Well that was stupid. “MTV’s Elect This presents our elite political robo-pundits, giving you their opinions on gun control.” reports that “Among the campaign’s digital video series will be a ‘Robo-Roundtable’ that uses animatronic versions of alligators, parrots and robots to discuss issues. Millennial voters can tweet @electthis with their opinions on hot-button issues, and the tweets will be used to voice the robots.” And who, pray tell, is behind this, this, whatever it is? Not the NRA. Here’s the list . . .

MTV partnered with numerous progressive organizations in launching the campaign, including the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, GLAAD, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Rock the Vote, Everytown for Gun Safety,, NextGen Climate, and Define American. Other partners include the Truman National Security Project and the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN).

My God, how far we’ve fallen. Well, the mainstream media, anyway.

[h/t RW]


  1. I guess it’s a good thing I haven’t watched MTV In about 20 years now LOL What happened to the music videos LOL Replaced by crap instead

  2. MTV stopped being relevant to anyone about 10 years ago. My sister doesn’t even watch it and she’s 23.

    • Hey, hey, come on. Ridiculousness is a really funny show… and the only good one on the network. Seems like, with that one exception, the network is comprised of mindless partisan bleeding (see above) or shows that could be mistaken for being on VH1. And for the record, I’m 21.

  3. mtv? Ain’t that the beavis and butthead channel? Pauley Shore? In other words, who gives a fuck.

  4. The YouTube videos is actually open for likes / dislikes and comments. Let them know what you think of their “masterpiece.”

    • The ACLU has been anti-gun for as long as I can remember, clear back to the late 80’s.

      • Yeah, funny how the ACLU devoutly defends *some* of the Bill of Rights and completely ignores others.

        Funny story: an organization I belong to in Maryland requires reporting of charitable activities (none of that is really voluntary). I routinely report my contributions to the NRA to them just so I can imagine all of the colors their faces turn when they read it.

  5. I stopped watching MTV when they axed Headbangers Ball and Liquid Television…. so that’s about 20yrs ago. When they came out with that Real World show and I saw how popular it was, I knew my generation was destined for ignominy.

    • “I stopped watching MTV when they axed Headbangers Ball”.

      Used to be HB was the only way I could get my metal. Sirius and YouTube is where my metal has come from for a long time. Once mtv stopped playing videos, it was done.

    • Yeah, was sort of surprised the crap channel still exists.
      My oldest daughter used to watch it about 20 years ago…until I pulled the plug on TV.
      My youngest daughter probably does not even know what it is.

  6. Viacom owns MTV and the only reason it still exits is because it gets bundled with other channels. They have been selling MTV Brazil and other subs. Sumner Redstone has said he would be fine selling it or spinning it off along with Viacom Radon. It is irrelevant in today’s media world.

  7. Gun control is not the point. This whole gun control push is about electing the Crusty Old Crook. Gun control is her signature issue. In fact, aside from hating men in particular and white people in general, it’s her only issue.

  8. If you actually watch the video, it’s so poorly done that it doesn’t really communicate anything. But anyway, once that teddy bear’s leftist gay professor tries to shove that parrot up his butt, Teddy will change his tune!

  9. Planned Parenthood one of the sponsors? You have got to be sh!tting me.
    I suppose D&C is quieter than gunshots… Maybe they will help support the safe hearing act?!

  10. I suspect that the true purpose of MTV isn’t to entertain or even persuade anyone. My theory is that some third-party NGO funds the network and is secretly keeping track of its viewership, so that if overpopulation or famine ever pushes us towards an extinction-level event, they’ll know exactly which people we can safely afford to have culled from society and made into Soylent Green.

    • Bad news: those are they people they expect to *eat* the Soylent Green. They’re going to try to *make* it from us.

      • Not likely by that point. There are plenty of skilled workers and tradesmen in our ranks, making us too valuable to squander as a food source. We’d most likely be the ones to harvest the guzzoline and purify the Aqua Cola.

  11. Imagine if our Nation were at the precipice of ‘communists’ besiegement before the days of the internet and social media, ‘we the people’ of whom respect and defend our Constitution would be in a much worse political environment…Back then absent a very few conservative Intellectual mediums such as William F. Buckley on PBS and several print outlets such as National Review, Wall Street Journal etc. the leftist media was all to be found on the Big Three 5:30 News deliveries which Americans relied on for politics of any kind (no cable in the 70-80’s–the only reason we survived to carry on the fight was 1) hard work of Gun Rights NRA and others and 2) the demographics had yet to swing in favor of the left to the exact point of where we are as we speak with liberal minorities dem voters seeing exploding birth rates…Conversely, while outnumbered today in terms of mere census numbers by the leftists we do have unprecedented media representation albeit not via ‘mainstream’ means which allows for the conventional political process to continue to be played out…

    • To the Teletubbies’ credit, they respect their target audience’s intelligence a whole lot more than MTV does for their own.

  12. “Among the campaign’s digital video series will be a ‘Robo-Roundtable’ that uses animatronic versions of alligators, parrots and robots to discuss issues. Millennial voters can tweet @electthis with their opinions on hot-button issues, and the tweets will be used to voice the robots.”
    Do Millennial voters even know what MTV is?
    This scheme seems to be the brain trust of a bunch of old Liberal Jane Fonda types.


  14. Our home borders a property owned by a conservative fundamentalist denomination. They run a summer camp and retreats there. Yesterday they were running a family fun fest. There was a huge sign at the gate stating No Alcohol No Tobacco No Weapons in the kind of colorful art that attracts kids’ eyes. A very disappointing conflation in a most unlikely place.

  15. Same here…When I was younger, I grew up watching MTV. At time , it was neat’o gee whiz new cable is cool. Used to watch Madonna videos with my pop when she still looked pretty good. But then, later in the years. The Gun control, and left-wing political propaganda started to raise it’s ugly agitprop head…Watch various awards shows to see U2 and their chief idiot strutting about with “gun control now shirts, etc…” Nope…No more MTV….If I really need to see a Hollyweird music vid…I’ll stream VeVo….

  16. I’ve blocked MTV vh1 bet and a bunch of other crappie. Mostly Viacom channels. My child is not exposed to that filth even accidentally.

  17. MTV has not been relevant since the music died and the majority of its programing went to talking heads and reality TV. LONG LIVE RADIO and Dedicated Music Category Cable channels. ROCK ON!!!

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