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Anonymous in California

See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. Left Coast!

    TTAG: would you be willing to transcribe the content some put on the paper they hold up.
    It’s hard to read/make out in the smaller/lower resolution pics.

  2. Thanks for stepping up, mustachioed mystery man.

    NorCal or SoCal?

    Also: creme-filled or custard-filled?

    • I am a US Citizen
      I am an Armed Forces veteran
      O am employed
      I pay taxes (lots of taxes)
      I obey the law
      I am “socially tolerant”
      I am “fiscally conservative”
      I volunteer hundreds of hours and dollars to a children’s charity each year
      I am a gun owner
      I will not bend

      PS I live in Northern California
      I prefer jelly filled, LOL.


  3. Hi, Good to see you here. Ditto on the sign, my 62 year old eyes can barely make out the lower part, Randy

    • I am a US Citizen
      I am an Armed Forces veteran
      O am employed
      I pay taxes (lots of taxes)
      I obey the law
      I am “socially tolerant”
      I am “fiscally conservative”
      I volunteer hundreds of hours and dollars to a children’s charity each year
      I am a gun owner
      I will not bend

      PS I live in Northern California
      I prefer jelly filled, LOL.


  4. I am a US Citizen
    I am an Armed Forces veteran
    O am employed
    I pay taxes (lots of taxes)
    I obey the law
    I am “socially tolerant”
    I am “fiscally conservative”
    I volunteer hundreds of hours and dollars to a children’s charity each year
    I am a gun owner
    I will not bend

    PS I live in Northern California
    I prefer jelly filled, LOL.


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