(courtesy latino.foxnews.com)

“On Oct. 9, a Mexico City parking valet named Luis Martín Rocha Pérez, 26, posted to his Facebook page a few images that people had a hard time believing,” latino.foxnews.com reports. “In them a grown man – who turned out to be Rocha Pérez himself – appears to be holding a gun to the head of a toddler. The images quickly were redistributed by thousands of people across a number of social media platforms, often accompanied by comments like, ‘You are a horrible person and that baby should be taken from you.'” And worse. Sr. Perz removed the images and posted a YouTube video [after the jump] explaining that he meant no harm. It was a toy gun. A broma. In country where 43 student protestors were kidnapped and [presumably] murdered. And worse. Go figure . . .



  1. I find the thought process behind this morally appalling. It doesn’t matter if it was fake or not, and the guy may not even be a danger to anyone but he is surely a jackass.

    • It’s definitely in poor taste, but …. meh.

      People do stupid things all the time. I am electing to save my outrage for something that actually matters.

      • Yes because outrage is in short supply. And I don’t think expressing that the photo is morally reprehensible, which it is, instead of giving it a meh internet shrug is going to prevent you or anyone else from addressing things that actually matter. Is your outrage meter going to fall to empty if you made a comment about how wrong this picture is?

        Doing nothing other than raging on the internet about ‘things that matter’ isn’t do anything anyway.

        • If I got outraged over every little thing I saw on the internet that was in poor taste I’d be exhausted and have a hernia.

          The fact you got outraged over my lack of outrage is a symptom of the disease we call the internet. Don’t get me wrong, I love the internet, but it is supplying people who cannot separate their emotions from information osmosis with constant heartburn all over the world.

          I’ll put it more simply for you: Compared to people molesting their children, leaving kids to die in hot cars out in the sun, etc… who gives a shit about some guy posting pics of a fake gun to some random baby’s head?

        • There is absolutely nothing wrong with freedom of expression. You personally may find it in poor taste, but that’s what we call an opinion.

          Being an American and a supporter of the Constitution, I applaud his use of freedom of expression. If this had been done on a TV show or the silver screen almost nobody would have a problem with it. Do it in the privacy of your own home and suddenly you are an evil child endangering scumbag? Take a long hard look at what you believe freedom is and then reevaluate after reading up on some of our founders intentions.

    • The human ear is most sensitive at about 1 khz, and that also is the freq. where a human infant cries.

      Who hasn’t had the reflex to throttle a shrieking infant? We just don’t act on it like Mr. (Un) Wonderful there…

      While horrifying, there are those who see that and say to themselves “I’m cool with that.”

  2. Duck lips, the sideways peace sign, selfies, and now this… social media is turning everyone into dbags.

  3. You know, screwing around with a gun is kinda like statutory rape. It’s one thing to do it, but it’s quite another level of stupidity to photograph it and then post the images on facebook.

  4. Hey, the kid was perfectly safe – Mexico has the kind of stringent gun-control laws that the Bloomberg Mommies can only dream about, right? And all of the negative comments by a bunch of stinkin’ gringos only shows they do not appreciate the cultural differences of parenting in Mexico! Racists! /sarc off/

  5. Bad joke but it was a toy. He would never post a picture of himself doing that with a real gun. Only criminals and government are allowed to have guns in Mexico.
    He would be openly confessing to a crime that would put him in prison for years, if not decades.

  6. With my crappy understanding of spanish, he actually sounded sincere. It was a joke and a mistake, and he sounds sorry for it.
    IDK, my two cents.

  7. Aw c’mon he’s just playin’. I don’t get it either. Some people shouldn’t pass on their genes…

  8. Whether it was fake or not is irrelevant. It’s disgusting. At the VERY least it gives gun grabbing lunatics ammunition against us, allowing them to screech and point to this idiot as an example of a “responsible gun owner.”

    • It doesn’t really matter as ammo for the antis. If they don’t see photos like this, they just make up their own.

      Liars the lot of ’em.

    • I agree but this is one illegal who I would sponsor to come across the border so I could teach him some trigger discipline.

  9. I don’t get it. Some people are all bent out of shape because some fool pointing a toy gun at the baby, but nobody is upset that the same fool is going to reproduce ten little copies of himself.

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