NRA Headquarters

Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University

The National Rifle Association’s financial firepower, which arose in part due to its large and loyal membership base, has long been one of the gun group’s main sources of strength.

But the NRA has in recent years faced a financial tsunami, one that came to light after the 2016 election. A swirl of disagreements with longtime business partners, accusations of waste and misspending, ballooning debt and lawsuits from the New York and Washington, D.C. attorneys general have triggered one embarrassment after another. The NRA tried to declare bankruptcy to cushion some of these blows, with no luck.

At this point, the threat of being forced by the authorities to shut down due to alleged improprieties is minimal. But has the NRA managed to weather its financial storm?

As an accounting researcher who focuses on the financial performance of nonprofits, I have been closely studying NRA finances throughout its crisis. I can say the NRA financial picture is, as of early 2023, a mixed bag. The gun group has shored up its financial position over the last few years. However, the way in which that financial recovery came about risks hemorrhaging the NRA’s core supporters.

Keith Hendrix, of Starkville, Miss. looks over a rifle from Daniel Defense in the exhibition hall at the National Rifle Association Annual Meeting. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Digging out of a financial hole

The NRA’s financial troubles arose at the same time that scandalous aspects of the organization’s woes – such as longtime NRA leader Wayne LaPierre’s free yacht getaways and luxury suit purchases billed to an NRA contractor – were drawing public attention.

Perhaps the best measure of a nonprofit’s financial health is its unrestricted net assets – the money at the organization’s disposal after leaving out amounts it has to spend on activities promised to donors and what it owes to others. A multimillion-dollar unrestricted net asset reserve for an organization the size of the NRA can provide financial security. On the other hand, a negative reserve is typically a sign of serious trouble.

The NRA’s reserve was negative at the end of 2017, with a deficit of more than US$30 million – a sure sign of the troubles already underway. Such a negative balance indicates that after satisfying donor promises, the organization owes more money to others than the value of its assets.

Things only got worse in the following two years, with the NRA approaching an unrestricted net asset deficit of nearly $50 million in 2019. This degree of weakness even led the organization to suggest that it risked imminent failure. However, there was time for a turnaround.

And that’s what happened. In 2020, the NRA slashed its unrestricted net asset deficit by over $38 million. Ironically, it was shortly after pulling off this marked improvement that it filed – unsuccessfully – for bankruptcy.

This financial resurgence continued in 2021, with the organization reporting it had eliminated its unrestricted net asset deficit, building up a surplus of over $10 million. When also including the money set aside for specific uses stipulated by donors – the group’s net assets – the NRA’s total available funds reached over $75 million.

These developments may seemingly bode well for the organization’s ability to withstand its continuing financial troubles. Below the surface, however, there’s an ominous trend.

An organization’s net assets are a measure of the money at its disposal after leaving out amounts it owes to others. Its unrestricted net assets measure also removes amounts it has to spend on activities tied to specific promises to donors. Chart: The Conversation, CC-BY-ND Source: North Carolina Secretary of State – Get the data – Created with Datawrapper

Selective cost cutting

How did the NRA get on a steadier financial footing?

It wasn’t through growth. NRA revenue declined in 2020 by 4% from $296 million to $284 million, even without taking inflation into account. Revenue fell another 18% to under $234 million in 2021.

Instead, it cut many core programs, including education and training, field services, law enforcement initiatives and recreational shooting.

Cost cutting can help stabilize faltering companies or nonprofits, depending on which costs they cut. The NRA’s over 4 million dues-paying members may tolerate lean spending only on certain things and only for so long. What the NRA spent on programs fell by $45 million – more than a 35% decline – in 2020. The organization was quick to attribute the change to the nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chart: The Conversation, CC-BY-ND Source: North Carolina Secretary of State – Get the data – Created with Datawrapper

However, program spending declined even further in 2021, when life had begun to return to normal, especially for gun enthusiasts. The NRA spent just $75 million on its programs in 2021, nearly $53 million less than it had two years earlier.

It didn’t cut all costs during these lean years.

Administrative spending in the “legal, audit and taxes” category skyrocketed, from just over $4 million in 2017 to almost $47 million in 2021. Much of this reflects the money NRA paid for its various legal entanglements, largely in fees to its new legal team.

What once was a member-focused organization has quickly become an organization whose primary growth area is legal fees.

Chart: The Conversation, CC-BY-ND Source: North Carolina Secretary of State – Get the data – Download image Created with Datawrapper

Was 2022 a turning point?

Though the NRA apparently shored up its bottom line, its financial neglect of programs like firearms training, competitions and field services could ultimately disappoint its members and donors.

The organization has seen membership dues decline in the past several years, with a loss of more than 1 million members since the start of the crisis. I see a risk of a downward spiral: lower revenue, leading to less spending on programs, which leads to further declines in member dues, donations and so on.

The full NRA financial filing for 2022 is not yet available, but there are early signs that it may have been a turning point.

Journalist Stephen Gutowski has reported at The Reload that NRA membership declines meant that even with its more lean spending profile, the organization was poised to end 2022 at a loss.

I believe that with fewer members and fewer items left to cut, the NRA may take more drastic steps in the years ahead. And, with 2022 having been an election year – prime time for the NRA to take center stage – declining funds prevented an all-out political spending blitz.

Though it may once have seemed like the NRA would suddenly implode due to its weak finances, its decline today is more of a slow burn that’s diminishing its scale and threatens its future. The growth of other pro-gun groups, such as Gun Owners of America and the Second Amendment Foundation, poses further risks for a shrinking NRA.

In my view, the NRA’s risky strategy of cutting program costs while spending more on legal battles could portend a further and continued weakening of the organization in the years ahead.The Conversation


Brian Mittendorf, Fisher Designated Professor of Accounting, The Ohio State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


  1. I send my donations to the Gun Owners of America. Forget the NRA. Let them go back to sponsoring Teen shooting Leagues.

    • Having a larger organization to backstop local organizations legal bills (NYSRPA vs Bruen) is useful but I imagine a reshuffle of budget priorities is going to happen regardless.

      • Safe,

        Yeah, I suspect we could fund a lot of activities with Wayne’s suit budget, and what gets spent maintaining his side piece.

        I still submit that the NRA was, at one time, the pre-eminent organization for firearm safety and training, particularly for kids and young adults. They should have stayed in their lane. They DEFINITELY should never have let themselves become Wayne’s private pocketbook, let him completely control the Board, and pissed away millions on really half-assed “lobbying” efforts.

        NRA seriously needs to go back to what they actually know how to do. Wayne can start buying his own damn suits. And his side piece can get a job.

        • Honestly if they focused most of their funding on training/safety instruction, range maintenance/increasing availability of new ranges, and hardcore lawfare against any infringement of the 2nd amendment in that order they would be a useful in addition with organization with the FPC and SAF. Well with any luck from the ashes they will rise.

  2. In keeping Wayne La Pierre and his cronies, the NRA risks losing even more members. But your title already said that.

    • This.
      “In keeping more money in the pockets of assholes that accomplish nothing…”
      NRA is basically the silicon valley of the second amendment.

      • The use of unrestricted net assets as a slush fund for LaPierre and the bloated BOD will be the one-way path to ruin for this dying dinosaur, and the tarpits are just up ahead.
        As a Life Member I really should care, but I find myself being more concerned with
        is it ” I really could, or is it I really couldn’t, give less of a fuck anymore” ?
        …and stop sending me sob story emails NRA – I said Not One More Nickel.

        • to unicorn, I’m almost certain that it is ” I couldn’t…..”, as in I have zero f’s left to give.
          As far as the BOD, it is intentionally bloated so there is almost NO chance of any shakeup – the board should be 8 or 10 members, with tie votes decided by the general membership anually.
          And also agreed : not one thin dime while the Worm rots the apple.

      • “NRA is basically the silicon valley of the second amendment.”
        Look at that NRA building. Is that really necessary for them?
        Not another dime until Wayne is gone.

  3. I have always donated generously to the NRA but since about 2017 I haven’t sent them a cent, kept my membership current, and my money goes to Gun Owners of America and the Second Amendment Foundation. Until Wayne LaPierre has nothing to do with the organization they will never see another cent of my money.

    • Ditto that.

      I’ve gotten several appeals online from the NRA trying to get me to up my membership above Endowment, and each time now I’ve told them get back to me when La Pierre is gone and the salary for the position is reduced to the same amount the Vice President of the United States gets.
      Don’t just stop giving; write to them and tell them what needs to change, like no more La Pierre, shrink the Board to thirteen members, focus on programs for people…..

      • Thanks for the idea, I will write them. As a life member for decades I feel bad about the organization capsizing but wonder what to do about it. It was the premier organization for many years I still remember their education programs when I was a boy in the 1960’s, maybe with our input it will find the buoyancy to right itself again.

        • I was hoping they’d get real and turn things around, but since it appears that La Pierre has the Board on puppet strings I’ve come to another decision: I was saving up money to take my membership to the next level; I think now I’m going to donate it to something more local.
          And of course I’ll write and tell the NRA what they missed.

    • Bill, well said. Came to the same conclusion myself. I ignore NRA pleas for $. Joined 2AF and GOA. Call me when Wayne’s gone.

      • Same here. I’m an Endowment member myself. I’m shocked that these idiots don’t understand how much damage this asshole Wayne LaPierre’ is costing them.

        • I’m a Benefactor member and have opened my wallet in the past. Pepe La pu needs to go. They piss away donations like crazy. I signed up my daughter last year at 12 and she gets 2 or more mailings a week. What a bunch of idiots, why send donation requests to kids? The state Friends of NRA fell flat on their face when last director retired the Buffoon they hired is fricking invisible. With all the programs and training getting shut down screw em! I’m saving my money for ammo.

        • @Jim
          A friend had the problem with all the mailings and it was no laughing matter because he felt obligated to at least answer it all (some sort of OCD). It was his mom who told me about it, and I knew how to fix it: we got his NRA member number and his permission and called NRA HQ with a simple request — cut down the number of mailings. I don’t know if it’s still an option, but back then there was a choice of how often mailings would be sent, from weekly to monthly to seasonally to once a year; we went with seasonally.
          In your case, I’m wondering if you signed her up before or after Ackerman-McQueen got the axe. Often when a change like that happens the departing entity takes a lot of proprietary software with them when they go, and I’d bet that all the software that kept track of ages and such and restricted how much was sent to minors was a casualty of that process. I do know that back in 1997 a neighbor’s kid wanted an NRA membership when he was eleven and his parents got him one on his twelfth birthday, and the only mailings he got were the “Welcome” kit and the monthly magazine.

    • Ditto times 2 to that, as well. I will give my money to GOA. I was never an NRA life member, and stopped being a yearly one years ago, although I certainly get the “please come back” e-mails. Hell, I got a “free” (and quite nice) blanket from them! My thought was, “what the hell, you are giving out free sh** while we lose our 2nd Amendment rights?? That cemented my decision to not give the NRA any more money. Let someone else support Lapierre’s life style, because he will be that organizations downfall unless someone has the balls to throw the bastard out. Which is sad, because when we need a solid, pro-gun organization the most, they are not there.

    • Same here Offc Bill. I’ve been a Life Member for nearly 30 years, even bought into the Endowment, Patron, Benefactor buy up when it was introduced, and still donated on top of that. I too, stopped donating in 2018 (I’m slow, it took me a year to figure out that something stunk at the top).
      I’m retired now, and funds are limited and getting more so with Biden in office, so I send a little to GOA and 2AF.
      It’s sad to see the many fine programs get slashed, and as of yet, the smaller organizations aren’t able to replace what’s being lost. Whether that will change remains to be seen..
      Unless there’s some serious changes at the top like WLP and his hand picked Yes Men at the top of the board being shown the door, the NRAs decline will continue until there’s nothing left to salvage.

      • I stopped donating to anything but the NRA-ILA and the youth programs back around 2004 or 2005 when it became evident to me that instead of the Ackerman-McQueen ad agency working for the NRA the NRA had become a puppet of the ad agency with the sole goal of raising money. A couple years later I read an expose of just how much the leadership including the board was a LaPierre fan club that had no interest in doing anything but keeping Wayne happy and the money flowing. One of the bits of corruption was that the nominating committee for the Board was dedicated to controlling who could get on the board — and that meant nominees had to be part of the in-group of La Pierre fans.
        So what surprised me about the New York investigation was that it hadn’t happened sooner. A big reason for my cynicism was that I’d learned that La Pierre started as a nobody, the equivalent of a file clerk, until Ackerman-McQueen chose him to be their tool and set to shape him into pretty much their private demagogue, giving him lessons in public speaking and a lot more in a way that reminded me of the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

  4. Good explanation of where the NRA has been during some of the most important 2A legal battles.

    Maybe, the NRA will soon have to decide if it is the “oldest civil rights group” in the country (defending against attacks on 2A), or a civilian marksmanship/safety, education non-profit.

  5. trying flushing out the grifters & making a public repentance, naming the outgoing slimes & promising to keep them out

    • “trying flushing out the grifters & making a public repentance, naming the outgoing slimes & promising to keep them out“

      It’s a great idea but the Republicans will never do it, there’d be no one left in the party.

  6. Currently I am a non contributing Life Member who has a done my fair share and more. The problem is Wayne is damaged goods to contributors and needs to go, I thought that would have been done years ago, glad I did not make any wagers.

    Until I see Gun Control being defined by its history of rot no one gets a dime. These so called 2A defenders have allowed Gun Control zealots to dissect The Second Amendment down to bare bones while Gun Control and its History of Rot skated by time after time without receiving a scratch.

    Not defining Gun Control is aiding and abetting Gun Control which is what allowed Gun Control to park its behind on the faces of those with braces.

    • Debbie W,

      Yup.The only aggressive actions the NRA initiates are their fruitless attempts to get money from me.

    • NegotiatingRightsAway Haz🙄🙃🙁…
      they quit harrassing me by phone or letter but continue to flood my Email which I delete every so often.

  7. One can hardly blame 1 million NRA members from giving Wayne La Pee Pee the finger and refusing to renew memberships but lets face cold hard facts. As corrupt as the NRA is and being led of course by a criminal Wayne La Pee Pee its only the might and experience and influence of the NRA that has kept the radical gun banners at bay. Of course the majority of the Far Right are too cheap and stingy to contribute to any pro-gun organization and Wayne’s theft of funds was all they needed to crow that they no longer feel guilty about being so cheap and tight they squeak when they walk. The Far Right are always their own worst enemies. There is no group on earth more ignorant and moronic.

    P.S. I think the magazine “The American Rifleman” is more than enough reason to keep up your membership as well as the TV show by the same name. I watch it every week. I might add the “American Rifleman” magazine is still head and shoulders above most of the Gun-Zine glossy trash which recently has been pulled off of most supermarket magazine racks anyway and forever. Talk about the rape of the 1st Amendment.

    I fondly remember back in 1962 when walking into our small town drug store and looking over the gun magazines. Field & Stream and Outdoor Life cost 25 cents and the Gun-ziens were .50 cents. I bought one that had an article on the British Jungle Carbine. So started a lifelong hobby of collecting military rifles. The local drug store is long since gone, replaced by the super marketing chains which hate all guns with a passion and have pulled all gun magazines off of their shelves. So ends another American tradition, the local drugstore with soda fountain is long gone as well as any military rifles that are affordable anymore.

    I might add for those of those of you far right hilljacks that are to cheap and stingy to join and to illiterate to read the magazine “The American Rifleman” it has a yearly index which comes in handy when one wants to research any weapon evaluation they have done in the past.

    • “Wayne’s theft of funds was all they needed to crow that they no longer feel guilty about being so cheap and tight they squeak when they walk.”

      Gk fuck yourself you cocksucker.

    • “I might add for those of those of you far right hilljacks that are to cheap and stingy to join and to illiterate to read the magazine…”

      I might be illiterate but at least I can properly spell my insults. GFYS. The NRA has been a mere bandaid. Here’s the thing – I own my things, some of those things may or may not be firearms. If anyone wants to come around demanding them, they’ll get them alright (business end first). That’s my 2nd Amendment and that’s my sovereignty. The criminals in D.C. can make all the “laws” they want. I don’t recognize organized criminals as any form of authority. It’s far smarter to focus on State laws that supersede federal overreach anyway (on more fronts than just this one). As others have said, NAGR, GOA, etc. are all far more productive than the NRA has been. It may have been something in the 80’s but just like most Congress critters, it has become a hollow “in-name-only” shell of its former glory. As soon as the NRA sat down with the loonies for a conversation over the Parkland terrorist attack, they showed their true colors. All hat and no cattle, as the saying goes.

      • KeepTehMemesCooming says:

        “I might be illiterate but at least I can properly spell my insults“

        Yeah, that’s teh spirit!

    • dacian you are delusional.

      I guess now that you anti-gunners are starting to lose and your claims are being shown for the lies and deception and unconstitutional and illegal means and power grabs they are and you pushed for years knowingly lying, being shown to be lies and deceptions and unconstitutional and illegal both in court and out of court …. all you have left is trying to disparage people with made up name alterations and minor points complaining about them like a 5 year old child.

    • I haven’t received any Beg for Donation correspondence in over a year. On the last one I received in the mail, I wrote across the return paperwork that I would NO LONGER being actively supporting the N egotiate R ights A way. Until such time as WLP and the current BOD had resigned their positions and agreed in writing to NO Longer represent the NRA in any capacity. Including, but not limited to Board Member, Volunteer, or Consultant in perpetuity.

  8. I became Benefactor Life Member 25 years ago and have contributed a bunch of money to the NRA over the years. That stopped when I heard about La Pierre’s personal excesses. He reminds me of a televangelist – his mission is to keep the rubes sending in their money to keep himself in expensive suits and to finance his personal lifestyle.

    Where has the NRA been in the fight against all the anti-personal freedom regulations and laws liberals have been so successful at shoving down our throats? Nowhere! The organizations taking the fight to those wannabe tyrants have been GOA and the SAF.

    It’s a shame. We need a smart, aggressive, well funded effort in order to take back the ground that we’ve lost. But NRA hasn’t been in the fight. NRA took its eye off the ball and took its members for granted. My money is going to GOA, SAF, and other organizations who are more interested in actually putting up a fight rather than talking big, producing little, and trying to take credit for others hard work.

  9. I’m really disgusted with the NRA.

    This guy Wayne LaPierre needs to retire as soon as possible. If this does not happen, the hemorrhaging of money will continue because people like me are not going to send one more nickel to this organization.

    The day he retires, the money is gonna start flowing in the Fairfax like a tsunami.

    My god, I hope he makes an announcement at Indianapolis next month.

  10. NRA “Leadership” set these “tsunamis” in motion, that same “Leadership” has not changed, until it does the “tsunami” crisis will continue.

  11. FPC, GOA, and 2AF are where it’s at. These orgs have done more in the court room over the last five years than the NRA in the last ten.

  12. Same here – gave up my NRA membership back in 2017 and the few calls I fielded I told them when Wayne and his cronies are gone, let me know. I see minimal, if that, press on NRA gun-rights litigation wins and some nice ones from orgs like FPC, GOA, and 2AF with them in the thick of the fight. To be honest, I can’t believe Wayne hasn’t been forcibly ejected from the NRA and the fact he hasn’t speaks loads of the rest of the corrupt NRA administration.

  13. The NRA needs to dump people that are costing the legal bills. Start with that and members like me will return.
    The NRA then needs to join other groups in legal challanges instead of hanging back and waiting for the win to pretend they had a hand in it. Again more members will come back.

    Why is this so hard for the NRA?

    • “Why is this so hard for the NRA?”

      Sadly, the FUDDs that earned the name Negotiating Rights Away and are just there to get slopped at the donations trough have been running the show for longer than anybody realized.

      They’re still good for 5-10 weekly e-mail blasts begging for more donations though, all with Wayne’s picture at the top. Clearly it’s working for them.

      • It started with that PR firm I can’t even remember the name of now. One of the first things they did was say, “We need a living symbol”, and since La Pierre was pretty much nothing, they started giving him lessons:
        *how to talk nicer
        *how to walk nicer
        *how to pound the podium

        He was given speech coaches and speaking coaches, confidence coaches, posture coaches…. they took a damp rag, gave it a spine, tacked on some extra brain, and turned a cipher into a spokesman.

        Then they wanted a board they could control, so they had the bright idea of expanding the Board. I vaguely recall there were just twenty-some when I first joined, and the PR folks for some big money-raising campaign decided that fifty would be a nice symbolic number, so the Board jumped in size — where it stayed only long enough for a moment to arrive where having 76 members was a good symbolic number for money-raising purposes. And in each case I’d say the existing board members took efforts to be sure that the sudden large number of new members would be the right type.
        And over the years the board has made getting nominated to the board and elected to the board a crony system where almost all nominations come from the Board.
        They kept that PR firm that had lifted La Pierre from lowly staff-hood to figurehead, and really the PR people ran the organization and did so with just one goal: maximize the money flow! And at some point La Pierre started thinking he really was what they shaped him into, so he expected bigger and bigger compensation for his hard work of being a tool.

  14. NRA lost its way and & GOA has taken over as the “tip of the spear” for firearm rights. That is why NRA is in trouble….they went soft and wishy washy.

  15. Recently on the Armed American Radio Podcast. Writer David Codrea told host Mark Walters that an email was sent out to senior NRA personnel. It stated from Wayne Lapierre that there is now an active possibility, that the NRA headquarters building itself will be sold.

    I guess the NRA needs the $$$!!!

    • Can someone verify this?

      I will be going to the meeting next month and I intend to get up and speak during the public comment session. I hope there’s something of tangible evidence that this is going to happen.

  16. Just like the establishment RINOs, the NRA will soon learn the lesson of “go big or go home”. For those who compromise on an absolute, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, indisputable right endowed by God Himself – there is no longer any room in the conversation. NAGR is where it’s at. The NRA has been spotted negotiating with the terrorists in D.C. one time too many. When they circle the drain, my only hope is that the Ronna McDaniels of the party go down with it all.

  17. Wayne and the millionaire lawyer manager boysclub can go somewhere without my hard earned money. Cleanout the leadership swamp and get back to basics like teaching America’s youth about the importance of freedom and the constitution and maybe I’d come back.

  18. If Wayne were truly the man he thinks he is he would step down and allow somebody that really knows what they are doing take the reins. We know that will never happen as Wayne is a legend in his own mind.

  19. The only reason I am still a NRA member is the gun club I belong to requires it for membership. I would like to donate to GOA or SAF but I am not sure who the better choice would be, the NRA will not get any extra donations from me, I wish my gun club would drop the NRA requirement. Ole’ Wayne is sinking the ship.

    • The gun club I’ve been a member of for years also until recently required an NRA membership. We voted a couple of years ago to allow memberships in other associations such as the Texas State Rifle Association and a good many of us have not renewed our memberships with the NRA

  20. Every couple of months I get a call my phone announces is NRA and I always pick up. I enthusiastically ask the caller if they are calling to tell me Lapierre is gone so I can donate to them again, and when they tell me no I tell them GOA will be getting my next donation.

  21. I hope they dump the police training programs. IMO them getting money from the police creates a conflict of interests when it actually comes to speaking up for our rights.

    Probably won’t happen though, I’d imagine they are profitable for them if not monetarily politically.

  22. A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR at the freaking JOHN GLENN College of Public Affairs has “advice” for the people of the gun. Some of you idiots need to just go watch CNN.

  23. NRA spends almost $50M a year on outside lawyers for Wayne. If Wayne were gone, they’d have plenty of money for programs, and they’d get more members and donations. Wayne and his cronies don’t care about 2A, they care about lining their pockets. With a Dem President, silly BATFE rules, and state legislatures passing ridiculous anti-gun laws, they should be leading the charge and growing their ranks. Instead, they’re trying to keep themselves out of jail.

  24. Why any gun owner or 2nd amendment advocate supports the NRA is something I never understood… they have been nothing over their entire 150+ years but a complicit group of people to undermine the US Constitution advocating for and helping pass unconstitutional civilian disarmament laws starting with NY’s first in the nation “license to carry” with Sullivan’s Act. Americans were first swindled by the NRA in NY, with 1911 Sullivan’s Law, to cover up the Democrats corruption in Tammany Hall, when the corrupt NYPD, and the 2 Democrat political muscle gangs broke out into a gun fight over crime turf…. in an attempt to make it look like NY was doing something, but also ensure that their cronies wouldn’t be confronted by armed citizens defending themselves they instituted the unconstitutional ccw permit system.

    The late Karl T. Frederick, an NRA president, served for years as special consultant with the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to frame The Uniform Firearms Act of 1930.

    The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns.

    The NRA supported The Federal Firearms Act of 1938, which regulates interstate and foreign commerce in firearms and pistol or revolver ammunition, and prohibits the movement in interstate or foreign commerce of firearms and ammunition between certain persons and under certain conditions.

    The NRA supported bump stock bans, and the Hughes Amendment

    The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable
    gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871.”

    — NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth
    NRA’s American Rifleman Magazine, March 1968, P. 22

    Since 1980’s they have just become a money laundering scheme for the Democrats. Save the NRA? They’re just an anti- gun group masquerading as a gun rights advocacy group, that is a money laundering front for the anti- gun politicians and the democratic national party.


    And now this…. Wayne

    Just got done reading this juicy thread on ARFCOM that evidences my longstanding suspicions (going on 20 years) that Whiny LaPee-yew of Negotiating Rights Away has maintained his Democrat Party connections from waaaaaay back in the day when he was a DNC operative BEFORE becoming NRA EVP. He may have even been laundering NRA member monies to some murky Demorat connections through his (and his wife’s) various SHELL CORPORATIONS.

    I wonder how much of this is known to the inner circle at NRA, considering that it didn’t take much for some nobodies in the gun community to dig up these PUBLIC documents:

    The NRA has been unconstitutionally disarming We the People, long before the recent public outing by hoplophobic, anti- American Democrat National Party.

  25. I first joined the NRA in 1971 but walked away in 2016 after hearing about the excessive personal spending habits of LaPuke. Private jets, yachts, five-star hotels, overseas vacations, etc. from a supposedly ‘service organization’? I didn’t want my money going to a big-ego leech who subverted dues to cover his extravagant lifestyle. That money is suppose to go to firearms safety and training programs and lobbying efforts. I hold charities to the same standard as to what percentage of contributions go their stated goals and how much goes to ‘administrative’ costs. High admin costs is code for graft and corruption by people who run the organization. This is nothing more than another Clinton Foundation scam.

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