“Hearing loss is a serious issue, and hunters should protect their hearing. But given that silencers cost several hundred to over a thousand dollars, earplugs seem like a more efficient solution. When I worked as a park ranger in Montana and Alaska, I had to become proficient with rifles, shotguns and handguns. I spent many hours on firing ranges, and ear muffs worked just fine. And it doesn’t seem particularly sporting to hunt an animal when that animal can’t even hear you if you miss.” – Brett Hartl in Gun lobby co-opts sportsmen’s agenda with SHARE Act [via thehill.com]
There is another option to health care. It’s called a “health care sharing ministry”. It is exempt from Obama care penalties and you can go to any doctor you choose. I have had it for about 3 years now. Pay only $200 per month and recently they paid over $56,000 to fix my severed tendons from a recent accident. The best part is the yearly deductible is only $500!! Google it!…I have Liberty Health Share and LOVE it. They do not take gays or pre-existing conditions which allows them to keep the premiums low.
“And it doesn’t seem particularly sporting to hunt an animal when that animal can’t even hear you if you miss.” – Brett Hartl
I feel… we need to give… some sort of special award… for the most ignorant… least intelligent… factually false…
They only cost that much because of current regulation.
Ear muffs on the range are one thing. Natural hearing while hunting is another.
A silenced shot is still as loud as a lawnmower. Can animals hear lawnmowers?
People hear “ranger” and think something like fish and game when a forest service park ranger is just a Walmart greeter in a green uniform.
“when a forest service park ranger is just a Walmart greeter in a green uniform” … Ouch! …that’s going to sting for a while.
1) I’ve gotten the White Tail Salute from brushing against twigs, I don’t think they’re going to stick around after a 130 dB gunshot.
2) Merciless hell, we let idiots like this work as park rangers? I’m surprised he didn’t starve to death out in the woods waiting for his compass to boot.
An awful lot of “seems” in that little snippit.
Also from the article:
“In my travels I have yet to come across wildlife wearing body armor. Why would hunters need armor-piercing bullets to kill a deer?
Armor-piercing bullets can have unpredictable effects when they enter a body, but there is clear research on what happens when a lead bullet impacts a target like a deer or elk. The lead breaks apart into lots of tiny pieces so small that hunters often don’t even know they are eating them; poisoning themselves and their families.”
Last I checked “real” AP rounds have hardened penetrators and would a) have less lead content than a non-AP projectile, and b) would be more likely to go straight on through, increasing the probability of a non-fatally-wounded animal.
And bonded bullets have been a thing for oh, since before I was born.
So which is it?
Since AP ammunition is defined by construction and not performance is there really any other lead free option besides monolithic copper that wouldn’t be classified as AP?
This. Hunters need armor-piercing bullets because they define them as bullets not made out of lead, which they are also trying to ban.
Read the full article by this prog. Cut the quote off too soon. This idiot is a moron.
He also dislikes using “Armor-piercing bullets” for hunting unless the deer are wearing vests.
Brett Hartl is the government affairs policy director at the Center for Biological Diversity. Yeah right “Biological Diversity” Prior to joining the Center, Brett worked in the House Natural Resources Committee for the Democratic staff Progtard
Maybe he’d care to address the issue of suppressors for hunting in Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, etc. As in, they are allowed and in many cases encouraged. As for AP rounds, there are other kinds of sports beyond hunting.
There is nothing in the Second Amendment about “sports” or “sporting”. You don’t need to give a reason why AP ammo should be available with other common ammo types.
Fair enough. Sometimes I forget I’m commenting on a primarily US site. I was just disputing the merits of his argument, as it fails even on the “sporting” aspect.
‘overcapacity magazines’ LMAO! 😀
This is the same argument that anti-2nd Amendment activists use for every facet of gun control. “Why do you need >insert contention hereinsert gun-control alternative here<."
Biden did this when he said that he could do the same thing that people with Ads could do with his double barrel shotgun. California does this with its gun laws all the time.
Give this tired argument a rest.
Well Brett, ear plugs work better at plugging whiney butt hurt, but you might enjoy sitting on a suppressor more (as long as you’re interested in bending over and taking it from the anti-gun lobby).
Maybe fireclean is KY?
We need some big honkin’ statues to John Moses Browning.
Farago’s latest ‘throwaway’ pistol!!!
“And it doesn’t seem particularly sporting to hunt an animal when that animal can’t even hear you if you miss”
Well I guess we got to call off bow season 🙂
I guess I’m just not sporting, I’ve dropped 99% of game I hunt in one shot.
You know, here’s the thing, it increases safety by allowing me to hear the hikers and hunters around me, instead of being muffled off from the world.
Why, those hikers might not know it’s hunting season, and might not be wearing their blaze orange, so by having a silencer and not being cut off from the world it increases their safety! IF IT SAVES JUST ONE CHILD HIKERS LIFE!!!
If you can afford a $1400 scope, I’m guessing battery costs are the least of your worries.
Good god, leftist are really reaching deep and getting NOTHING out of it.
Am I the only one who is just not crazy about that color? I guess I just like a black scope on a black gun.
It’s not unsual for a deer to just stand there after a missing shot , sometimes they can’t pinpoint where it’s coming from I guess .
Most of mine are killed in bow but I may fire my rifle once a season .
“…given that silencers cost several hundred to over a thousand dollars, earplugs seem like a more efficient solution.”
So, by that logic, it would be more preferable for me to wear earplugs rather than have a muffler on my car? Sure, the added noise is going to disturb everyone else in the area. Sure, earplugs are going to reduce my ability to hear things that I might need to hear for my safety or the safety of others. But hey, at least I’ll be efficient.
Seriously, where DO they find these folks?
I can’t see spending $3000 or more for a pistol that I would actually use. Maybe for display if I had my own museum of expensive toys.
It’s like tacticool dudes buying a $700 combat knife made out of exotic steel alloys. You can buy a cheap-ass carbon steel old-style Ka-Bar or Ontario Knife Co knife and throw it away if it gets dull and buy replacements and STILL never spend $700 on the knife your entire life – and it’ll cut good.
Trump played single issue voters like a fiddle. Just one of the many ways Trump conned the American public.
You’re a mark and you don’t want to admit it.
I don’t know what President Trump really believes, nor does anyone else but his first S.C.O.T.U.S. pick is very encouraging.
Oh look! A 1911 that retains all the features you’ve loved it for! Bigger and heavier in every dimension than a Glock 19, without the pesky affordable, twice as many rounds or nearly unfailing out of the box reliability problems!
Confused as to why you’d go with 9MM if the magazine capacity is (maybe) +1 over .45, the round the gun was designed around? So you can load your magazines with cheap ammo twice as often as any modern 9MM pistol?
Own both, carry the .45 CCO, but other than the fact it cost more than double the Glock 19 and I feel obligated to put my money to use, not sure how the CCO can be justified against the Glock or any other modern high quality 9MM for carry. 1911 has a great trigger (when so tuned) and is an easy gun to shoot IMO, but if I have to defend myself with a pistol, twice as many rounds is a huge plus. And based on the trend towards multiple assailants, more is better.
One in four would shoot themselves in the foot.
How retarded is their marketing guy? Why would you show rapid-fire device in slow motion???
Yeah, let’s just find some other dumb shit load into a shotgun shell, because, why not? This is first world time wasting.
Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have.
One in 3 UK cops are sane-2 in 3 are sissies…FIFY
Duh, look at our supreme court now answers all
would be interested in seeing the results of some brakes that have a shield, like the Surefire Warden, will it increase the recoil?
I don’t think he cares. He gives guns the nod because it’s convenient, but he’ll flip in a second if that’s ever the easy thing to do. At least he appointed a good Supreme Court justice, and he’s certainly not a dedicated anti like Hilary is.
Rifle, check.
Three piece suit, check.
Castle in the background, check.