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Matthew L.

Please send your “I Am a Gun Owner” statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. Pro-choice means:

    [1] guns for those who want them, no guns forced on those who don’t want them
    [2] drugs for those who want them, no drugs forced on those who don’t want them
    [3] abortions for those who want them, no abortions forced on those who don’t want them
    [4] an end to Tsarism and a return to constitutional democracy

    Resist Much, Obey Little! Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty.” ~Walt Whitman [source: ]

    • ‘Slaves to clean your house for those who want them, no slaves for those who don’t want them.’ Fun game.

      Come on. Your choice ends where another individuals’ begins.

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