Canada has some of the world’s toughest gun control laws. To legally obtain a firearms law-abiding Canadians have to jump through more hoops than a circus lion. All guns must be registered with the government. And the government does NOT like its citizens to own handguns. Police have unlimited power of search and seizure, should they get the idea that a Canadian has an illegal firearm in their home, car or place of business (i.e. anywhere). Thanks to these laws, the chances of a violent criminal legally obtaining any kind of gun are about as likely as that performing feline returning to the wild. Note: legally. Canada’s underground gun culture will provide any kind of firepower a lowlife on a no-limit expense account could desire. Wave enough cash in front of the right people, and an AK-47 is yours. Of course, a Canadian criminal on a tight budget would have a different plan: a knife.

Knives have few restrictions in Canada. But not none. For one thing, ALL concealed weapons are illegal. While there’s no legal maximum blade length, the following knives are banned:

Automatic knives such as “Switchblades”
“Butterfly knife”
Constant Companion (belt-buckle knife)
Finger rings with blades or other sharp objects projecting from the surface
“Push dagger”

So a fold-out knife of a reasonable length in a front pocket will do. In fact, Canadian criminals are three times more likely use a knife in a violent crime than a firearms. And the percentage is growing. Since 1974, knife homicides have doubled, while gun homicides have fallen 14 percent.

Knife assaults have a higher survival rate than gun attacks. Generally. Specifically, there have been some gruesome attacks. In 2008, Vince Weiguang beheaded a fellow passenger on a cross-country bus. And the rest. And again.

Meanwhile, “low-level” knife attacks are a daily occurrence. According to a report from Statistics Canada, the number of homicides committed with knives now equals the number committed with guns for the first time since 1974. CBC reports:

In 2008, 34 per cent of 611 homicides reported by police were committed with knives, a seven per cent increase from 1999 and more than double the approximately 15 per cent level of 1974, the first year for which homicide data is available.

The proportion of homicides involving guns, meanwhile, dropped significantly — from approximately 48 per cent in 1974 to 34 per cent in 2008.

These stats serve as an illustration that undercapitalized Canadian criminals will use something, anything in a pinch. So would there be less bloodshed if there were more guns and less knives? I doubt it. And I don’t care. I support Canada’s gun laws because in 1987-96, the average firearm homicide rate was 5.7 per 100,000 in the U.S., compared to 0.7 per 100,000 for Canada.

There are other variables that help account for this difference, but I want illegal firearms to continue to stay well out of the average lowlife’s price range here in Canada. Our gun laws may be a double-edged sword, but the harder it is to obtain a gun, the harder it is for someone to shoot me or the ones I love. But just so yo know, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.


  1. Strict Gun Laws Reduce Crime – FALSE – The Opposite Appears True

    The Long Gun Registry supposedly defunct with all information and records destroyed, appears to have maintained records and information as purported in High River Alberta following massive flooding, warrantless searching and forced entry into homes after residents were evacuated, their guns seized and removed, and targeted homeowners were all law abiding citizens who obeyed the rule of law and advised government and registered their long guns in compliance with draconian firearms legislation forced upon Canadians by then Justice Minister Alan Rock in the mid 1990s.

    Concerns are now surfacing about who has the Long Gun Registry’s information , was data transferred to other systems within government and not destroyed as ordered by Parliament. This poses the question for many, can government be trusted?

    What research has determined is that Canadians were deceived by the government of the day whose intent was to disarm all Canadians. Further more the process so implemented was modelled after processes used in pre WW2 Germany prior to Germany disarming its people in the latter half of the 1930s.

    In Canada rules and regulations for gun ownership and possession are cumbersome and very many. To error in the employment of legislated rules and regulations is a criminal offence and can result in “in 5 to 10 years of prison term.”

    Worth noting is that Canada ranks at the top for sentencing those who intentionally or unintentionally fail to comply with Mr Rock’s rules and regulations, with prison terms between 5 and 10 years.

    We continually receive misinformation and distorted truths from politicians and government workers who apply spin to create emotion and unwarranted fears in our citizenry. With emotion, and the pitting of one group against another group Politian’s typically start ideological conflicts which may or may not result in their being elected to office.

    Having done extensive research globally, having read numerous studies and reports and articles from Canada .. without government manipulations, it is obvious that there is no correlation between gun ownership and crime and this falsehood needs to be corrected.

    Further more, if we examine various locations around the world, and we make State comparisons in the United Sates, we begin to see that those nations like Syria, Libya, China, Russia .. who have very tough gun laws have more crime than those nations that have lax gun laws like Switzerland, Norway, Finland, and Denmark.

    To sum up various studies (Harvard Study, UBC … and others by reputable individuals) completed without government interference .. the following may hold true .. “strict gun laws lead to increased violent crime, lax gun laws and an armed citizenry result in fewer violent crimes.”

    However, the reality is that there is no direct correlation between violent crime and guns. This is a government fabrication, and we could probably refer to it as the “raising of yet another the false flag.”

  2. Could anyone explain what they would consider a constant companion knife ( belt buckle knife ) thanks

    • SOR/98-462 on the RCMP website states:
      The device known as the “Constant Companion”, being a belt containing a blade capable of being withdrawn from the belt, with the buckle of the belt forming a handle for the blade, and any similar device.

      If you’re thinking about a belt buckle folding knife, that’s illegal too:
      Any device having a length of less than 30 cm and resembling an innocuous object but designed to conceal a knife or blade, including the device commonly known as the “knife-comb”, being a comb with the handle of the comb forming a handle for the knife, and any similar device.

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