After six or seven hours at the range and a fine crust of ochre desert dust covering everything we own, your dedicated correspondents repaired to RF’s palatial Venetian lair to wade through piles of notes, stills and video and power-blog the truth to you. No, it’s not pretty, but a blogger’s gotta do what a blogger’s gotta do.


  1. If you guys have a chance to drop by Kel-Tec’s booth, can you ask them for me if the RFB Hunter comes with the adjustable trigger?

  2. Oh! It’s true you should never watch sausage being made! It is really ugly.
    Booze, laptops, and coffee all mixed together with some geeky gun guys.

  3. I really appriciate you guys going to shot and using your time to keep us updated and what not. I would really appreciate it if you considered stopping at a couple knife booths, that would be awesome, but I understand if you dont.

  4. A couple of my friends from Mid America Arms are there, Mark, Al and Steve. Look for them in logo t-shirts and say “hi” for me.

    Since, you know, I am not there.

  5. I don’t see any guns laying on the hotel room tables for the cleaning staff to find. You guys will never make it as NYC tourists if you don’t step it up!

  6. OK, if this is a Las Vegas hotel room with a bunch of famous “rock star” bloggers, where are the groupies? I expected to see at least a dozen of the BluePress/Dillon calendar ladies draped over the star gunbloggers.

    Or are the groupies hiding during the public photo ops so the other gun writers don’t get insanely jealous?

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