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      • +1. If that’s a shotgun, then what is a shotgun, a howitzer?

        Looked like a 10/22 in the third clip, not sure about the first.

        • First clip looked like a bolt action marlin, probably a .22. Second clip looked like a Sigma and third clip looked like a marlin model 60 .22. I didn’t see a single shotgun in the lot.

        • Both those men are fortunate the situations didn’t turn against them. Pursuing the teens who stole the chainsaw—fine, but if the pursuer used his gun in that chase he would have been detained by LE. What happens next depends on the prosecutor.
          The training I know says use a firearm if you fear for your life. A chase with firearm in hand for stolen property makes the situation more problematic.

  1. Why does Sarah think every gun is “shot-gun?” If she had been paying attention in journalism school, she would know that those guns were Ak-47s and Glocks.

  2. For those of you left coasties old enough to remember when Carolla was kinda funny and Dr. Drew still practiced medicine sometimes, this is just another episode of Lovelines’ ‘Germany or Florida’ game.

  3. Oy! Why do these gun owners agree to participate in the dramatic racking of the slide and displaying their guns like peacocks fanning their tail-feathers?

    The first old man is begging to go to jail, apparently.

    And, yeah… I didn’t see any “shotguns.”

  4. Is this a single newscast for one night in one area? Unreal. One power outage away from being effing animals.

  5. There needs to be a special class in journalism school on identifying guns. Holy frakking Zarquon (and mixed cussing), two .22 rifles called a shotgun? But I have to love the father’s remark to the thug in the last story: Just hold on. I’m only going to shoot you once.

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