unwilling to fight against American soldiers in uniform and willingly surrendered their weapons rather than take arms against American soldiers.

            Unlike the so-called ‘patriotic Americans’ today, those working folks knew their enemy was not the United States government, but rather the multinational corporate overlords who work to this very day to enslave American workers in wage slavery.

            Just watch the video of billionaires Leon Musk and Donald Trump giggle about firing striking workers, in 20 seconds you’ll see all you need to see to know the truth.

            “I love it,” Trump said. “You’re the greatest … I mean, I look at what you do. You just walk in and you just say, ‘You wanna quit?’ They go on strike, I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone … Every one of you is gone.'”

            “You are the greatest!” he added after Musk chuckled. “You would be very good [on the proposed commission]. Oh, you would love it.”

            • There’s stuff that works and stuff that doesn’t. Marx doesn’t.

              Then there’s UAW…

              When the unions get out of control, corporations go bankrupt.

        • Threaten soldiers with no paycheck or benefits, maybe threaten their families a bit, maybe society has broken down a bit, what happens then ? That’s always been my worry

      • Have you ever visited places such as Dachou, Bergin Belsin and Austwitz? Have you ever met an elderly Israeli that had a serial number tattooed on their arm. Have you ever visited the former Yugoslavia, Lebanon or Rwanda?

        Have you ever visited Australia during the Cividvirus lockdowns? People were generally forbidden to leave their homes except for specific circumstances. They were required to carry their cell phones so that government could track their movements. Violators were forcibly detained and confined to quarantine camps.

        Go take a look at all the LGBYQ gender queer folks that now dominate the Pentagon. They’d very eagerly kill you.

        • I noticed years ago that Other Agency was specifically recruiting them. Then, more recently, the FIB followed suit. One might ask why unless you already know. The Federal/military Covid purge was an easy way to dump people not down with the cause.

      • What I read – 25m illegals, representing $13b per year of the Biden Admin. For comp, our entire military has 2.5-ish million members. Do you really think some portion of the military in your near future won’t fire on Maw and Paw Applepie?

        25m vs 2.5m…

      • @Cato

        What I read – 25m illegals, $13b per year in cartel profits from said illegals over the 4 years of the Biden Admin, 2.5m people in our entire military.

        Many of those 25m will be trying to enlist. Do you really think our future military won’t fire on Maw and Paw Applepie?

        • No

          Nice that you think so little of those that serve to think they would murder Americans. Would you? Maybe you should enlist or STFU.

          Way to support the troops, a$$hole.

          • Bullshit. Harris’ military of tomorrow will look nothing like the stereotype in your mind, either in terms of politics or national origin.

            • Or it will look like Trump’s military and Ma and Pa Kettle will be saved.

              When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has neck tats and is an ex-cartel member then I’ll worry.

              • x denigrates Americans serving their country because he is jealous of their courage.

                His internal fear and cowardice drives him to insult heroes like John McCain and John Kerry.

              • Probably. A military staffed by foreign mercenaries is a consistent factor the fall of empires. You can count on me to be agin ithe fall of the Republic, the Bill of Rights, and the end of the blessings of liberty..

              • @cato

                What could be more insulting to the America’s military than pretending an army of Kamala’s imports would not be a step down?

              • You act as if the military could be taken over by Kamala’s imports within four or eight years and rise high enough in the ranks that ‘the foreign mercenaries’ would/could run the entire military. That is asinine. Do you think all the non-mercenary, illegal immigrant- imports will just quit and leave the service? Even if you’re talking about years after Kamala is out of office, CinC’s after her wouldn’t allow changes like that to remain in place. How f*cking stupid are you?

              • @cato

                What non-mercenaries? We don’t have any of those any more, and not stupid enough to think a bunch of imports officered by diversity hires just couldn’t *possibly* decide their oath to defend the Constitition is “open to modern interpretation”. When 2 warships are rammed by foreign freighters with loss of American life and the top brass make it clear that their main concern is “gender parity” that is a clear sign of endstage rot already in place.

              • ‘What non-mercenaries?’

                Are you a dunce? I was talking about the non-mercenary military we have now that wouldn’t all quit.

                I’m sorry I asked how f*cking stupid are you? I didn’t think you’d try to prove how much.

              • Hey dumdum, we have an all mercenaries army now. You know, PROFESSIONAL.

                WTH do you think the definition of mercenary is?

                BTW, you can be confident that EVERYBODY on the civilian disarmament train will support your stand for no criticizing of the military, past present or future….

                So there’s that.

  10. When I grow up I want to be a ministry of propaganda guy.
    Did President Biden ever comment on how nice Kamala’s hair smelled?
    Did President Biden ever smell the hair on the ass of a hyena?

  11. @ Mark Chestnut

    “[the govt asserts that] the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act gives gun makers “blanket immunity.”

    I think you mean the govt asserts that the PLCAA does NOT give gun makers, etc…

  12. SHOCKING VIDEO: Border shootout shows what a Kamala presidency would bring us.

    h ttps://

    • In the border shootouts, those cartel and criminals from Mexico causing those shoot outs are probably using some of those weapons trafficked into Mexico by known arms trafficker Viktor Bout as he is the top weapons trafficker to Mexico. You remember him, known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, that Biden (and Harris) traded for Brittney Griner, to kiss Putins ass because Putin demanded it. Could have something to do with the millions of $$$ in deals Biden and Hunter profited from in Russia … because no sane president and vice-president would have release such a man.

      Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout and Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths by trading him.

      Basically: Viktor Bout was arrested in Bangkok in 2008, during the Bush administration, and bought to the U.S. and given 25 years in prison. Putin immediately began trying to get him back. Bush, Obama, Trump all refused to trade this literal ‘merchant of death’ for anything and despite talks Putin always demanded Bout be part of any trade. Its the reason Trump did not trade to get Paul Whelan out of Russia, because the deal would have needed to include Bout to make Putin trade. But along comes Biden and Harris, with Biden and Hunter having millions of $$$ in deals in Russia (Hunter did the deals, Joe profited from them), and kiss Putins ass to give him wanted he wanted to trade Bout for Brittney Griner which Biden and Kamala used to gain favoritism among influential black leaders.

  13. “Stifling speech that doesn’t agree with the administration…”

    which is why the First Amendment exists, so that people are free to have speech that does not agree with the ‘administration’.

    No where in the constitution does it give the ‘administration’ any ‘right to govern’ or ‘stiffle’ or ‘hammer out’ speech that is dissenting from what the government says. No where in the constitution does it give the ‘administration’ any ‘right to govern’ or determine what is ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ ‘speech’ or ‘censor’ any of it. In fact, the structure of the Constitution and the First Amendment forbid it. Yet along comes Biden and Harris and the Democrat party that censored millions on social media platforms for their election-related and the COVID debacle ‘speech’, and even still today for various ‘speech’ on these platforms, by colluding and conspiring and threatening, and alliances with social media platforms internal violent radical left-wing elements.

    Then along comes Walz, and tells a lie with…

    “…There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.

    —- Tampon ‘stolen valor’ Tim Walz 2024”

    Walz was quite wrong in saying that “There’s no guarantee to free speech” as to “hate speech.” The Supreme Court has made clear that there is no “hate speech” exception to the First Amendment.

    The First Amendment generally protects the views that the government would label “hateful” or “disinformation” or “misinformation” as much as it protects other views.

    As to ‘dis/mis-information’ specifically: In New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the Court held that even deliberate lies (said with “actual malice”) about the government are constitutionally protected.

    And now Kerry comes along with they have a ‘right to govern’ to “hammer” “disinformation” “out of existence” and the First Amendment stands as a major block to their ability to do that, and turns it into an endorsement for the Harris-Walz campaign which he evidently believes has a right to ‘govern’ and ‘hammer out of existence’ such free speech, when even both Harris and Walz think the First Amendment needs to go away by them controlling it and then persecuting people who use it. Hey Kerry, if you want a country like that then move to the U.K. where evidently the government there is free to “hammer” the peoples speech dissent “out of existence” with force.

    Thank God for the First Amendment. But if you vote for Harris-Walz, yeah, the First Amendment for ALL Americans is doomed even if you voted for them.

    • to add, because its just as relevant for dis-mis information as well, that the government (or politicians) doesn’t like:

      in Matal v. Tam (AKA the “Slants” case) SCOTUS unanimously, once again, reaffirmed there is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment.,

      Justice Samuel Alito (for four justices) wrote in this reaffirmation opinion:

      “[The idea that the government may restrict] speech expressing ideas that offend … strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.’ ”

      Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote separately, also for four justices, but on this point the opinions agreed:

      “A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is an “egregious form of content discrimination,” which is ‘presumptively unconstitutional.’ … A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.”

      (Justice Neil Gorsuch wasn’t on the court when the case was argued, so only eight justices participated thus it was unanimously decided with one justice writing for four and another justice writing for four.)

    • “No where in the constitution does it give the ‘administration’ any ‘right to govern”

      Donald Trump says you are wrong:

      “Trump: ‘I have an Article 2 where I have the right to do whatever I want as president’
      PUBLISHED JULY 23, 2019

      “Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.”

  14. Yeah, No One Falls For Democrats’ Gun Owner Cosplaying Any More > h ttps://

    • Guns for me but not for thee, Harris says > h ttps://

  15. The first amendment in the united states died a very long time ago.

    The libertarians liberals and the Left. The ath.eist, the h0.m0-se.xu.@ls, the s.0ci@-list pr0gre.ssives.

    They were quite proud and gladly supported the First Amendment rights of the ku klux klan and the american nat-ional s-0-c.ia-lis.ts.

    But they never supported the 1st amendment rights of Christians. Whether to protest at an abortion clinic or protest against a g a y wedding cake. Or most recently the right to attend church services.

    John Kerry can say what says because he knows, that in the recent past, the 1st amendment was not supported.

    He and so many of the smartest people in the room, say the 1st amendment was written, so they could have legal pornography. They said it was written so cross burning could be made legal.

    The smartest people in the room say the 1st amendment has nothing to do with religion. Just like they say the 2nd amendment is only about hunting.

    “national divorce”

  16. The “gun community” has never supported the 1st amendment. They never have.

    Because the “gun community” has never supported open carry.

    But the “gun community” does very much support the open carry of sex t0ys. Like wearing a str@p-0n d.ild.o w.ell fitted for public attire.

    They certainly do support that.


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