While legislators in some western states like Colorado and California continue to push more restrictions on lawful gun owners, Idaho lawmakers are soaring to the finish line with a number of pro-gun measures.

Fortunately for Idaho’s lawful gun owners, three such measures have been approved by the state legislature and sent to Republican Gov. Brad Little for consideration, while another remains in a Senate committee.

Senate Bill 1374 seeks to ensure that lawful Idahoans can carry firearms on public property during some special events and has been sent to the governor. The measure specifically prohibits private groups from restricting the lawful carry of firearms on public property unless the event is by invitation only, for commercial purposes and charges an admission, or it is otherwise apparent to a reasonable person the event is not open to the general public.

The bill states: “Any restriction on the carrying of concealed weapons pursuant to this subsection may only be invoked for public property owned by the state or its political subdivisions when the use of such property is for a private event by invitation only, for a commercial event that charges admission, or for any other event with restricted access whether admission is charged or not. For any such private event, commercial event, or other event, it must appear to a reasonable person that the general public does not have unrestricted access to the designated public property, or any subset of such property, that is normally and habitually open to the public.”

Another measure that we’ve mentioned here before, SB 1291, has also been approved and sent to the governor. That bill would prohibit public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of firearms, and would also require companies that contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate against the firearms industry. It would also protect some other industries that have been victims of such boycotts.

The measure states: “… a public entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written certification from the company that it is not currently engaged in, and will not for the duration of the contract engage in, a boycott of any individual or company because the individual or company: (a) Engages in or supports the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacture of fossil fuel-based energy, timber, minerals, hydroelectric power, nuclear energy, or agriculture; or (b) Engages in or supports the manufacture, distribution, sale, or use of firearms, as defined in section 18-3302(2)(d), Idaho Code.”

The third measure that has been approved and sent to Gov. Little is SB 1317, which would create a Gadsden Flag/Don’t Tread On Me license plate available to Idaho car owners. Revenue from the plate would be used to fund firearms safety training in schools.

So far, another pro-gun measure, HB 415, has hit a logjam in the committee process. That is the school carry bill that would permit some school employees to carry concealed firearms on campus in order to protect themselves and students. The bill has spent nearly the last month in the Senate State Affairs Committee without being addressed.


  1. “fossil fuel-based energy, timber, minerals, hydroelectric power, nuclear energy, or agriculture“

    Good to see Idaho legislators continuing to feed at the trough of the multinational oil and gas industry, apparently they have the best politicians money can buy.

    • “Good to see Idaho legislators continuing to feed at the trough of the multinational oil and gas industry, apparently they have the best politicians money can buy.”

      and apparently you are benefiting from it too – clothing, food, electricity, computers, internet, over 90% of what a person can buy or own, medicines, etc…

      shame on you, hypocrite.

      • Miner49er you simply have no idea all cloistered in that ‘imaginary world’ in your mind free of understanding context.

        Its like those ‘stop oil’ or ‘climate’ protestors wearing Nike’s and clothing made from or as a result of those very things they want to stop. A bunch of hypocrites living in their own little ‘imaginary world’ free of understanding context.

        Especially the ‘stop oil’ or ‘climate’ protestors organization hierarchy leaders leaders who get paid a few hundred thousand annually to occupy key positions in their organizations hierarchy. They wear the best and latest and greatest clothing, live in nice homes, eat well, and plug their Teslas in to charge from power grids, because of that electricity generated from ‘multinational oil and gas industry’ oil and coal use.

        • Miner49er, how long is it going to be before you realize your ‘climate change’ and anti-gun masters are playing you for a fool.

          They get weak minded people like you to buy into their agenda to keep it going so they can rake in everything from federal funds to private funds and donations, while their hierarchy sits up all nice and comfy and living nicely making lots of money from it personally from those federal funds and private funds and donations.

          You are a moron.

        • Most don’t advocate to completely end fossil fuels immediately, I think reasonable people all agree a gradual phase out is needed and that’s what’s happening. Coal needs to go away quickly, natural gas is an excellent bridge fuel, we just need to be more careful about the dangers to groundwater posed by unregulated fracking.

          Nuclear is out of the question, nuclear reactor vessels are built by the lowest bidder.

        • Miner that last sentence is why any possible future of remotely comparable standard of living without oil will always be impossible and any push towards it is pointless. We can all bitch and moan for or against but without a stable large scale generating capacity everything is beyond achievement.

        • Now that minor49iq sees Idaho as a state shaped like a handgun he’ll want to tie a knot in the barrel. After all Gun Control zealots assume they have the moral high ground and that to them is what justifies demonizing and bullying hayseeds exercising a Constitutional Right.

          The mindset of Gun Control worshippers deflates when History Confirms their beloved Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide…There is no way around the diabolical History of Gun Control, not only for minor49iq but also for the equally pathetic Gun talking blowbags who claim to support a Centuries Old Constitutional Right while remaining zip lipped about the atrocities surrounding an agenda that pre and post dates the 2A called Gun Control.

        • End all government subsidies for EVERYTHING. The best, most efficient ideas will win in the end, assuming fair regulation.

    • How do you feel about nuclear energy? I’m pretty much all of the above except for wind farms. What an obnoxious waste.They aren’t environmentally friendly as many in our disingenuous media would have you th.

      • The idea that wind farms can meet the energy goals of the nation is just another misnomer for the uneducated as is being realized by European countries. Electric prices in Germany have risen as much as 500% after it shut down it last remaining nuclear plant along with several coal and gas fired electric plants. The largest supplier of wind turbines in Europe (Siemens) has lost over 4.6 billion euros due to a reduction in wind turbine projects and has cut back production in the United States due weak demand and push back from communities not wanting turbines in their areas.

        • Electricity prices in Germany, who have gone the green renewable path, are double compared to electricity prices in France who use mostly nuclear.

          France even exports its surplus electricity to Germany.

          I get the idea that electricity is to become a thing only for wealthy elites.

      • They sure made the FlintHills unattractive.
        Last year 32miles of wind farm were shut down waiting on a part presumably coming from China. It took 8months.
        For the cost of running them wind electric is not very efficient. The answer lies in better Solar Panels. I see a future where all buildings, houses , vehicles, have solar panels on them.
        All we need to do is harness the power of the Sun.

        • Better panels, good. But in the meantime, more acres of standard pv is A-OK, too.

          The key is to get away from point source, ironically. A panel on a roof in a low sunshine area will give you less juice to the house below than a panel in a high sunshine area, IF you transmit the power by HVDC…

          So, _massive_ arrays of panel where the sun does shine, shipped to where the sun don’t shine.

        • How about a two mile deep solar farm the entire length of our Southern Border? An un-hospitable environment would exist under it for any living things – kill two birds with one stone, eh amigo?

        • When the progs turn off their Applecrap at Sunset or when clouds come out THEN you can try to make a case for (Chicom) solar panels as a grid power source. But NO, are just boobbait for morons with no science/engineering knowledge.

    • The green agenda is a lie.
      If it were not for all the government subsidies, solar and wind would be much more expensive than fossil fuels.
      Numerous studies are warning us that the green agenda will end up costing consumers and the environment more in the end. Only 10% of solar and even less wind are recycled. The rest goes to land fills. Solar panels have metals that are toxic and will leech into the ground and maybe even water table.

      When all costs are factored in, from extraction of rare earth elements, processing, production, and IF recycling of batteries are factored in, EVs are three times more expensive than a ICE.

      The cost of a all EV mandate for medium and heavy duty trucks will end up costing the end consumer more.

      The ONLY way to make the green agenda a reality, we would have to reduce our quality of living by 86%. Show of hands, who is willingly going to do that?

    • Since you are replying electronically, and the entire infrastructure that makes up the Internet is totally dependent on those industries, you’re a hypocrite. If you want people to see you have even a shred of integrity, you’ll abstain from using the internet. But it’s your decision.

  2. Another dope who wishes to return to the Middle Ages…suggest emigration to some third world cesspool prior to further whining.

    • Sadly, it seems you see it as all fossil fuel extraction or no fossil fuel extraction. That is not the situation, the problem is extractive industries are running roughshod over our regulatory system and polluting the air, ground and water with toxic byproducts because of their profit over people philosophy.

      The American Taxpayer should not be forced to subsidize the fossil fuel industry.

      “Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil. European Union subsidies are estimated to total 55 billion euros annually.

      Historically, subsidies granted to the fossil fuel industry were designed to lower the cost of fossil fuel production and incentivize new domestic energy sources. Today, U.S. taxpayer dollars continue to fund many fossil fuel subsidies that are outdated, but remain embedded within the tax code.”


      • “The American Taxpayer should not be forced to subsidize the fossil fuel industry.”

        thats a bogus and deceptive argument.

        and who do you think is going to be forced to subsidize what you want?

        you think that’s all going to be free?

        already on the few power grids sections supplemented by ‘alternative’, prices on electricity have increased after being supplemented and tax revenue stucturing a has gone up to force that tax payer to pay for that ‘alternative’. now apply it on a nationwide basis with federal funds poured into it like it is now…the American taxpayer is still going to be forced to pay for ‘alternative’.

      • Remove subsidies for nuclear, wind and solar power at the same time. Let all sources of power float to their actual costs and let the consumer, not the taxpayer, pay.

  3. Idaho HB 415 is a great bill that will provide teachers and other faculty to carry while on school property. Unfortunately, RINOs in the Idaho Senate have shut this bill down in committee. Additionally, the Idaho Senate has proposed its own School Carry Bill, S-1418. The problem with S-1418 is that it gives complete control to the school board of who can carry, what can be carried and any certification scheme they can dream up. The school board can dictate the training requirements, type of weapons and ammo and anything else they want to add. As we all know, most school board members are anti-gun. Idaho S-1418 is GUN CONTROL, not a common sense law that will protect the children.

    HB 415, passed by the Idaho House needs to be brought to the floor and passed in the Idaho Senate.

    • In Louisiana a young black female republican newly elected representative has prefiled HB 721 that is to be considered in committee soon. HB 721 would allow certified teachers and administrators to carry in schools, if they has a concealed carry permit. It should pass through Adm of Criminal Justice committee fairly easy but will face stiff opposition in the House and Senate should it advance that far. It is refreshing to see a person of this nature file such legislation.

        • Unfortunately you have create the most painful and difficult position for people to be in. Before they are forced by self preservation. To change for the better.

      • “kinetic energy time getting close”

        Your thinly veiled threats of violence are just so frightening, just stop it, you savage.

        • I’ve been wondering who you remind me of, miner. You’re that guy. The one that beats his wife and blames her for making him do it.

          You view honest, patriotic Americans as your ‘wife’.

        • Only confirmation biased people would think that was actually me giving “thinly veiled threats of violence” with no context at all provided for it. But I’ll give you the context.

          Its in reference to this thing about VP Harris (and Everytown and essentially Bloomberg) GIVEN CONTROL of DOJ National Red Flag Center (and your tax dollars…to do with as they please without any accountability … by unelected ‘officials’ or Harris).

          my ‘kinetic energy time getting close.’ was in reference to what they are actually going to do – embolden and urge anti-gun people to simply start reporting gun owners as a ‘threat to them selves or others’ because they have always said its a justification for having that view simply because a gun exists. So whats going to happen is the anti-gun are going to start claiming ‘they fear harm to others’ for any gun owner they choose, cops are gonna start showing up and taking innocent people away and taking their stuff, and the cops are going to start pulling triggers when they bust in on some guy who did nothing wrong at all who thinks his home is being broken into in the middle of the night and responds to defend his home, was not a danger to anyone, all they have is some anti-gun idiot with their self-generated fake fear claiming it thus “kinetic energy time getting close” for the cops to start essentially murdering innocent people.

          That’s exactly what they are doing with this – creating that type of situation. No due process, no proof required, just simply ‘we say therefore its true’, and innocent people are going to die at some point.

          Its communism. Mao Zedong did the same thing, have other people inform on others with the urging of the ‘state’ with ‘we say therefore its true’ and millions of innocent people died.

          This will make you very happy Miner49er.

        • ” No due process, no proof required, just simply ‘we say therefore its true’, and innocent people are going to die at some point.”

          It’s already happened, Maryland if I remember correctly. Duh Mass niece got her uncle killed.

        • Oh, its already happened many times. Over 80% of the claims made now, with nothing to do with guns, turn out to have been not true and innocent victims of this travesty of ‘we say therefore its true’ were seriously injured with some killed, confined, forced to undergo ‘mental health’ hold confinement and assessment, lost their jobs and property – all because of ‘we say therefore its true’.

          Now think whats going to happen being directed from the national scale of ‘the state’ embolding anti-gun idiots to do just what they have been wanting to do to innocent gun owners with ‘we say therefore its true’.

          There is no legal recourse, no real due process, for the ‘we say therefore its true’ victims of this communism travesty. It will not matter if it turns out to be false, the fact is the gun owners constitutional rights were violated, they had to endure confined, forced to undergo ‘mental health’ hold confinement and assessment, loss of property, (possible) further loss of job, (possible) and reputation – the damage will have already been done and even if there were some kind of legal repercussion against the person who falsely reported its going to at best a ‘misdemeanor’ and maybe a fine and under ‘red flag’ it can be false with no legal repercussion at all for the false reporter because its based on what they ‘thought’ and it can’t be proven they did not think that unless they admit it was intentionally false.

          this is just trying to get people to ‘inform’ on others, like Mao Zedong did, there are simply too many out there with agenda that will abuse it and it will not be long before it will be an anti-gun thing to do just ’cause they can. Already for the anti-gun states with red-flag modeled on this over 87% of the ‘informing’ turned out to be false and anti-gun yet the ‘we say therefore its true’ gun owning victim had to endure all that and to date no false reporter anti-gun person has been held accountable for their false reporting.

  4. Yes, the people in the low population rural states. They are very dangerous to the establishment. Very dangerous to the Deep State.

    • They recently wrote a book about that. It’s called White Rural Rage. It turns out that rural people are apparently the worst of the worst because…they tend to vote for Hitler-reincarnate, DJT.

      • It is amazing how people like you are so ignorant of history. The Dem Party is 100% fascist now (i.e. far left) – starting with Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. He was highly admired by Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. It was the heavily communist centered international media in the 1940’s that decided fascism and national socialism suddenly had to be “far right” (absence of government BTW) because they despised the murderous tyrant Stalin, the hero of much of the media and academia then. BTW – Mussolini invented “fascism” in the 1920’s as an “improved version” of communism. He was a leader in the Italian communist party until he split. Hitler and Franco took what Musso did and “improved upon” it. Trump is the exact opposite of all leftists. As are we 80 million + MAGA. That book is just the latest smear by the left, a “neurotic clown collective arrogantly spouting toxic imbecility” (thanks to some poster on another site).

        • Okay Mack. Point out the part where “people like [me] are so ignorant of history.” The meaning of my comment may have gone over your head. I was agreeing with Chris that the powers that be see rural people (typical MAGA voters) as a threat. That book is one of the latest smears they’re promoting.

  5. Miner49er your buddies in Northern California just Murdered the Klamath River with 5 to 7 million Metric tons of polluted MUD! The killed ALL Aquatic life from Iron Gate Dam to the ocean. They want to let the salmon go all the way to Klamath Lake.
    If they would have looked at the history of Copco 1 Dam they would know that there was a Lava Dam just upstream from Copco 1 Dam. Also they would have to grow wings to get over a waterfall in Oregon. How do I know this I Worked on the Copco Project for 25 years till I retired in 1998.. Note they also killed 180+ MW of electricity!!

    • Nam, none of the above matters to a lefty like Miner or his goddess Kamala – any FACT can easily be countered with FEELZ.
      ” So there, we win and I say so. “

      • I know. Just trying to help get the facts out they are trying to pull this crap here in Idaho on the Snake River.

  6. First issue, anything that promotes and protects the legal rights of citizens to keep and bear arms is a good thing Just as anything that promotes free speech or voting rights of citizens is a good thing.
    Next in the discussion was the fossil fuel/petroleum issue. Now, I am off grid and we do utilize solar and wind electrical generators. As well as gas or diesel powered back up units.
    Works well enough on a small scale but as a base for public utilities it’s not reliable enough and has limitations in the northern half of the country. Then with the stop oil fools, consider the vast number of products derived from Petroleum and Natural Gas. Before we end fossil fuels we need cost effective, viable replacements.
    Those demanding we give up current petroleum products need to live the lifestyle they demand the rest of the populace live for a year before they try to push their agenda upon others.
    Never forget the simple truth that those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who didn’t. Give up your means of defense and you become a serf/slave to those who still have their arms.

    • some evidence is being brought out that natural gas is manufactured by our core and gets replenished. not finite. in theory.
      but they want my stove.

  7. If the eastern counties of Oregon were able to transfer to Idaho, the state would look less like a gun and more like a pot with a long neck.

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