There’s no shortage of doom and gloom to be found online. Every election year since at least 2008, there have been people who stoke fear of a coming civil war. Obama was going to take everything over, enact martial law and kick off the apocalypse. Again, in 2012, we were told that unless Mitt Romney won, Obama would kick his plans for tyranny into high gear because he wasn’t facing another election. Again, in 2016, similar predictions were made about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. It got to the point where predictions of election-related civil war lost all credibility and even became cliche.
But, 2020 was a whole different animal. We actually had some pretty apocalyptic scenes that probably were a low-level form of civil war. COVID lockdowns, race riots, burning down police stations, the possibly related closure of a Chinese consulate and even a communist “autonomous zone” all came and thankfully went. Then, we had a disputed election with its own unprecedented riot that as a country we’re still talking about and arguing over to this day.
Given the radical departure from the norm that 2020 presented, we’re pretty well into uncharted waters, and it’s hard to say who’s making crazy predictions and who’s being reasonable in 2024.
But, earlier this month, Ian Bremmer, a mainstream-respected analyst waded into civil war prediction territory, showing us that this idea has gone from the fringes right into something a serious political scientist would discuss on TV:
In the video, Bremmer explains why he thinks “The U.S. vs. Itself” is the No. 1 risk of 2024. In short, the United States has a very strong military and a very strong economy, but the political system is at a crisis point where it cannot ensure a peaceful transition of power. Worse, whatever transfer of power does occur, he says it seems unlikely that even a bare majority of people would think the winner was a legitimate one in 2024.
He gives several reasons for this crisis of stability and legitimacy this election year.
Long before the winner (or the stealer) gets into office in early 2025, the cloud of uncertainty would hang over the globe. He rightly recognizes that once Trump appears to have the nomination cinched (that has basically happened since he was interviewed), he would become a major political player despite not being in office yet. Having a sort of shadow president during a time of weak leadership would generate a lot of uncertainty and strife earlier than most experts predict.
We’ve gotten to the point where instead of having a unifying set of facts and differing opinions, we have segments of the population that can’t even agree on the facts anymore, and everyone (including the people scrolling down to the comments to tell us how right they are about their favorite pet issue) thinks their set is the one true set, and that all other sets are not only wrong, but dangerous.
Another element that makes the 2024 election and transfer of power particularly dangerous is that people on both sides fear legal persecution or imprisonment if they lose. That fear and desperation can drive people in both campaigns to do things they otherwise would not do. Larger efforts to steal the election, spread misinformation and convince the public that the system is illegitimate would all be on the table.
Worse, nobody is both willing and able to fix the crisis. He points out that Biden has had years to inspire legitimacy of the system, and has obviously failed at doing that (it has only gotten worse). Trump thrives on uncertainty, so he’s not about to tell people that they should trust an election in which Biden is the apparent winner (rightfully or otherwise).
So, the bottom line is that this problem will not go away.
It’s Time For Us To Get Real About This, Too
If serious experts with reputations to uphold and businesses to run are now warning of the danger of domestic conflict, then it’s time we get serious about discussing this problem, too. After all, we’re the ones with most of the guns in such a conflict, right?
Let’s start with a dose of realism, and point out that Red Dawn was fiction. I loved that film as much as anybody, but fantasies about running into the hills and fighting off Joe Biden’s fighter jets are not worthy of further discussion. Civil conflicts have not resembled nation state vs nation state warfare for almost a century. Instead, we’re more likely to see John Robb’s “Bazaar of Violence”, which looks a lot like Mexico.
In other words, expect a diminished and disrespected government to result in something that looks a lot more like a crime wave than a civil war. The talking heads will still talk about elections, congress and the courts while the reality on the ground becomes increasingly disconnected from the politics. With the narcissism most politicians display, we can expect them to resort to increasingly desperate and extreme measures to try to appear relevant and maintain control.
Whether it’s the failed state or your most idiotic neighbors, people are going to try to bait you into doing dumb stuff as the bazaar of violence emerges. Even people who agree with you (in or out of the failed government) want others to do violence on their behalf, while people who disagree with you want you to do something stupid to excuse revenge or crimes, depending on how desperate and/or political they are.
My biggest recommendation in such an environment is to have a lot of self control and restraint. Whatever is happening, take a deep breath before you bring a gun into it. Letting other people push your buttons means you’re their robot, their radio-controlled flying monkey. Don’t let people use you like that.
The best way to stay in control is to be mentally and spiritually well, and I’m not talking about megachurch religion or holier-than-thou checklist morality. I’m talking about having some inner peace, being able to pray or meditate, or even doing something as simple as box breathing to stay sane in an insane world and make better decisions.
We all saw what happened in the mostly peaceful riots in the blue states.
The end result of people and communities being harmed, including dozens being murdered, was 100% predictable as soon as the Dems ran with the propaganda of making George Floyd into a martyr, while blaming it on white people. If a regular dude (me) could predict that on TTAG just as their planned race riot was getting underway, then of course they knew it would happen. That means they also knew the main victims would be the same kind of people they were pretending to help. They made the decision to kill and harm black people for the purpose of gaining power. How many Democrat voters understand that?
I’ve said this for years. Democrats go dig up and find someone who has some vague connection to the candidate they wish to destroy, and they use that person until their use is exhausted. When no longer needed, they are literally kicked out of the car while driving down the road. And all those politicians who were “at their side” as they tried to debase their opponent will suddenly lose their phones and stop answering. Democrats use people to fit their agenda. And then they throw them away like the trash.
I just hide in the ditch and wait for armadillos to get ran over.
Wheels of Fortune.
Well all of that democRat Party created doom and gloom seasoned with wishful thinking bideniflationomics and thankfully no mention of screeching nickki haley. Don’t Mess with Texas Means what it says.
TRUMP 2024.
has what to do w armadillas?
You would figure armadillos would have better armor. They seem to have cheaped oout on the up armor
Leftist video on this site? Dang, we are in trouble.
👍TTAG has been tilting left lately.
Why, some of the best contributors have jumped ship?
“TTAG has been tilting left lately.”
It falls squarely on the ‘Know the Enemy’ matrix…
It’s the predilection of this particular author. She believes she can advocate for gun rights while at the same time inhabit the far left sphere of so-called “sexual freedom,” with the vast majority of that particular identity group and its patrons supporting tyrannical level gun control. I know, I know, it doesn’t make sense, but when did the Left ever make sense?
A civil war here is the leftist wet dream. The commies wouldn’t have to invade us because we would destroy ourselves. Let’s hope that never happens. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Makes about as much sense as screaming freedom and individual rights about firearms while at the same time having a keen interest in controlling what consenting adults are allowed to do with each other. Humans are nothing if not hypocrites
“having a keen interest in controlling what consenting adults are allowed to do with each other.”
I’m not aware of anyone caring at all what consenting adults do with each other as long as they don’t do it in public. I am aware that most people don’t want some consenting adults to bring their sexual proclivities to our schools in an effort to indoctrinate the children.
I am also aware that most people don’t want to be forced to participate and another’s fantasy regarding their sex.
“…even doing something as simple as box breathing to stay sane …”
I’ll try to keep that in mind while my neighbors are setting fire to my house.
think mouth to mouth except… never mind.
“My biggest recommendation in such an environment is to have a lot of self control and restraint. Whatever is happening, take a deep breath before you bring a gun into it. Letting other people push your buttons means you’re their robot, their radio-controlled flying monkey. Don’t let people use you like that.”
Well said. The author’s words saying in her way what I myself have been telling others as well.
Murder is still wrong. It doesn’t hurt to remind people.
Unfortunately there comes a time where patience can be interpreted as foolishness when you allow people to destroy the Country you live in. The majority of the people in this Country are not in favor of open borders and Democrats of late because when their Ox got gored it became a totally different matter. The economy sucks, the infrastructure cannot handle the requirements placed on electricity, people don’t want electric cars, people don’t want higher food prices, inflation or spending our money (in the billions) on illegals to promote votes for criminal Democrats. People don’t want continual attacks on their freedom of speech, right to bear arms, a dual system of justice, a media that is biased instead of being objective, schools that promote sex changes before a child is of legal age to make their own decisions, colleges promoting socialist agenda instead of educating students to prepare for careers for life, etc etc, The time for patience is over before it becomes too late to act. So you have self control and patience while your life is slowly destroyed but for many people they have no such desire and will no longer listen to that type of advice. Enough is enough!!!!
Not sure how you mixed in the caution for self control with a lack of action. What the author (and I) are advocating is self control *with* action. Act, yes, but do so with clarity of mind and purpose. This is what’s spoken here on this site regularly, yes?
Unless you’re saying a lack of self control by those who carry is what you advocate?
Radio controlled flying monkeys? I thought it was Witch magic.
Consider the consequences of your actions.
I wish the people who participated in the January 6 riot had done that before they played into the Democrats’ hands.
It was obvious while it was going on that those fools could not have done anything to better to give the Democrats a huge advantage.
I like this fear that if Trump wins he will seek revenge.
Revenge for what? I mean every attack on him has been totally honest, just and we’ll found in good faith, right? It’s not like he was hammered with a load of manufactured drama, false accusations or even claims with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, right?
Surely, there is no cause to expect revenge because no cause was given so what’s to be worried about?
Honest people acting sincerely and with good faith need not fear revenge.
They have normalized weaponizing .gov agencies against their political enemies. And now it scares them to think of losing that hold on power. They will have to answer for their crimes.
I told miner49er that his side was making the same mistake that the not-zees made in ww2. They committed crimes before they had won and then when they lost they had to face the music.
We need a Nuremberg 2.0 here to clear out the bad taste the fascist left has created in our country.
“They have normalized weaponizing .gov agencies against their political enemies. And now it scares them to think of losing that hold on power.”
They are absolutely convinced that demographics are on their side, and it won’t be too long before they will win every election.
It’s so close, they can nearly taste it. One *tiny* problem, the groups they have laid all their money on aren’t interested in bringing back into power the groups they fled in central and south America. Their memories are fresh about what happened when Leftists gain power. Things like ‘Shining Path’ and the utter destruction of prosperous democracies like in Venezuela.
They didn’t risk their lives escaping that to allow it to happen here.
And most galling to the Leftists, the impoverished people pouring over the border to find a life here are real-deal devout Catholics.
Every time the Leftists mock religion, more and more they are voting for us…
JWM, the new management has nuked an earlier comment I made on this post…
I think the pr0gtards are projecting what they want to do to their enemies as what their enemies will do to them.
If Braindead remains POTUS in 2025 there WILL be a Civil War over the Southern Border, it’s building now and could blow up BEFORE the Nov elections… 25 States have pledged support and sent National Guard troops to the Southern Border… I don’t THINK Braindead is stupid enough to order US Military to fire on other Americans but then he is NOT really in charge, is he?
Don’t worry because the RINOs are negotiating a deal to save the country. They’re trying to limit illegal immigration to only 150,000 or so per month. With friends like that, who needs enemies? Illegals crossing the border since the Puppet assumed office is now approaching 10 million. What’s the population of your town? Heck, what’s the population of your state?
2.9million last census.
Yeah, 5000 a day, pretty much what is going on right now and asshat McConnell signed off on it, fortunately it won’t get past the House…
They’ve been seeing 10,000 a day recently, but still… They want open borders to be the law.
Only one response. Buy more ammo
If there is any to buy.
Downunder average priced ammunition is no so expensive and reloading components are in such short supply I’m having to rethink my competition usage.
“I’m having to rethink my competition usage.” The left considers that a feature, not a bug.
“Obama would kick his plans for tyranny into high gear because he wasn’t facing another election.”
But Obama did kick his plans of tyranny into high gear knowing he would not face another election – Biden got elected.
At the Mexican border, we see 4 or more armed adversaries claiming territory, and none backing down. (State of Texas vs US Federal government vs cartels vs Mexico Federales vs US citizens D vs US citizens R vs Latin American invaders vs ???? (oh wait, you thought some of those were UNARMED??) )
I think the concerns of civil war have some merit behind them.
Can’t forget the Military Industrial Complex. They all have big wood right now, selling arms around the world.
ILLannoy has already declared war on legal gat owner’s. You’d “think” the gal writing this screed would get this what with NM going to he!!
The dark horse winner will be:
Artificial General Intelligence.
Because everyone is sick and tired of the human jackasses.
Not much for AI.
Dolphins are smart.
Flipper for president.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference…. between friend and foe and a healthy supply of ammo.
I’m more in Sarah’s camp.
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed me off!”
― Sarah Ferguson
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference… for a tactical reload when needed.
Do not mistake my propensity for peace as a sign that I have forgotten how to do violence…
We’ve gotten to the point where instead of having a unifying set of facts and differing opinions, we have segments of the population that can’t even agree on the facts anymore…
There’s a little more to it. In general, we have one group of people interested in the truth, and one group of people who intentionally ignore or hide the truth.
Long before the winner (or the stealer) gets into office in early 2025, the cloud of uncertainty would hang over the globe
But, according to the Dems, election fraud doesn’t exist. Okay, okay, it exists, but not enough to matter. No, we don’t need special rules to limit fraud. The most absentee ballots in the history of the world is also the most secure election in the history of the world. It’s best not to think about it too much.
I have been saying for a few years now that all the Country needs is a national figure to stand up and make the call to arms and the American public will respond affirmatively. That includes police, national guard, regular military and the armed public all of whom believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. Those who don’t will be the ones to suffer the consequences.
My hat is off to Governor Abbott for having the guts to bus illegals to Blue cities and States and to tell the Biden Administration to go pound sand with regards to the illegal open borders fiasco.
Democrat policies have been counterproductive to safety and the normal way of life in America. I have felt for years that a civil war was inevitable, and it does not surprise me at all that the Country is finally only a few steps away from having one. The Left has been over the line since Biden cheated to win the Presidency and has proven to be anti-American since he is being controlled by non-other than the traitor Barack Obama who hates this Country. I think Abbott has been on the right side of the border issues and most American Citizens stand behind him. I think it would be a major error on Biden/Obama’s part to push this issue any further since it is likely to result in their mutual demise. Close the border, deport the illegals, and reverse all the harmful policies enacted since the 2020 election.
Biden openly admitted the border is a disaster when he said if congress passes X bill I will close the border tomorrow. It’s like nobody caught the fact that he was admitting the disaster.
That is AFTER the first 5000 cross over (at proper check points) daily, still does nothing about the other 5000 crossing in the middle of nowhere humping the meth, fentanyl and heroin… Someone needs to remind Braindead that he ALREADY has the authority to shut down the border…
With extreme caution, assume multiple levels of government, industry, private organizations, and individual activists are watching you and hoping to exploit your actions in various ways.
I’ve done what millions of others have done: self-sort and find a community that more closely matches my beliefs and temperament. I think the country is past the point of no return, and what lies ahead is tyranny or collapse, or most likely a bit of both.
We’re all not going to make it to the other side. Events will be random, and no matter what preps you may do or already have done will not guarantee your survival. There will be strange alliances, and the Federal government isn’t as monolithic as people believe. Foreign actors will also play prominent roles, if they aren’t already. Predictions of who will do what are useless. The only guarantee is hardship.
Good luck!
Johnny LeBlanc,
“There will be strange alliances …”
I anticipate this as well with some of the alliances being private (between specific members of government and foreign nations) and public (although secret and known only to select few government insiders).
I have seen it coming for a while as well. And the one thought that always comes to mind is an old saying. Thomas Paine said it best. “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”
Yet another post that will be delayed days before posting if it ever is posted.
No mention in this article that the so called race riots “did not” occur as the majority of Black Lives Protests were peaceful and the “one” that turned violent the FBI determined was started by the Proud Boys (who were arrested and interrogated) that were posing as Black Lives Matter protestors. The ruse falled big time.
The other thing not mentioned was Herr Drumpf’s (the Donald’s) 1923 style beer hall putsch to take over the government by force failed just like Hitler’s did.
One must remember too that the U.S. Military “does watch” what is going on in the Presidency. One top U.S. General directly called a Chinese General and flat out told him not to believe anything the “nut case Trump” was saying in regards to starting a Nuclear war with China because the military was not going to let him do it. I think too that if Herr Drumpf had succeeded in murderning Mike Pence and had taken over the Capitol the Military would have put Herr Drumpf up against the wall and executed him on live TV.
I think too that the Far Right Fantasy that they are going to take over the government by force and establish a white supremacist government was disproven once and for all when the U.S. Government put the Jan 6th ring leaders in Federal Prison and that their own relatives are the ones largely responsible for identifying them and turning them into the FBI.
Insurrections are only successful when the fighters get huge amounts of arms and money from a Foreign Government and the Insurrectionists are given food and medical care and hiding places by the common citizens and that sure as hell did not happen on Jan 6th. Remember that the Vietnam War went on for 10 years before the great freedom fighter Ho Chi Minh’s forces won out over the Imperialist U.S. Jackboots, but he could have been crushed in weeks if the U.S. had invaded North Vietnam but that proved impossible with 23 million Chinese Troops mobilized at the border. I can hardly see Justin Trudeau (who hates Herr Drumpf with a passion) giving Herr Drumpf’s guerilla fighters huge amounts of money and weapons.
Trump will run and will lose by a landslide but I think the Far Right Jackbooted Fanatics have learned their lesson on trying to overthrow the Government by force next time they lose a legitimate election because too many of their henchmen are now sitting in Federal Prison.
We can expect Herr Drumpf speeches to get more and more, bizarre, radical and racist as the election day draws near which will panic all decent Americans who value their Democratic form of government. I predict the election turn out will be very large as every sane American will realize that for Herr Drumpf to take control means a dictatorship , the end of Democracy, and a government every bit as bizarre, dangerous, violent, and racist as Hitler’s Jackbooted Nazi thugs were.
More senseless drivel from the “Clown Prince”, at least you DID admit that Gen Mildred did commit treason by colluding with the Chinese… You can crawl back into your little hole now that you have yet again regurgitated your tired, senselessly inane bullshit..
Why do you live in America dacian? I’m serious.
He literally cannot leave the country. Other nations have immigration standards and he cannot pass them. He’s mentally ill. Lives in his mothers basement on the dole.
He lashes out at the only country that would have him.
Fuck, he can’t find his way out of the basement, never mind traveling to another country…
possum, ankle bracelet and being on registered sex offender lists limits his mobility.
And other countries don’t accept l3ftist agitators. They usually have enough of their own.
Don’t worry you will find some objective facts eventually.
“Yet another post that will be delayed days before posting if it ever is posted.”
In my fondest dreams, alas.
And mine gets kicked without any explanation…
Deny the violence of the riots and attempts to destroy peoples property, City, County, State and Federal property and billions of dollars in damages.
Praise Ho, who killed how many of his own people to follow left wing cult?
Attack Trump and his voters. Deny that previous claims of election integrity were real until Trump challanged an election. Claim Trump is an insurrectionist but previous left wing actions to intimidate Electoral College member to. hange votes is not insurrection.
If Trump is elected, it will hardly be the end of the Republic. Maybe your “Democracy” may be threatened, but to want a Democracy like The Democratic Republic of Germany is not the rights idea of a political stance unlike you.
Jerry, you really ought to stay quiet. Your far leftists crazies will deliver the Presidency to Trump. You cannot stand the idea of a free Republic , but you sure are driving people to. ote for one.
dacian idolizes Pol Pot for percentage of population, Mao for total numbers, and Vasily Blokhin (Stalin’s personal executioner) for personal count.
He hopes to exceed all three in their categories.
“Freedom fighter Ho Chi Minh”
That says everything I need to know about you. Piece of shit.
Signed, the son of Vietnamese refugees
with 23 million Chinese Troops mobilized at the border.
The ENTIRE Chinese military (Army, Air Force AND Navy) varies in numbers between 2.1 and 2.5 million (currently approximately 2.1 million) or roughly 10% of the numbers you suggest,,, Don’t know where you dreamed up that number but there are only about 27 million military personnel in TOTAL on the entire planet…
I can hardly see Justin Trudeau (who hates Herr Drumpf with a passion) giving Herr Drumpf’s guerilla fighters huge amounts of money and weapons.
AND? Fuck dude we ALREADY have more gun and ammo than Madam Trudeau could ever come up with…
If anything is going to kick-off significant armed domestic strife, I believe it is going to be in Texas over the border situation.
I just don’t see how the current federal Executive branch can justify helping millions of unvetted aliens enter illegally (which our immigration law and the U.S. Constitution do NOT allow of the Executive branch agencies) and then justify using the U.S. military to attack the Texas National Guard and associated militia groups for stopping those illegal actions of associated federal agencies.
I know that some people will point to the showdown in the Southern states between fedziilla and those states who resisted integration and claim how that proves that fedzilla will prevail. That was a different situation because the Southern states were defying both the law and common decency. In the current situation fedzilla is defying the law and common decency. Furthermore, anyone can easily make a case that the current federal Executive branch policy is treason since it facilitates 10s of thousands of military age males from our nation’s adversaries literally invading our nation.
And Braindead says he’ll shut down the border as soon as Congress gives him the authority by passing that bi-partisan POS that the Senate cobbled together? Earth to Braindead, YOU don’t NEED no authorization from no stinking Congress to “ENFORCE EXISTING FUCKING IMMIGRATION LAWS” you senile, incapacitated, demented, braindead old fuck…
The Confederacy was only 11 Southern States of 34 total in 1861 (call it 1/3rd) at the start of THAT Civil War, discount Alaska and Hawaii as non-contiguous (non-participant) states there are more than 50% of the states in the “rebellion” two of which are in the top three most populace AND not constrained to one geographical area, in fact they control the ENTIRE middle of America… I like our chances against Braindeads F-15s since many of them are parked in RED states… We have most of the guns, the majority of the food production (the northeast would be starving in a month) and we’re standing on the right side of the law with the Constitution at our backs…
Law and common decency are arbitrary ideas. The US was forged out an organized armed resistance to the lawful government. Owning humans had been considered acceptable by nearly every civilization throughout history until the French revolution. We believe that human bondage is morally wrong, while simultaneously advocating for post birth abortions and sexual deviacy of the most repugnant aberration. The ends didn’t justify the means in the war of northern aggression. As far as the war right now…I don’t see anything worth fighting over. It’s already over as far as I can tell. They won. 10 million invaders allowed to walk in and be freely given the liberties that citizens deserve by birthright? Good luck voting or fighting that. I would like to be optimistic but I can’t see a way that this ends without the Feds completely crushing and imprisoning any physical resistance. I was at a marine corps graduation in December and most of the graduates weren’t even from America. They don’t care about the constitution, they care about getting paid and bringing their families here. They’ll follow orders and not care that we’re citizens one bit. It’s over, we lost and we essentially live in a prison state that uses future citizens to control the current population. Sad but true.
“If anything is going to kick-off significant armed domestic strife, I believe it is going to be in Texas over the border situation.”
There will be an ugly surprise when the troops they send refuse to fire on Texans… 🙂
I believe we are farther along than the author realizes.
This will be true of many folks when it does blow up and they’ve no idea
Mind you I’ve no desire for it but I’ve seen it before overseas and we are on the same path
Anyone who upsets you against someone else owns you. Don’t be owned. Keep a level head. Shoot at nothing except to defend your family. Reject extreme talking points from any direction. Don’t be owned by anger, fear, or anyone who stokes them. Fuck extremism. Don’t act like you don’t know what that is. This is the only way of America Forever. Your favorite candidate may win an election, or loose. Don’t be a fucking 5 year old. Suck it up if you loose. Think about the entire country if your favorite candidate wins. Absolutely don’t fuck with me or my family either way.
If that’s not your attitude, check yourself. It could save your life, and America.
Modus Aeterni
If I was Texas and theBiden was fcking with me I’d shut down the oil refineries.
Damn terrorists, got another one, yep they looked Iranian but was speaking Chinese or Russian with a south American accent. They ain’t to good at blowing stuff up though, we should have her making gas again in about 6 months, depending.
Massive Trucker Convoy Descends on Texas Over Border Crisis.
what goes thunk…thunk thunk…………thunk thunk?
An eighteen wheeler running over an illegal alien invader
So what I got out of this is most Americans are fed up with border policy and theBiden says tuff shit.
Texas is the battle field in this case.
An estimated 40,000 people are headed toward the border at this moment, that is going to be a cluster fuck situation of biblical proportions not to mention the logistics… Hope they don’t ALL flush at once…
You’re all Kool-Aide drinkers.
Jim Beam isn’t koolaide
Jack Daniels.
Are you accusing us of voting for Biden?
The coming things are coming. When it is time to railroad we railroad. When it is time to dance we dance, Watch as the large snow teepee goes up.
Got lawyers, guns and money? Watch out fan…
FEMA Camp idioits. All of you.
There, there. The nurse will be along with your meds anytime now.
Too slow. They will want efficiency. On arrival hope you’re not sent to the showers for delousing.
Same fema that used all their money on girls gone wild tapes and other stuff during Katrina? Same fema that told us to clean the insulation off the downed trees or they wouldn’t cut them up and take them. (Which they didn’t and had no equipment to do so to start with)
Yeah real scary
if Biden stays in office most of the country is going to be in camps.
You will get them next time kiddo.
Hey, kdtujhnt posdifj…
Lower Dumbphuckkistan called. Said you’d managed to crawl under the border fence again.
Keep in mind that foreign powers will not stand by idly while Americans have a civil war. Russia and China will want it to escalate. Mexico will intervene to seize (reclaim?) territory. The diseased Eurotrash who have relied upon America to protect them while simultaneously vilifying and demonizing America and Americans will feel entitled to intervene just as they intervened to elect Obama. A civil war in America will at minimum be comparable to Rwanda multiplied by an order of magnitude.
The most important thing to remember is that if we do have a civil war, we will not be fighting the US military. We will just be fighting the people who voted for Obama and Biden.
Nah. China will invade Taiwan and perhaps the other countries in the South China Sea, North Korea will invade South Korea, Iran will invade wherever it thinks it can get away with it, but largely will limit itself to a massive missile bombardment of Israel (potentially a nuclear one), followed by an invasion from Hezbollah (Syria would like to join in but wouldn’t dare). And Russia, assuming it has any tanks left, will attack the Baltic states knowing that NATO is too weak without the US to come to their aid, possibly followed by an invasion of eastern Poland. Moldova will be history as well, and Finland will feel as if its head is on the chopping block. I have no idea which way Turkey will jump; it has the largest and best equipped military in the Middle East apart from Israel. Egypt will call for peace, but otherwise mind its own business, fearing another Arab Spring.
Yes friends and neighbors, if we go down the drain, the rest of the world will follow. WWIII will be a reality, and our only hope of survival is that it doesn’t go nuclear.
My best hope for survival is that it goes nuclear.
The primary targets of a nuclear war would be cities.
Cities are populated primarily of people who voted for Biden and Obama as well as government employees. Radioactive fallout, or at least the phobia of radioactive fallout, will effectively immobilize most of the survivors from the cities. Those of us who live in the country, own a trackhoe and plenty of dirt, as well as considerable knowledge, will pull through okay.
“The primary targets of a nuclear war would be cities.”
And when the survivors pour out of those areas, expecting to be fed, what are you gonna do then?
Your tractor or backhoe will be incapable of keeping up…
Look at a map as to where our ICBM missile sites are (available on the interwebs) and rethink. Sure the cities will be hit–if they have ports or military installations–but also a good portion of the northern plains, including Montana North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado will be uninhabitable for a hundred years.
Why do people assume that after a nuclear attack the land would be uninhabitable? Go look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki today. Fully rebuilt and people living there just like anywhere else. The deserts of the US midwest and west were also nuked into oblivion for decades. Hasn’t stopped them either. Yes, I know those bombs were not as powerful as the ones we have today. But the principle remains.
Iran may try to take eastern Iraq and western Afghanistan.
Poland and countries near Russia are really arming up. Poland has displaced Germany as the most powerful European force.
“Iran may try to take eastern Iraq and western Afghanistan.”
Iran can have them.
It is NOT The United States vs. Itself.
It IS the same thing we have been fighting for decades (perhaps centuries).
It is The United States vs. The Communists. They cannot defeat the US militarily. They are making pretty good headway doing it from within.
In any other sane world, Bernie Sanders would never be allowed any government position. AOC would have been laughed out on her fanny too.
*Knock Knock*
Who’s there?
What do you want?
“We see you bought emu online and We want the gunms it goes in.”
” Vee are killing zee girl tonight, you can save her.”
theBiden Army, Bureau’s and Banks
You brought emo online again, didn’t you?
The OP’s comments need to be very well taken.
Let’s look at the January 6 fiasco.
Hundreds of peaceable Trump supporters went inside the Capital building to protest. I.e., they went into space that the Democrats and establishment controlled. They didn’t contemplate the high probability that the Democrats had implanted agents provocateurs who would incite them to escalate their peaceful protest into destructive or violent acts. And, all under the immediate and watchful eyes of Capital Police.
The January 6th protests evidenced all the signs of a set-up and the peaceful protestors walked right into it. Once agitated enough, a few of these initially peaceful protestors attempted to breach the closed door into the House chamber. That was enough to precipitate Ashlie Babbott’s getting shot, and killed. The Democrats had their “shots fired” incident, never mind that it was a Capital Policeman who fired that shot. That fact didn’t overcome the fact that there was bloodshed. And, of course, it was the “mostly peaceful protestors” who were deemed blameworthy.
What of the “mostly peaceful protestors” in the Summer of Love of 2020? Under the careful Establishment grooming of the Mainstream Media, the narrative reversed.
Everyone must remember: Who controls the ground where you are moment-to-moment? Who controls the narrative? Do you want to be their pawn?
When the forces in-charge are facing their own self-made hell, that’s not the time to step in and give them the pretext to salvage their narrative.
Comment deleted….
So, what’s the matta, MODS?
Does ‘Bracken-what-i-saw-at-the-coup’ hit a little too close to home, or does it make your author look bad? Too much copy and paste? Maybe copyright issues?
How about a message stating WHY you chopped my comment?
A few years ago I wrote a book about what a US civil war would look like (The Next Civil War). TLDR: It will be expensively destructive and lower America’s standing in the world without resolving America’s political problems. Amazon buries it in search results, so use my last name to find it.
Thanks for the recommendation of Mr. Robb’s book. I’ll read it.
Mike Nowland
All I do at my age is watch the boundaries of the fire. When it gets to close for comfort, I move out to my little hideout in the county. I have plenty of arms to defend me and my family from the hungry city survivors. I’ll remain a counter-puncher. Then what ever happens, happens. I have never been a sheep of any political group. The Constitution still remains to be my personal law of my land. Like more and more of us, I live on an island within the US Border. The only connections I have to the outside world is the Internet. It gives me all the information I need to survive and prepare for what is ever coming. If death is inevitable then I will die with the dignity of being a real American who has never drifted away from our Constitution and American Idealism.
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