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See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous.

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  1. Another maniac with a gun,lol. Just kidding. Your post has got to be tough on the bradys, a great person that owns a gun, Randy

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It’s great to see a creative, artistic person also proudly stand up!

  3. Wonderful to see diversity in our gun rich culture, unfortunately for her soul mate she put the dog first…:)

  4. Cool lady.

    I noticed she listed her old dog first, then her soulmate. Doh! I’m sure Bob’s got a sense of humor.

  5. Gardening and firearms are not as different hobbies as they seem – both take patience, care, and an attention to detail. You sound like an awesome grandma!

    Thank you for speaking out.

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