PA hunter displays his trophy (courtesy

“Hunters United for Sunday Hunting, a Lancaster County-based sportsmen’s group, has filed suit in U.S. Middle District Court in Harrisburg,” reports, “HUSH contends that the long-standing Sunday hunting ban violates federal and state protections of the right to bear arms and freedom of religion.” Why so serious? Surely this could be settled in the legislature. The PA Game Commission says don’t call me Shirley. And it’s game for a political solution. Only . . .”[The lawsuit] comes two years after a widely-publicized, but abortive push in the state Legislature to lift the Sunday hunting prohibition. The ban has powerful supporters, however, including the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.” Although the article fails to present their argument, Google was our friend . . .

There are legitimate reasons for retaining the current restrictions on Sunday hunting.  For the overwhelming majority of farm families, Sunday is virtually the only day that is available to them for rest and relaxation.  It is usually the day where local friends and relatives are able to get together on the farm to relax and fully enjoy the recreational opportunities the farm has to offer.  The current restrictions on Sunday hunting provide safety and security to farm families and friends who are journeying around the farm to enjoy the woods and landscape on that day.  Legislation to remove or significantly reduce these restrictions would place farm families and other landowners at far greater safety risk and would discourage them from participating in activities that enhance their personal well-being.

Sundays are also days in which religious beliefs, values and worship are more actively practiced.  Many peoples’ religious values direct that Sunday should be dedicated to the worship of God, not the performance of non-religious activities such as hunting or working.  Efforts to expand Sunday hunting would impinge on the religious values of residents who believe that only religious activities should be performed on that day.

So, according to the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, hunters hunting on Sunday is bad because A) Keystone State farmers might get shot while they’re tromping around their property (which they never do any other day of the week) and B) no one should work/play/shoot game on The Lord’s Day of Rest.



  1. So they’re resorting to the good old, “Preventing us from violating your freedom of religion violates my freedom of religion!” card? (The supposedly represented farmers, that is.)

    • Is the newest push for Pa Sunday hunting ALL about deer?

      © 2023 by ONLINE FLYER EVENT.




      Exactly who is HUSH (short for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting). That is the question everyone is asking. That is what we have explored and the results are not quite fitting in with hushes claims that this is all about the future of hunting, constitutionality etc.

      Lets take an in depth look at the 4 people who make up HUSH and their motives for doing so.

      First, we start with Kathy Davis, the groups founder. A known enviroextreme type, Kathy has pushed and lobbied for legislation and regulation that would lower the states deer herd for years. The causes she has championed pretty much mirror those suggested by the audubon deer forum for things “needed” to further reduce the deer herd. She has also many environmental connections, and has voted for further herd reductions on a citizen advisory committee where she took part, even though the Pa Game Commission had a set goal of stabilization. She was voted down by the majority of the other participants on the committee, and her initiative failed. She had also had an interest in obtaining a PGC commissioner seat for unit 2A, but her attempt was quashed by concerned sportsmen voicing concerns over the proposed nominee. Ms. Davis has also alienated several legislators with her percieved extremism and dogged determination when it comes to her misguided lobbying efforts. There are also multiple pgc commissioners that have also said they have “tuned her out” for the same reasons. Some members of one of the larger sportsmen groups in the state, apparently confused by so much percieved extremism, have actually inquired about her being an ANTI-hunter.

      Vern Ross, another of the hush members is, interestingly enough, the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission who was a driving force behind getting deer herd reduction into place. Vern will forever be looked back upon as one of the most controversial figures in Pa game management history for the role he played in forever changing Pa deer management under the Ridge administrations deer program.

      Don Heckman, a very active participant when it came to weighing in on game issues, has consistently voiced strong support for the deer management plan and reductions. Taking a very extreme stance on the issue for years. A very adament supporter of the Pa Game Commission deer plan, as were some of his close nwtf colleagues. Mr. Heckman has certainly done some good things for wild turkey management in the state, and that should not go ignored in this brief summary.

      Josh First. Mr. First has quite the lengthy list of environmentalist ties. He is also very active in the environmental arena, so much so, he was pointed to as being an environmental extremist by one of the states largest sportsmen groups who opposed his nomination when he tried to gain an appointment to the Pa game commissions board of commissioners. He has also worked at the Environmental Protection Agency, Dcnr (under Tom Ridge) is on the policy council of 10,000 friends of Pennsylvania and is coordinator for ‘Pa Habitat Alliance’ which is headed by the Audubon Society. His environmentalism resume is far too lengthy to list here, but much informtion is available online. Mr. First also made a failed attempt to gain the senatorial seat of Pa district 15 in 2012.

      Many believe that these people are nothing more than very willing pawns in the “deer wars” and it certainly looks that this may indeed be the case. Sunday hunting would go a long way towards being able to harvest more deer, and thereby further what some are calling an “environmentally extreme” agenda.

      It is our belief that the unsupportable deer herd reductions and resulting maleffects of extremely low hunter satisfaction and drop out is very damaging to our hunting heritage in Pennsylvania and it has gone on long enough.

  2. Freedom of religion, separation of church and state. That all changed in the 50s when they added “under God” to the Pledge.

      • …Eisenhower signed the bill adding the words “under God” into law on Flag Day, June 14, 1954. It’s a fairly theoretical concept. “Native Americans” have their own view, no doubt.

        • And before that there was no history of religious involvement in our government at all, right? Just read the Declaration of Independence, then read the Federalist Papers. It’s been there the whole time. It’s only a recent development that people believe that freedom *of* religion somehow means freedom *from* it.

        • The DOI makes a generic reference to some deistic “Creator”, nothing more. What religious arguments did you find in the federalist papers?

    • Fri-sundown-> sat-sundown

      “Would anyone having their lamb stuck in a hole not rescue them even if on a Sabath?”

      And for validation:

      “Has anyone been sanctified the law?”

        • Camera or not, if I just shot it its getting gutted & toted to get chopped up to go in the freezer.

          A solidarity to a given day of the week, and placing a law against doing a given thing on that day is false-religion, plain and simple.

          “…as for us, we will obey God.”

  3. The first part of their argument may be valid, provided of course they actually are performing those activities in meaningful numbers on Sundays. The second part is invalid under the establishment clause.

    • I don’t really find the first part to be valid. If people on their own private land were facing a real danger from hunters, it would hardly be considered an acceptable solution by anybody to set aside one day out of the week to be free from stray projecticles. Nobody who actually finds themselves dodging bullets is going to say “you know, we need 14% less of this kind of thing”.

  4. ” Efforts to expand Sunday hunting would impinge on the religious values of residents who believe that only religious activities should be performed on that day.”

    Um… not unless we make hunting on Sunday mandatory.

    “You’re not allowed to do that! It violates my right to tell you what to do!”

    • This is a proof of the Truth behind the group? It consists of mostly character attacks and accusations without any third party references or links to facts a person can look into to make their own decision. Stating that the woman who founded the group is really an environmentalist extremist who wants to reduce deer populations to then ban hunting is a proof? Who published the site you’ve linked to; there is zero information about the site itself and the people behind it.

      • It doesn’t matter who is “behind it” the people behind the article are not the topic of the discussion. Who those IN the article are what is important. And knowing a lot of information myself from following the “deer wars” the article is spot on accurate.

        • It seems like the people who are behind HUSH are being focused upon and not what it is they are trying to accomplish. The website still does not qualify and provide any proofs of its accusations.

        • It does matter that who’s behind it is apparently trying to hide that they’re behind it. I can’t find anything on this “Informed Sportsmen of Pennsylvania” in a web search.

          I also note that the article is full of hyperbolic language backed up by a lot of anonymous opinions but very few details.

          Looks like bald propaganda to me.

    • typical tripe and personal attack bull crap. so what?

      deer are prey, not just cute lil forest creatures … fact is, deer overpopulation is a huge problem all over the US because of folks like you who want to prevent hunting due to your “sensitivities”.

      overpopulated deer herds are unhealthy and having too many deer trying to make it through winter is horribly cruel.

      if you folks wouldn’t also insist on killing every single predator because they are “scary” hunting wouldn’t be the only form of population control.

      you people are so backwards and illogical.

      • I saw no personal attacks at all. Only accurate observations that were made. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with the parties involved, and are very uneducated on the issue. That being the case, you should probably reserve judgement instead of going off half-cokked.

        I also didn’t see anyone at all speak of supporting an overpopulated herd. Just sounds to me like extremist theatrics. G’day mam.

        • notice I am not the only one here with the opinion.

          I’m sure you’ll take it better coming from the men. just know, on this site, the women agree.

          you’ll get no sympathy here.

    • One anonymous crappy web page with a bunch of unsourced innuendo… is proof that expanding hunting to Sunday is an enviro-extremist conspiracy…

      HA. I have a FEMA Death camp I’d like to sell you.

  5. This issue is breathtakingly simple. Public-owned land? Sunday hunting OK. Private-owned land? Sunday hunting at the discretion of the property owner.


    • All land owners have to do is put up No Hunting signs on the fences. Or No Hunting on Sunday if they want. Most hunters ask property owners before they hunt on their land.

        • Sure it can. SImpler to just tell the hunters to take a hike and make ones land off limits. And in that case nobody wins. No need for sunday hunting and most don’t want it. That’s reason enough not to have it. We already have sunday hunting. Just not for the creatures the enviro antideer folks love to hate.

      • Because bullets can read signs and they never stray past property lines?

        It really sounds like it should be left as a vote for the people who live in the area.

        • The legislators have asked for opinions on this for years and most input by a landslide has been nonsupportive. But that is not good enough for the eco extremists pushing the hardest. This is what its all about:

          Is the newest push for Sunday hunting ALL about deer?

          © 2023 by ONLINE FLYER EVENT.



          EXACTLY WHO IS “H.U.S.H”?

          Exactly who is HUSH (short for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting). That is the question everyone is asking. That is what we have explored and the results are not quite fitting in with hushes claims that this is all about the future of hunting, constitutionality etc.

          Lets take an in depth look at the 4 people who make up HUSH and their motives for doing so.

          First, we start with Kathy Davis, the groups founder. A known enviroextreme type, Kathy has pushed and lobbied for legislation and regulation that would lower the states deer herd for years. The causes she has championed pretty much mirror those suggested by the audubon deer forum for things “needed” to further reduce the deer herd. She has also many environmental connections, and has voted for further herd reductions on a citizen advisory committee where she took part, even though the Pa Game Commission had a set goal of stabilization. She was voted down by the majority of the other participants on the committee, and her initiative failed. She had also had an interest in obtaining a PGC commissioner seat for unit 2A, but her attempt was quashed by concerned sportsmen voicing concerns over the proposed nominee. Ms. Davis has also alienated several legislators with her percieved extremism and dogged determination when it comes to her misguided lobbying efforts. There are also multiple pgc commissioners that have also said they have “tuned her out” for the same reasons. Some members of one of the larger sportsmen groups in the state, apparently confused by so much percieved extremism, have actually inquired about her being an ANTI-hunter.

          Vern Ross, another of the hush members is, interestingly enough, the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission who was a driving force behind getting deer herd reduction into place. Vern will forever be looked back upon as one of the most controversial figures in Pa game management history for the role he played in forever changing Pa deer management under the Ridge administrations deer program.

          Don Heckman, a very active participant when it came to weighing in on game issues, has consistently voiced strong support for the deer management plan and reductions. Taking a very extreme stance on the issue for years. A very adament supporter of the Pa Game Commission deer plan, as were some of his close nwtf colleagues. Mr. Heckman has certainly done some good things for wild turkey management in the state, and that should not go ignored in this brief summary.

          Josh First. Mr. First has quite the lengthy list of environmentalist ties. He is also very active in the environmental arena, so much so, he was pointed to as being an environmental extremist by one of the states largest sportsmen groups who opposed his nomination when he tried to gain an appointment to the Pa game commissions board of commissioners. Mr. First also made a failed attempt to gain the senatorial seat of Pa district 15 in 2012.

          Many believe that these people are nothing more than very willing pawns in the “deer wars” and it certainly looks that this may indeed be the case. Sunday hunting would go a long way towards being able to harvest more deer, and thereby further what some are calling an “environmentally extreme” agenda.

        • That’s an idiotic argument. If the real problem had ANYTHING to do with people being his with hunters’ stray bullets, NOBODY would be proposing to remedy it with a one-day-a-week ban on hunting certain species. If that were the problem we’d be talking about allowable firearms, buffer zones, hunter safety classes, and the use of elevated stands, not a ban on Sunday hunting.

      • Is Michigan an oddity among the states in that there’s no special law allowing you to wander other people’s private property at will during hunting season?

        • I was thinking the same thing. In VA you need a slip of paper signed by the owner giving you permission to hunt on private land.

    • I agree. With the DUH part. We don’t want it on public land where the deer herds are at rock bottom. Many hunters do not want expansion of sunday hunting either. Most here aren’t happy with the low deer herds caused by overkill from pgc herd eradication policies. Killing more and taking away from the hunting experience is the last thing most of us want.

      • I’ve taken the liberty of reading the Game Commission reports on PA deer herds, and it looks like populations are stable in every WMU. Where are you claiming that deer herds are at “rock bottom?”

      • The problem with the deer herds in PA are they are overpopulated in the locations were no one can or wants to hunt, the suburbs of Philadelphia adjacent to plenty of corn and soybeans. Random overdevelopment makes it impossible for safe hunting. Meanwhile, everyone’s complaining about no seeing as many deer in the North Central Counties where there’s much less forage. But that’s where the doe tags sell out first.

  6. I live in PA and the job I have makes hunting during the week next to impossible, so I only have the weekend(Saturday). I would love to hunt sundays but I do not want to piss off the farmers. those that are kind enough to let me hunt their land might not be so hospitable anymore

  7. around here Sunday hunting is spotty [Marylandstan].

    A ban on Sunday hunting is overwhelmingly supported by wives. Besides, if I had to decide between football and hunting on Sunday, I’d make myself crazy.

  8. I live in PA and I don’t give a damn about religion; I’d just like to keep one day of the weekend where I can let my kids play outside during deer season without having to worry about them getting hit by a stray round from some idiot who can’t shoot. Seriously, during deer season I’ve had rounds hit the house and I can’t even let my dogs out without putting blaze orange coats on them for fear someone with buck fever will mistake them for whitetail.

    • They have the same problem in Philadelphia, only it’s not hunters that are peppering the houses with lead.

      • That kind of hunting is also banned on Sundays in Philly, but the enthusiasm is so high nobody listens. Posting “No hit on Sunday” has proved futile.

  9. These are called Blue Laws. Activities restricted or not allowed on certain days of the week, usually Sunday. West Virginia had laws like this. Most businesses were supposed to be closed on Sundays and alcohol wasn’t sold, legally anyway. Surprisingly enough, the SCOTUS has upheld these laws.

    • A lot of the Sunday store closure laws were upheld so workers at the stores would have Sundays off. At least, that was the rationale — or the excuse, depending on your point of view.

  10. Simple. Form “the church off the speeding bullet”.
    Make it a tenant that you hunt only on Sundays so you can commune with your creator and rejoice in the harvest. And shoot guns. And get tax exempt status for guns…

  11. Having lived all my life in PA farm country and currently surrounded by more than 1000 acres of cattle, corn, and soy farms, here is what the farmers are not telling you.

    Sunday is poaching day for the farmers. There is no competition on Sunday for the dear. Farmers hunt over bait knowing that Sunday is the day they’re not going to get caught. The PGC does not patrol on Sunday like it does on Saturday. Living where I live it’s not uncommon to hear rifle shots. When you hear just one shot and no follow ups, that’s someone taking game. I can throw my scanner over to scan the FRS frequencies and I can hear the farmers driving deer on Sundays.

    Oddly, Sunday hunting is not totally prohibited in PA. You can hunt coyotes and crows on Sunday but no deer hunting. The farmers are really against Sunday hunting because it means more competition. We have some farmers here taking 20+ dear a year with their crop damage tags as well as the poached kills. The only thing that keeps them from poaching more is that they have no where to go with all the meat.

  12. I would hunt more regularly if I could on Sunday. One of the two days per week I have a bit of free time.

  13. “Many peoples’ religious values direct that Sunday should be dedicated to the worship of God, not the performance of non-religious activities such as hunting or working.”

    Seems to me that hanging out in the woods admiring the creations is a pretty high form of worship.

    • I’ve never seen a church building that could inspire a sense of awe or a feeling of sprituality like a stand of redwood trees. Man made structures simply cannot match what nature has created.

  14. Can’t we give God one day? Just one day? He gave us literally everything, but we can’t honor him for one, single day? I didn’t realize how truly far this country has turned away from God until I started reading the articles and posts on this site. I see now why this country is in the shape it’s in, it has turned it’s face from God. I’ve tried to rationalize the anti-God, anti-religion sentiment that pervades this site from the top down, but it can’t be done. There is now no doubt in my mind that this site is actively and purposefully anti-christian, and I will no longer support it with my patronage.

    • You can give your imaginary friend as many days as you want, but you don’t have the right to demand I join you.

    • I’m not anti-Christian even though I’m an atheist, you can believe whatever you want just like I can. On Sunday I can hunt and you can pray and our actions absolutely do not infringe on each others’ rights in any way (except your imaginary right to not be offended.)

      And don’t try to play the card where it’s religious persecution if Christians aren’t allowed to religiously persecute everyone else- if you can’t see the terrible hypocrisy of that view then you’re the perfect example of why people criticize Christians. If you want to live your life as per a heavily-edited version of the beliefs of Bronze-Age goat herders you can absolutely go ahead and do that, but don’t pretend that those beliefs are objective truth that everyone has to subscribe to under force of law. Rational skepticism doesn’t support it and the Constitution certainly doesn’t either, the fact that you have a book you believe is true because it says it’s true (just like every other religion) doesn’t trump either of the former.

      • Being Athiest makes you Anti-Christian because you don’t believe their is a God and inherently lack Faith. Or in a simple term, “Un-Godly”. But if you follow the law of the Heart then so be it.

        I do not judge the Un-Godly, so that their judgement of me is n’t my own used against me.

        But those operating under the premise of Godly by making a common act on a day in specific, by Law, is False Religion, no different than Atheism, for that I shall Judge. As I can judge the Godly in distinctive Un-Godlyness.

        This is no different than restricting Alcohol sales on Sunday.

        People who are for such things do not know or read scripture or, at the very least, follow it’s teachings.

        • I wouldn’t call myself anti-Christian so much as irreligious, the prefix “anti-” specifically means “opposed to.” I’m not opposed to others who choose to practice any religion, so long as they don’t try to force it on others by ignoring the Establishment Clause and creating some myth about how the (mostly deist) founders meant for us to live in a specifically Christian nation.

          There’s a difference between not believing the extraordinary claims of religion when no extraordinary proof is ever provided to back up said claims, and being actively opposed to the mere existence of religion. The two are not mutually exclusive, an atheist can personally reject unproven dogma while respecting the rights of others to believe it, just like your posts show that if you do subscribe to faith you don’t have to be an evangelical theocrat (unlike CHRISTIAN up there)

    • As a Christian myself, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. The state forcing religious beliefs on those who don’t share them is unconstitutional.

      “The ‘establishment of religion’ clause of the First Amendment means at least this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions or prefer one religion over another.”


      Go back and re-read the New Testament a few times.

      It isn’t about giving God one day; For what day is not Gods’?

      It’s not at all about what you do, it’s what God does FOR you.

      If you think Sunday is special for you, then so be it. As for me it is just another day.

      “There is good reasons for both views.”

      That being said: Don’t try to put my Faith in question because you are of questionable faith.

  15. Ugh, blue laws need to go.

    There is nothing special to me about Sunday or any other day of the week. These laws prohibiting certain activities on Sunday are religious laws cloaked by some “public good” nonsense.

    There is no reason why I should not be able to buy a car on Sunday, or buy booze before 11:00 AM on Sunday, or hunt on Sunday. These events are private transactions between individuals (land owners, hunters, liquor store owners, car dealerships and their customers).

    Your religion, my religion, or lack of religion, should not interfere with private transactions between individuals.

    If Sunday or any other day is sacred and forbids certain activities, you are free to abstain from those activities. Just don’t tell me I have to do what jives with your beliefs.

  16. Someone telling me I can’t hunt on a specific day because they want to worship, and enacting Government to create a mandate, is not a True Christian mindset.

    If they wish to worship only, then so be it. I will worship and give thanks for my blessings any day of the week I feel so inclined, by the spirit, to do so.

    Honestly, I view Hunting seasons in general from this perspective.

    Seasonal Hunting rregulations is a restriction born out if the Un-Godly over-harvesting through mans greed. It is punishing the good for the crimes of the bad. Again something that is Un-Godly.

    The results of this, especially in the State of WI, has led to over-population of heards and un-safe hunting conditions. It is my theory CWD is a result of this regulatory scheme or, at the very least, also plays a pivotal role in its continued spread.

    • Christian or no cristian, its not what the law is about today. When NO hunting was legal on sunday, it certainly was. Now it isn’t.

    • “Ugh, blue laws need to go.”

      They’re already gone in Pa. Hunting is legal in Pa on sunday Just not for your evil deer Kathy. Nothing more or less “holy” or “unholy” about hunting coyotes, fox, crows…

      “There is no reason why I should not be able to buy a car on Sunday, or buy booze before 11:00 AM on Sunday, or hunt on Sunday.”

      WHy cant I hunt deer at night and can hunt coon, fox, coyote opossum etc? Why cant I also deer hunt in summer but can hunt other species then? You lack of logic makes no sense. Only way this will succeed is the judge owes someone a favor or is best friends with a liberal pushing this “hush” crap. (Cue crickets)

  17. I see Ms. Hush has many ids here she posted with. The usual garbage from old “ted”, Jt,, Foxyand more.

    By the way, excellet post facts about hush. Points out who they really are. All political and all about killing more deer. Hunting has been ruined enough as it is here.

  18. Another frivolous lawsuit to waste taxpayer money. And its a fringe group doing it. Sometimes I think we’d be better off like Russia. Liberal idiots mouth off, just send them to Siberia.

    We can just send all of ours to California.

  19. Is the newest push for Pa Sunday hunting ALL about deer?

    © 2023 by ONLINE FLYER EVENT.




    Exactly who is HUSH (short for Hunters United for Sunday Hunting). That is the question everyone is asking. That is what we have explored and the results are not quite fitting in with hushes claims that this is all about the future of hunting, constitutionality etc.

    Lets take an in depth look at the 4 people who make up HUSH and their motives for doing so.

    First, we start with Kathy Davis, the groups founder. A known enviroextreme type, Kathy has pushed and lobbied for legislation and regulation that would lower the states deer herd for years. The causes she has championed pretty much mirror those suggested by the audubon deer forum for things “needed” to further reduce the deer herd. She has also many environmental connections, and has voted for further herd reductions on a citizen advisory committee where she took part, even though the Pa Game Commission had a set goal of stabilization. She was voted down by the majority of the other participants on the committee, and her initiative failed. She had also had an interest in obtaining a PGC commissioner seat for unit 2A, but her attempt was quashed by concerned sportsmen voicing concerns over the proposed nominee. Ms. Davis has also alienated several legislators with her percieved extremism and dogged determination when it comes to her misguided lobbying efforts. There are also multiple pgc commissioners that have also said they have “tuned her out” for the same reasons. Some members of one of the larger sportsmen groups in the state, apparently confused by so much percieved extremism, have actually inquired about her being an ANTI-hunter.

    Vern Ross, another of the hush members is, interestingly enough, the former executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission who was a driving force behind getting deer herd reduction into place. Vern will forever be looked back upon as one of the most controversial figures in Pa game management history for the role he played in forever changing Pa deer management under the Ridge administrations deer program.

    Don Heckman, a very active participant when it came to weighing in on game issues, has consistently voiced strong support for the deer management plan and reductions. Taking a very extreme stance on the issue for years. A very adament supporter of the Pa Game Commission deer plan, as were some of his close nwtf colleagues. Mr. Heckman has certainly done some good things for wild turkey management in the state, and that should not go ignored in this brief summary.

    Josh First. Mr. First has quite the lengthy list of environmentalist ties. He is also very active in the environmental arena, so much so, he was pointed to as being an environmental extremist by one of the states largest sportsmen groups who opposed his nomination when he tried to gain an appointment to the Pa game commissions board of commissioners. He has also worked at the Environmental Protection Agency, Dcnr (under Tom Ridge) is on the policy council of 10,000 friends of Pennsylvania and is coordinator for ‘Pa Habitat Alliance’ which is headed by the Audubon Society. His environmentalism resume is far too lengthy to list here, but much informtion is available online. Mr. First also made a failed attempt to gain the senatorial seat of Pa district 15 in 2012.

    Many believe that these people are nothing more than very willing pawns in the “deer wars” and it certainly looks that this may indeed be the case. Sunday hunting would go a long way towards being able to harvest more deer, and thereby further what some are calling an “environmentally extreme” agenda.

    It is our belief that the unsupportable deer herd reductions and resulting maleffects of extremely low hunter satisfaction and drop out is very damaging to our hunting heritage in Pennsylvania and it has gone on long enough.

  20. Wow!!! thanks for the information. I almost made a huge mistake and donated to those clowns! Thank god I didn’t!!!!

  21. Those environmentalists pretending to be hunters are sickening. This is not the first time they have done this either.

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