In the main, the white supremacist anti-government militia folks are not the most powerful bullets in the ammo belt, if you know what I mean. I’m not saying they’re not a threat—if only because I never use double negatives. And, lest we forget, it doesn’t take a village to blow up a federal building. Still, the media’s reaction to the swoop on the Hutaree has been nothing if not predictable. It’s your basic reverse logic: the pizza-eating Huts are gun nuts (A THREE-YEAR-OLD POSING WITH A GUN AT A WEDDING!). So all gun nuts are inherently dangerous. Especially the ones who hate the federal government like . . . the Tea Party! I know: let’s disarm everyone! Just kidding. I think. Anyway, I am NOT making this shit up. Check out the pic above. The bumper brag is no biggie for anyone who is a proud American and gun owner. So why did ABC pop the pic of Hutlinger Thomas Piatek’s bumper sticker into its gallery of Hutentuts mug shots? Are we supposed to conclude that anyone who shoots at the Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point Kentucky is a potential (or actual) domestic terrorist? OK, so the range’s url is And isn’t that some sort of sniper scope on their home page? Never mind. I suppose the “Proud American” pic is a perfect example of pre-post-modern irony, a trait which I’m sadly lacking this evening. Or not.
I’m disappointed you’re not in a bathrobe.