A gun should either be in a safe or on your hip. (Those flimsy trigger/chamber locks that come with your new gun? Fuhgeddaboutit!) Regardless of “best practice,” not everyone lives by that credo. Some gun owners purse or backpack carry. Some want immediate access to their handgun, but don’t home carry. The IDENTILOCK could be the answer to “how do I stop unauthorized access to my firearm while still maintaining a high state of accessible operational readiness?”


While one can doubt any fingerprint recognition system’s reliability — especially if your finger is covered with (dare I say it) blood — the IDENTILOCK concept makes a lot of sense. I reckon the e-trigger guard would be ideal when you’re on vacation, the hotel room doesn’t have one of those small safes and you’re about to hit the beach. Or as an extra level of protection for a gun stored in a car that transports children.

IDENTILOCK fits a range of handguns, from your garden variety 1911 to all manner of GLOCKs. The big problem? Its big price; $239 is a whole lot of folding money for a high-tech trigger lock that could well be prised apart with a screwdriver (actual TTAG test to follow). Still, what price peace of mind?


  1. The best method to secure your firearm is to keep it holstered on your person. Otherwise, put it in a safe.

    To assist in securing your firearm on your person, all “gun free” zones should be eliminated.

  2. Depends upon what they used in the cylinder for that backup lock. If it’s like anything from Master, it can be picked with a twist tie inside of 10 seconds.

  3. Not just no, but hell no. Not for me. Others can choose whatever they like. This is bullshit. If you plan to lock it like this, why bother having it?

  4. Yes expensive and one wonders how long the battery would last as well but on the other hand the price is very cheap considering the law suits and lawyer costs if a child picks up a loaded gun and gets shot and it happens every day in this country especially with the unsafe striker fired guns that have no manual safety as they are real accidents waiting to happen and in that case this new finger print lock makes a lot of sense. In that case $200 bucks or so is cheap compared to prison or a mulit-million dollar law suit.

    • Depends, . . . If you browse through a lot of the biometric lock safes on Amazon you’ll find several common problems with the programing and or hardware on the fingerprint scanner. How’s the hardware on the scanner and the programming behind it (both possible points of failure.

      We us a high quality biometric scanner at work, that still takes a solid second, sometimes up to three seconds to get a good read, and occasionally, it still has a bad read, usually finger positioning or dirt (on hand or on reader) or paint or glue or cuts/blisters ect . . . ).

      I would be okay using a biometric with mechanical backup for storage (the problem being that the quality implementations are expensive), but for carry or integrated into a holster (or the weapon itself), no-way.

      Anyhow, the problem with a lot of the biometric implementations I’ve seen reviewed weren’t necessarily false negative matches, but false positive matches (opens when it’s not suppose to). That’s almost as bad from the opposite direction as a false negative (does not open when it should).

      • to High Five

        If your explanation proves also to be true with this new trigger lock then it will fail in the market place but the latest technology making the news this week was the micro chip placed under the skin at one business on some of their employees and no one I repeat no one said they could not key into work or even effortlessly buy a candy bar out of the machine at work etc. etc. Perhaps we need some gun safes and trigger locks that are activated via micro chip which would virtually eliminate kids shooting themselves or shooting other kids in the home.

        • Oh HELL NO! Bad enough big brother can tap and monitor my cell phone anytime they want and see every purchase I make anywhere, ain’t NO way I’m letting anybody tag my fuzzy white butt with a chip! That road leads to chipping at birth, a lifetime of enslavement and a signal sent to release the nerve toxin when you’re no longer useful or threaten the established order. Think I’m crazy? Not.

          • quote—————–Oh HELL NO! Bad enough big brother can tap and monitor my cell phone anytime they want and see every purchase I make anywhere, ain’t NO way I’m letting anybody tag my fuzzy white butt with a chip! That road leads to chipping at birth, a lifetime of enslavement and a signal sent to release the nerve toxin when you’re no longer useful or threaten the established order. Think I’m crazy? Not.———————

            Any technology has the potential to be used by a Dictatorship for evil purposes but this has to be balanced by the over all good of this new technology and you may as well get used to it as in the future you will not even be able to function in society without a micro chip.

            Surprise Jethro the Government is already monitoring your phone without a chip under your skin. The recent reforms in Congress were only smoke and mirror’s as the U.S. has Allies that now do the spying on you and they then transfer the info back to the U.S. Government which can say “we did not spy on you” a Foreign Nation did which is technically true.

            And the Government now has a camera that can look into your house as the cops simply drive buy it and there was a court case already over this as to when they could and could not use it as it really is search without warrant or at least it was but again the Government can get a warrant for just about any ridiculous excuse they can come up with so once again if you think an un-registered gun will be in your drawer or safe when you decide to play “fantasy minute man” guess again because the government knows you have a gun and can come and get it at any time.

            And if you have ever subscribed to a gun magazine, contributed to any gun organization, ever bought a hunting license or a bought of ammo or logged on to this site the Government already knows all of this and all without chip technology so your above response about the government knowing what you buy with chip technology has already been a reality for years with computer technology tracking your every purchase and your every movement throughout the day. Its solved many crimes people commit because they can prove where they were. Ted Bundy the infamous mass woman killer was tracked decades ago through gasoline purchases and credit card purchases putting him right at the scenes of the crimes he committed and again that was decades ago without chip technology so what is the big deal about chip technology its just another tool added on to what we already have had years ago.

            Here are just a few of the advantages of such technology.

            Micro-Chips will constantly monitor your body which will immediately warn your doctor when cancer invades it or your diet of pizza and hamburgers is killing you by rapidly clogging up your veins.

            Chips will recover kidnapped children

            Chips will determine as to whether or not you get hired for a job, refuse a chip, no jog period. And remember its already here in a way, refuse a drug test and you do not get a job and its all perfectly legal do you think it will not be soon the same for chip technology. If not your leaving in your own little fantasy world.

            Chips will prevent school shootings as anyone not authorized into a building or place of work is locked out and trying to get in calls the cops instantly saving precious time for the police to swoop in with dark sun glasses with assault rifles blazing.

            Chips in guns will prevent people from taking them into any place prohibited such as government buildings, schools, banks,places of work, bars etc. etc.

            Chips will be necessary to gain entrance to your work place.

            Chips will be necessary to buy something out of a vending machine

            Chips will be necessary to cash a check or open a charge account

            Chips will be necessary to buy groceries

            Chips will be necessary to eat out at a restaurant and leave a “chip tip”

            Chips will be necessary to enter a National Park on Vacation

            Chips will be necessary to start your car to prevent theft.

            Chips will be necessary to buy a gun or transfer ownership.

            Chips will be necessary for your Doctor to prescribe the best treatment for diseases and the technology will be programed via a chip into your body and monitor the treatment as well. Without such chip treatment you will not live near as long if you live at all. Cheer up you can refuse a chip and die of disease and take your money and guns to the grave and enjoy them there.

            Chips may under certain circumstances cure or at the least prevent sexual predators from molesting people and they will track their every move without the old fashioned ankle bracelets and ditto for people under house arrest.

            Lets face facts we already have security cameras everywhere that do track you hundreds of times a day and solve many crimes and people have already gotten used to them and the same will happen with the new chip technology.

            We already have “black boxes” that monitor your car speed, how far you drive to work and your location and again people have accepted them because they have to or you would not get car insurance or your car would not run if they were disabled or you would be jailed if you did disconnect them in some States. Ditto for devices in your car than prevent you from polluting the atmosphere like catalytic converters.

            Now think of chip technology in guns as they would prove you were in such and such a place if say a bank was robbed or a murder was committed. Oh my God the Hilljack will say “then they can find and take my guns”. Forget it Jethro as when a law is passed that bans something it does not matter even if you had an “old fashioned” gun without such technology because to keep it illegally would result in you destroying your life as when caught you would not only be incarcerated but lose your job and your life savings forever. Its nice to try and fantasize about the “ridiculous minute man myth” but I will let you in on a secret it did not exist during the Revolution or have much if anything to do with winning the war either but that’s another story.

            When your really think about todays technology you are living in a fantasy world of the past if you think that I am free and independent and can make it on my own, its laughable and totally unrealistic. But this is all way over the head of Jethro and his world of fantasy while he twirls his obsolete Colt Model P in .45 Long Colt while listening with his ear buds to the theme of “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”.

            • So you as a sheep will accept the mark of the beast? I’m not all that religious but it’s just a bit too prescient to ignore. Not for me, nor my children until they can choose for themselves.

              • To Don Juan of Capistrano

                quote——————–So you as a sheep will accept the mark of the beast? I’m not all that religious but it’s just a bit too prescient to ignore. Not for me, nor my children until they can choose for themselves.——————-

                Please confine the religious fanaticism to your church or privacy of your own home in which you are free to engage in your prayers, rituals and incantations by the light of the moon. The real mark of the beast is organized religion.

                And no you or your children are not free to choose for yourselves. You cannot refuse a drug test if you want employment and soon you will not be able to refuse “the chip” if you want to be employed or enjoy all the other benefits of a civilized society. That’s 21st Century reality and its not going away just because you do not want it or accept any new ideas or technology.

    • Unfortunately, here in Mexifornia, the state will be quick to make it mandatory that every gun purchased must have one included with no consideration to your particular circumstances. I have a gun safe in which my guns are stored when not in use. I have a separate one for my ammo. Yet, every time I make a purchase, I have to go home with a gun lock.
      I’m waiting now to see what they will mandate for ammo purchases since sales will soon be restricted.

    • ” especially with the unsafe striker fired guns that have no manual safety as they are real accidents waiting to happen”


      Children can’t squeeze the trigger of most striker fired pistols; and those who own competitive pistols with lowered spring weights keep them in a safe.

      You smell like Handgun Control.

      • to Dave in a Rave

        quote————————-” especially with the unsafe striker fired guns that have no manual safety as they are real accidents waiting to happen”


        Children can’t squeeze the trigger of most striker fired pistols; and those who own competitive pistols with lowered spring weights keep them in a safe.

        You smell like Handgun Control.———————quote

        And you smell like a cheap hill jack too stingy to subscribe to the various gun news papers like Gun Week. In it they carried a story of a Chicago Cop who came home and was undressing and tossed his Glock on the bed and he 4 year old daughter snatched it up and before he could get the gun from her she blew her head off. Now Genius try and tell him his daughters death was a figment of his imagination.

        Or another one Genius and this one was with just a 2 year old and it made the National News last summer, I am sure since you are to cheap to own a TV you missed it. A woman was shopping and her 2 year old son reached into her purse and grabbed the proverbial unsafe striker fired gun with no manual or grip safety and guess what before she could get the gun away from him he blew her head off. And remember Genius he was a 2 year old which you claim could never accomplish such a tragedy.

        Most people do not even understand how a striker fired gun works and to make it even more sinister “what they cannot see they do not fear” i.e. with no manual exposed hammer cocked back these people believe there is no danger. But today most people are not mechanically inclined and most would consider it rocket science to even change their own oil in their automobile so can we really expect them to understand how dangerous pre-loaded striker fired trigger mechanisms are. I suggest you first learn some basic mechanical skills before you make a fool out of yourself claiming modern pre-loaded striker fired guns are safe to use and handle and that small children do not kill themselves and others with them. The graveyards prove otherwise.

        If firearms were under the coverage of the National Safety Consumer laws the safety-less striker fired guns would be pulled right off the market immediately and it could not come soon enough. My own Glock 19 has had a manual safety put on it but I wish it had a good stiff grip safety as well. But I understand how this gun works, its a tragedy that the majority of people who own them do not or they would be demanding manual and grip safeties as well.

  5. Might be a good thing for federal agents from what Ive seen in the news over the last few months.

    (left in cars, bathroom stalls, shooting themselves in airports.)

    They can test them and let us know how it goes.

  6. If it isn’t certified for use on a safety system (ala NFPA79) I have no interest in having it on a piece of life safety equipment.

  7. Okay.
    I’ll chime in with a gun salesman’s perspective:
    Some folks just can’t be talked out of putting a gun in a bag. In sales, we sometimes walk a fine line between informing a customer and offending them. Do I tell them why it may not be the best idea? Yes. If they insist on doing it that way, I will then make a number of recommendations to minimize the risk – get a purse that is DESIGNED to hold a gun. Wear the strap diagonally across the body. Get a locking doodad like this thing, and so forth.
    Leading horses to water and all that…

  8. I’ve got something just like that, but it’s called “identic0ck”. Keeps all the local riff-raff outta my britches, don’t you know.

  9. Nnnnnnnnnnnope. No thanks. A “solution looking for a problem.” Maybe creating a whole new problem.

  10. anything battery operated can be in-operable if battery dies. I went to the range with my combination safe and couldn’t shoot because the battery died and I didn’t have the by-pass key to get out my guns.

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