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Gun Review: Howa 1500

Chris Heuss - comments 32 comments

While browsing the discount section of a local gun store I stumbled upon a Howa 1500 in .300 Winchester Magnum. I had been wanting to add a .300 Win Mag to my collection, and 40% off an already-low MSRP was too good a deal to pass up.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of wikipedia for thetruthaboutguns.com

Howa-bout a little history? Howa is a Japanese manufacturing company specializing in construction equipment, industrial tools, and firearms. Howa has been around since 1907 and in the firearm business since 1940. They have made everything from Arisakas and AR-180s to rocket launchers and flamethrowers. Howa also currently produces the Vanguard rifle for Weatherby, which is essentially a Howa 1500 with a different stock.

Howa 1500 chassis from legacysports.com

You can get a Howa 1500 with a simple synthetic stock or a modern chassis and in just about any popular caliber. Howa even sells barreled actions with no stock so you can build a custom rig.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

I picked this one up chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum with a 24” medium contour barrel and a simple, synthetic stock. It came ready-to-hunt, with a variable zoom scope already mounted in rings on the 1500’s two rail sections. Current models, such as the Gameking Package, include a Nikko Stirling 3.5-10×44 scope on a one-piece, Picatinny base. All for about $569, too.

The Howa 1500 features a three-position safety, which allows the shooter to unload the rifle while on safe or to lock the bolt shut. This is a great feature to have when on a hunt and lugging your rifle through dense brush or up a blind. The safety lever is smooth, quiet, and the three positions are well defined.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

The polymer stock is tough and well made. It includes two sling studs and a recoil pad, which helps with grip however does almost nothing to reduce felt recoil.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

On this stock Howa hasn’t gone with traditional checkering. Instead, they opted for a raised grid section around the grip and forend to provide traction. While it looks cool — or at least “unique” — I would have preferred traditional checkering. The raised grid section simply doesn’t provide much grip.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

The two stage trigger has minimal take up and a clear wall before the crisp break. I found the trigger to be smooth right out of the box. It’s not a target trigger by any means, but it’s good enough for a hunting rifle. Timney makes a replacement trigger for the 1500 but I would upgrade to a free-float stock before I swapped the perfectly acceptable trigger.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

The forged bolt’s fit and finish is on par with other entry-level rifles. It’s neither cheap nor something to fawn over — it earns a solid “it’s aiight” with accompanying shoulder shrug. The bolt does cycle smoothly and extracts rounds with authority thanks to its M16-style ejector.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

An engraved “87” under the bolt handle appears to have been done with an electric hand engraver. I assume it’s a quality control mark, but I was surprised at its hand-written appearance rather than being done on a CNC machine or with stamps. Not a big deal, of course, but I thought I’d mention it.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

Howa uses a hammer forged barrel and machines the chamber symmetrically to the center of the bore, thereby ensuring that the barrel and action mate together properly. While the barrel and action are well made, Howa really should have free-floated the barrel. My Hammermill free-float-o-meter wouldn’t slide into the stock at all.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

Out of the box accuracy is acceptable for a hunting rifle at this price point. The barely over 1 MOA group above was shot with Federal Non-Typical 150 Grain. The Howa is accurate enough to satisfy the average hunters’s needs, but left me wanting more. This rifle could really benefit from a free-float stock.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

I printed this 2 MOA group using Federal Premium EDGE TLR 200 Grain. No matter what I shot through it I couldn’t get a group under 1 MOA. The Howa 1500 could really benefit from a free-float stock.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

Jeremy and I had some extra time to do more extensive testing than normal. We all know the .300 Win Mag can take anything with four legs in North America, but what can it do to something with four wheels? We theorized that a carefully placed round fired through the trunk of a modern American classic would travel through the passenger compartment and enter the stereo unit rendering it even more useless. After a few attempts, our theory was confirmed.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

Good scientists are always questioning and exploring. Questions like “What happens when you shoot an airbag with a .300 Win Mag?” have plagued mankind for far too long. Jeremy, TTAG’s science desk editor, applied a little science to this question. We were surprised to see the 15 year old airbag deploy.

Howa 1500 300 win mag courtesy of Chris Heuss for thetruthaboutguns.com

We also tested our theory on an old Mercedes. This time the airbag failed to deploy properly, however it did catch fire. More testing is required before a conclusion can be made.


I have just over 20 years of shooting experience, but somehow I had never fired a magnum rifle cartridge until purchasing this Howa 1500. I very much enjoyed shooting something with some real kick. The Howa proved to be a good shooter for the price. It’s at home in the field and can be setup for tacticool applications as well. I would have preferred a better recoil pad, better grip surfaces, and a threaded barrel. Oh, and a free-float stock.

For the money, though, the Howa is a great option for putting meat on the table or for turning into a custom rifle build project.

SPECIFICATIONS: Howa 1500 in .300 Winchester Magnum

Caliber: .300 Win Mag
Magazine Capacity: 3
Barrel Length: 24 inches
Twist: 1:10 RH
Overall Length: 44.75″
Length of Pull: 13.87″
Barrel Material: Cold hammer forged steel
Stock: Synthetic
Optic: Current models feature a Nikko Stirling 3.5-10×44 scope mounted to a one-piece Picatinny base
Weight: 8 lbs
MSRP: $695 (found online for at least $100 less)

RATINGS (out of five stars):

Style and Appearance * * *
It’s a work gun. It doesn’t look bad but it doesn’t look good. Pretty generic.

Ergonomics * * * 1/2
The stock is comfortable, but could really use a better recoil pad and grip surfaces.

Customize This * * * * *
Timney makes a great trigger. You can upgrade the stock with a Hogue, walnut, Archangel, or a modern chassis that takes AR grips and stocks. A threaded muzzle would have been great.

Reliability * * * * *
It functioned perfectly.

Accuracy * * * 1/2
Just above 1 MOA was the best I could get. A free-float barrel definitely would have helped.

Overall * * * * 
The Howa 1500 is a great field rifle. You won’t lose sleep worrying about scratching it. It’s accurate and powerful enough to take any North American game you point it at. Overall I like it. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this rifle to a friend, as long as they have a tough shoulder.

Photo of author

Chris Heuss

Chris was born and raised in Austin, Tx where he still lives with his wife and son. Chris grew up exploring and surveying caves with his father for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. He is Co-Owner of Black Collar Arms.

32 thoughts on “Gun Review: Howa 1500”

  1. Have a heavy profile mini action in 7.62×39 insanely fun to plink with. A friend has a CZ with a sporter barrel, after a few rounds it’s rather warm. They both get strange looks at the range, when they see spent cases and Wolf boxes laying there.

  2. When I got the Weatherby Vanguard and seen the made in Japan I thought WTF this ain’t no Weatherby, Shoots great no complaints for the price. Three deer and one Colorado Elk so far. And I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I saw a big difference in killing power between the .300 and the 30-06, ,,,06 is still my favorite tho, bucks or Buicks

  3. My usual response is to ask if they would be willing to accept universal background checks for all alcohol purchases.

    Since the number of people killed by drunk drivers is roughly equal to the number of firearm homicides its an apt comparison. Just think of the lives we could save if no one with a DUI conviction could buy booze again, and if you don’t have any DUI convictions in your history why should it bother you to submit to a background check everytime you want to buy a bottle of Jack.

    Alot of the problem with anti-gunners is they can’t empathize with our position (well at least the open minded ones you can convince). By bring up the idea of background checks for alcohol purchases I’ve been able to get a few anti-gunners to see the issue from our point of view.

  4. The problem is, the concept of a background check before a gun purchase isn’t an unreasonable thing to most people. “Before we give you a gun, we should check to see if you’re known to rob banks.” Just like “Before I hire you at this shoe store, I should check if you’re known to steal shoes.”

    It makes sense to the average person. Unfortunately, the average person doesn’t stop to consider how flawed the data is, how incomplete it is, and in some cases, how it’s flat out wrong. Anyone remember the toddler that had the same name as a terrorist on the no fly list?

    I suspect if background checks actually had relevant, correct data and didn’t include any kind of national gun registry, most gun owners could get behind the idea.

  5. Ever see a DOD report on missing and unaccounted small arms?

    You never will. I was at a place where the armorers would turn in 1/2 of a rifle part, get the new part, wait months and turn in the other part for a new one. . . . Voila! New firearm to sell. They got caught but not really punished.

    There is no accountability, cooperate and graduate is the rule.

    Commanders don’t like bad press and will do whatever it takes to bury a problem.

  6. I’ll be checking one out for sure. I have an older Israeli police trade-in Jericho that is an amazing gun. It’s old enough that it’s marked IMI instead of IWI. I also love my Desert Eagles. The Israelis make great weapons and equipment. My Level IV plates are also from Israel and I have done contracts in both Israel and the West Bank. If it’s IWI, it’s going to be good.

  7. Hope the best for your wife, RF it’s tough at first but it sure is worth it. Recovery that is]………. 7.92 Mauser is a classic, but the Germans had a fail with their pistol calibers.

  8. All “commercial” transactions are already required to have a background check, as only licensed FFL holders can sell guns commercially as a part of their business.

    Calling a pile of dung “brown gold” may be good marketing, but it doesn’t make it smell any better.

    I was going to ask how stupid do they think the voters are … but the answer is “very” and often we live up (down?) to that perception.

  9. This is one of my “triggers” I’ll give you another example. We vote on weather or not to INCREASE property taxes, normally it’s for some feel good project like “schools” A$$holes that don’t even OWN property(and probably never will) get to vote on it. I “feel” that ONLY property OWNERS should be allowed to vote on these issues, but no, every jackwagon get’s to have their “vote” I think any “gun control” issues should be decided by the people of the gun, not fruitball liberals.

    On the bright side gun sales/ high cap mag sales should start to go up,up,up.

  10. I bought one in 300 PRC and it will not shoot anywhere near a MOA – closer to 3 or 4 MOA. There are marks on the barrel from where the stock is hitting the barrel. I contacted Howa. They said since I shot reloads in it the warranty is void and they will not do anything about it.


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