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One of the nice things about gun violence—which is, let’s face it, a very short list—it brings people together. Albeit to discuss gun violence. Where it comes from. How to stop it. A most laudable goal by any standard except, OK I’ll say it, financial. Somehow these confabs always seem to lead to another dip into the taxpayer’s pocket, to little or no effect. But hey, if gun crime initiatives save the life of ONE CHILD, they’re worth it. At the risk of seeming callous, is there any way I could get a snapshot of the saved kid to put on the ‘frig? Meanwhile, we should all applaud the efforts of the Stand Against Gun Violence forum because A) It’s not easy to stay on your feet for hours at a time and B) they figured out how to stop the killing. Well almost. Here are their ideas in bullet point form via . . .

– Judy Meikle, a member of the Alternatives to Violence Project: “Community leaders need to create better programs for young gang members and those at risk of joining them to teach more pacifistic ways to solve their problems.”

– Jack Bryant, president of the Stamford chapter of the NAACP: “A continuing problem is getting teenagers to trust police enough to have a discussion about the penalties of carrying guns . . . We need to be proactive and not wait for another shooting to get together. We need to go to the places we have to go which are the neighborhoods where the problems are.’

– Norwalk Assistant Police Chief Thomas Kulhawik: “Many of those we arrest are bonded out before we even complete our paperwork. A lot of the crimes are committed by the same people, convicted felons who are out there again, again, and again.”

– Rabbi Ron Fish, of Congregation Beth-El in Norwalk: “Residents of towns with less crime such as Westport, Wilton, and Weston need to become more concerned about the problem of gun violence and help advocate for legislation that would address the problem.”

– State Rep. Bruce Morris: “[Kids from] poorer neighborhoods, youth who commit gun violence often come from families in which there is minimal emphasis on education and achievement. They don’t have meaningful and affirming relationships with adults. A good 70 percent of them are undereducated or uneducated.”

I’m thinking The Constitution State should start with the Chief’s solution—no revolving door justice—and see what happens. If that doesn’t work, they should up the sentences for crimes involving firearms. Failing that, or at the same time, they can get rid of the teacher’s unions, pay educators on a merit basis. We can circle back here after that.

Just my two cents.

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  1. Who paid for this circle jerk again?

    Teach more pacifistic ways to solve their problems? Really Ms. Mielke? I’m sure those classes will be in extremely high demand among sociology post-grad students, but you might have a little more trouble attracting actual gang members. Discussions about the penalties for carrying guns, Mr. Bryant? Do you really think knowing exactly how many years they may get will cause a gang member to use a Nerf gun in his next drive by? And the rabbi seems to think the fault lies with safer towns not caring about legislation that will “address the problem.” Because, you know, more legislation is always the answer.

    Isn’t there a quilt or something these people can work on somewhere?

  2. I say it is time we should group them all together , concentrate them if you will, into a camp…aw hell, lock ’em away like the movie “Escape From New York!”

  3. The Wisconsin model? No thanks, Robert. I don’t agree with this nonsense either, but I don’t see how these tired culture-of-poverty arguments lead you to union busting. Oh yeah, union busting solves everything.

    • If you ever want public education to actually educate people you have to pay the educators what they are worth and fire the ones who are worthless. Neither of those things are possible while public sector unions control the compensation of nearly all teachers in non-Right to Work states.

      Not of course that education solves everything. If anyone is willing to face it, crime is, at its base an issue of character, not education or economic status.

  4. Message to Connecticut: if you want to reduce violence in the Nutmeg state, grow a pair. Start putting criminals in jail instead of electing them to high office. That would be a really good first step.

  5. What do you expect? Both of my senaturds and all 6 congresscretins are Dimocrats.

    Try living next to the deluded pinko idiots who elect this kind of human detritus.

    I have heard little outcry about the death penalty being imposed on the killers of Dr. Petit’s family, so maybe some of my neighbors have had enough.

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