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I’m a big fan of art. Self-congratulation not so much. Still, this video has its moments. My fave: when HuffPo’s Social Media Manager says kids should repeat the pretend dead body chalk outline thing in the middle of a basketball game to remonstrate parents who think their children should be guarded with guns (4:12), so they can confront the possibility of carnage. The comely moderator dismisses the idea with “Jewel I can’t even think about that.” Clearly. ‘Cause if she did she might wonder if protecting children with guns was a good idea and that the drop-dead art piece also promotes that point-of-view. Anyway, it sure doesn’t look like a “sea” of bodies to me. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. I was only able to watch for about a minute before I had to stop the video. I am so sick of these hacks getting this media attention. This person did nothing but “Artistically” recreate a terrible incident in order to emotionally coerce people into buying into the whole civilian disarmament movement. People like this make me sick. This is nothing but propaganda.

  2. “Silenced” Times Square? “You could hear a pin drop”??? Pretty ridiculous claims. What world are these people living in?

  3. I woulda trolled them by walking through the middle of them mid performance. Huffington Post is full of useless liberal shitbags the likes of Piers Morgan.

  4. “… protecting children with guns was a good idea and that the drop-dead art piece also promotes that point-of-view.”

    That’s not a half-bad idea. I might get myself some chalk and make my own contributions to this art project with “trigger words” of my own design. And instead of a “sea of bodies” my scenes would only need one or two body outlines among a “sea of footprints” representing survivors and DGU heroes.

    • I was thinking of something along that line as well. If we could get a list of names of people that were saved or protected by a gun and put that down in chalk.

      • If you want names, search this site for “DGU.” There are plenty of stories of real-life incidents with real names.

        Here’s one event with an interesting profile for chalk art. The news stories linked from that TTAG post include a couple names of survivors, although most are anonymous.

        Since anyone stumbling across pro-gun chalk art is unlikely to be familiar with DGU events or names, though, it may be more effective to use generic labels (i.e., “survivor” or “hero”). Better still, add a tantalizing clue (e.g., “Santikos Mayan Palace 14, San Antonio, 12/16/12”). A cryptic message might pique someone’s curiosity enough to run a Google search and discover the news stories describing DGU incidents, thereby “solving the mystery” of the chalk art. Drawing people to participate in the art would make for a more memorable experience, get a message out, and suggest an interesting rebuttal to the “body count” chalk art.

  5. I’m still trying to figure out what statement is being made. Robert used the word “remonstrate”, and sadly I don’t understand that word in this context (though I did look up the definition just now).

    “parents … especially those who think their kids should be guarded with guns … to see the image of their kids drawn out in chalk … would be powerful”

    Soooooo is the idea that guarding kids with guns is a bad idea? Given the word choices and tones in the video, I’m guessing this is their point. Then again, maybe I could have watched the whole thing.

    If they really wanted to try everything under the sun to prevent death by projectile except arm themselves, they could at least be encouraging pepper spray, house alarms, ballistic glass/walls in schools, having children wear ballistic vests, smaller classes/schools, and many other things. Even in their imagined best case scenarios, an AWB would only save a few lives (IMHO it would cost a few lives), so why can’t they talk about less controversial, more effective, non-rights taking methods?

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