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IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Keith Olbermann Says The NRA is a Terrorist Organization

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

“It is time to end the lies about the Second Amendment. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists. It is time to end the National Rifle Association. And it it time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to his Second Amendment people.” – Keith Olbermann in The NRA Should Be Branded A Terrorist Organization [via huffingtonpost.com]

IMI-Israeli Ammo

0 thoughts on “IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Keith Olbermann Says The NRA is a Terrorist Organization”

  1. So I think the question that needs to be asked in return… How are 50 deaths in an isolated incident somehow worse than 512 year-to-date in gun restrictive Chicago. Even with this incident, Las Vegas is typically half that number. Let’s Nevada into further perspective. Gun deaths in the state typically run about just over 200 yearly. What do you suppose the number of car deaths is year-to-date? 210. Vehicles also murder over 700 people yearly in Illinois. Clearly, we have a vehicle murder epidemic according to the media.

  2. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists

    that part he got right. the rest of it gives me a headache

    “The Second Amendment was originally intended “to keep the federal government from taking away the right of each state to maintain its own militia,” said Olbermann.” i would ask how much wrong he can fit in one sentence but i’m not sure i want the answer to the question.

  3. The usually ramped up Left-wing Commie propaganda, and Agitprop…courtesy of your friendly liberal Pro-aggressive news organizations….Friends of Gobbels….

  4. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists

    that part he got right. the rest of it gives me a headache

    “The Second Amendment was originally intended “to keep the federal government from taking away the right of each state to maintain its own militia,” said Olbermann.” i would ask how much wrong he can fit in one sentence but i’m not sure i want the answer to the question.

  5. Salty commie vermin is salty. Maybe somebody needs to explain to him tha what he’s discussing is called treason and gets him a firing squad.

  6. I respectfully disagree Mr. Olbermann. The NRA is not a terrorist organization. And how do you propose ending the career of a pro gun politician? That sounds alot like a threat to me. Best tread lightly, for you may get the terrorist label slapped on you.
    Let me ask you something. Do you think antifa and blm are terrorists??? Because alot of them sure act like it.
    Or you could just shut the f#ck up and mind your business. Thats always an option too.

  7. This post alone probably gives him more exposure than he’s gotten in five years. I’d have kept driving and ignored the crazy guy on the corner.

  8. So they are calling the NRA a terrorist organization, by default that means they are calling the five million members of the NRA terrorists. How do they expect to win them over by calling them terrorists? You don’t engender peoples loyalty or engage in dialogue by immediately insinuating they are cold-blooded murderers and calling them names.

  9. Clearly, Keith Olbermann has as much respect for first amendment-protected rights as he does for second amendment-protected rights.

    By the way: what, pray tell, does NRA have to do with what happened? Was the murderer a member? Did NRA encourage him to murder? Did NRA facilitate his actions?

  10. “No other civilized nation does not vet gun purchasers with a psychological test first to determine if they are mentally competent to even own a weapon. …”

    The Vegas suspect had a pretty spotless record. Please tell me what magical psychological testing would have shown what he was going to do?


    So why spout this nonsense?

  11. “It is time to end the lies about the Auto Industry. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists. It is time to end the Ford, GM and Chrysler. Cars kill more people in Nevada and Illinois than deaths by firearms in those respective states and it is time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to people who drive cars.” – Keith Olbermann

    Fixed that for him.

  12. For every life lost via a gun, 100 lives are saved via defensive uses. I just sent another payment to the NRA. Suck on that lefties.

  13. What it’s really time for is to end the Democratic Party. I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t behind this Vegas shooting as well. Bunch of people think that they’re better than your average Joe. Bunch of spoiled rotten brats is what they seem like. And they always turn the tail they always act like there are these peace-loving people and then they say some stupid crap like oh well wait till the NRA is shot up by one of these lunatics they always like to throw people under a bus there’s something mentally wrong with the Democratic party in this country. Along with all this crap globalism liberalism retard ism.

  14. I’ve recently began to favor the end of electricity. If there was no electricity I would never have to see nor hear of douche-nozzles like Keith Olberman again.

  15. It has come to this. Everybody we don’t like is now a terrorist. I don’t like Keith Olbermann. He supports the gang front called BLM. He apologizes more radical Islam. I declare Olbermann a terrorist supporter. See how that works Keith?

    Let’s stop calling people we don’t like terrorists or Nazis. Nobody out there is Hitler although we do have a few Stalins like Keith Olbermann.

    • I heard an interview by a former hotel worker (not Mandalay) that upper floor windows have a small area in one corner that fire fighters could strike to shatter the whole pane allowing the room to ventilate.

  16. Fail on all accounts. I do not know why people want to abuse the language. Terrorist means someone that use heinous acts of violence to advance a political agenda. A terorist is a subclass of mass murderer. If they start calling all mass murderers terrorists, then they will then have to add the word “political” to terrorist to differentiate. If we accept these mass murderers without a stated political agenda as a terrorist, then we have to examine what political agenda we think their actions would most likely advance. In that case it would become obvious that they are gun control terrorists if they are terrorists at all.

  17. If you want a bumpfire stock, you better buy it today (if you can). They won’t be available much longer.

    Sadly, spraying lead into a crowd of people is about the only use I can think of for one of those things.

  18. We’re going to have to throw the bump-fire stocks under the bus here. Better to be proactive and add that to the SHARE Act.

    I hate the idea of outlawing simple mechanical devices, but it’s what politics will demand.

  19. “According to previous reports, the shooter in Las Vegas had two firearms on tripods with scopes”

    Count with me- one leg plus two – BIPOD

  20. Perhaps suppressors will not be the sacrificial scapegoat of this incident, but I would bet bump-fire stocks will. I back the 2ns Am 100%, but it’s hard to argue for the utility of bump-fire stocks. What possible purpose beyond recreational shooting could they fill? And it’s clear this sociopath was using them to spray more bullets in a shorter time than would be the case with regular semi-auto fire.

    I think, though, defenders of the 2nd have to look into Paddock’s motives. A video has surfaced of a man who bears a strong resemblance to him in a pro-Crooked p*ssy protest last August, complete with idiot pink p*ssy hat and all; his Hispanic or Asian girlfriend is standing nearby wearing sunglasses. It’s beginning to look as though the months of hate-filled riots and agit-prop sponsored by the Left (in the US aka the Democrat Party) are bearing their predictably rotten fruit. First Steve Scalise, now this. (It’s not fortuitous that he chose a country music concert to attack. Most of the folks there were very probably conservative in their beliefs.)

  21. “President Trump Hints At New Gun Control Laws”

    He did no such thing. “We will be talking about gun (whatever) as time goes by” is what I used say to my young daughter when she asked me for a pony.

  22. This entire premise of your numbers is heavily faulty. You forgot to mention that using the political affliction of the general populace of Blacks and Whites as representative of the political affliction of murderers of those races is highly erroneous. Even if 40% of Whites votes for Democrats in general, it could be 10% of White murderers who vote for Democrat. If it made sense to treat the political demographics of Black/White people in general and Black/White murderers as the same, you might as well treat the political affiliation of the general population as a whole and the political demographics of murderers as the same.

  23. I’m shocked that people here are surprised. Ryan would have to have a black hole for a heart to keep this bill scheduled. It was inevitable.

  24. I’ll believe a “ban” will eliminate BGs with guns when all the BGs already banned, don’t have guns any more.

    I’ll wait.

  25. It is time to end … Olby doesn’t think much of the rest of us, does he? I wonder who he thinks will be running things when we’re all disarmed.

  26. There would have definitely been more casualties! And to think otherwise your lying to yourself. Keep in mind the outside noise that will also drown out the sound signature of the suppressor, factor in traffic noise, also factor in the distance, but most of all there was a freaking concert going on!!!! Now how many decibels is a concert, probably around 110dBA if not more. And the only time most people ever heard a suppressed rifle is on YouTube, and keep in mind a video is being made and there usually shooting on a quiet farm where there is no other outside noise to drown the suppressor. Secondly I just want it to be known that I’m a gun lover and this comment was not intended to offend anyone but it’s just my opinion on the matter.

  27. I like how it’s totally cool for the anti’s to play make believe when we have plenty of statistical data showing they’re full of shit the second anyone proposes a DGU may ever be possible it’s balls to the wall deriding the Rambo fantasies and the simple silliness of such a notion.


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