That’s the cringe-inducing image we’ve all unfortunately seen repeatedly since content from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” began trickling out before the 2020 election. In the images and videos, in addition to frolicking with hookers and smoking crack, the First Son is seen posing nude and holding a semi-automatic pistol, hammer cocked, finger on the trigger.
Back at least as far as early 2021 we learned that he lied on ATF form 4473 about his drug use when he purchased a handgun. A handgun his girlfriend/sister-in-law then threw into a public trash can across the street from a school.
Over the last month or more, however, as Hunter’s legal proceedings have come to a head, we’ve learned that the felony allegation against him for lying on the 4473 centers around a different gun than the one pictured in the photo we’ve all seen. From CNBC . . .
Biden in 2018 owned a Colt Cobra revolver “despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance,” court documents said.
The gun charge carries a penalty of 10 years in prison, but the deal with prosecutors is expected to mean that Biden will avoid any jail time.
Here’s a similar blurb from the AP . . .
The gun charge states that Hunter Biden possessed a handgun, a Colt Cobra .38 Special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. The rarely filed count carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison, but the Justice Department said Hunter Biden had reached a pretrial agreement. This likely means as long as he adheres to the conditions, the case will be wiped from his record.
Christopher Clark, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, said in a statement that it was his understanding that the five-year investigation had now been resolved.
Here’s an example from another news outlet. Note the photo’s caption . . .
The image above is actually a screenshot from a video, showing a naked Hunter waving his pistol around and pointing it at the camera, prostitute, crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia visible there with him. See this article, which, again references Hunter’s “.38” and even says . . .
Hunter Biden recorded the video on Oct. 17, 2018, according to Radar Online, which first revealed its existence. The outlet and a Post source described his companion in the video as a prostitute.
Five days earlier, he bought a .38-caliber handgun in Delaware, Politico reported last year.
Heck, the title of the Radar Online article referenced above is “Drugged Up Hunter Biden Points Illegally Obtained .38 Caliber Gun As He’s Caught Fooling Around With Prostitute In Newly Leaked Tape.”
But here’s the rub! The gun in the video — the only gun we’ve all seen him with — isn’t a Colt Cobra. It isn’t a revolver of any sort. It isn’t a .38 (a caliber that, to my knowledge, isn’t chambered in any semi-auto handgun).
As a condition of Hunter’s attempted plea deal (which fell apart this week), in addition to looking for a job and not using drugs or alcohol, Mr. Biden is prohibited from owning firearms for two years.
Sure, why not plea down on the firearm charges? After all, he was in the throes of drug addiction and the whole lying on a 4473 incident was a one-time thing, right? Or was it?
Why is no one talking about the fact that Biden the younger is seen in his own video holding a handgun that clearly isn’t a Colt revolver? Or any sort of revolver at all? All apparently during the very time period in question.
Is every news outlet in the country so blindingly ignorant of firearms that they can caption a photo using the word “revolver” even though the gun pictured obviously isn’t one? This is about as basic as it gets, right?
Obviously this begs the question; What’s the story with the pistol in the photo/video above? It looks like some flavor of Beretta 84FS or 85FS or something? Did he buy that one, too? He clearly possessed it. Was that the gun that was tossed in the trash can or was it the Cobra as has been reported? Are there other falsified Hunter Biden 4473s and NICS checks out there? How many other firearms did he own?
How could the federal prosecutors and the court be so incurious? Is something else going on here?
Inquiring minds would really like to know.