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Larry from Westwood

Please send your “I Am a Gun Owner” statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. I really love this idea but Is there any place you can put these pictures where you’re not preaching to the choir so to speak?

    • It would be nice to have a link that brings this series up to share elsewhere. I’ve got friends who would benefit from seeing the diversity among gun owners. We are a normal and healthy part of American society.

    • when we have gathered enough of them we can make a video compilation and then spread it through social media.

  2. I’m only saying this ’cause I’m a doc… did you hear the statistic that 99.9 percent of lawyers give the other 0.1% a bad name?

      • Never heard that one 🙂 but as a young doctor I’m not offended, all the complicated ones get dumped on me… One for you… How does a lawyer sleep? First he lies one way…then he lies another….

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