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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Connecticut Confiscation Countdown Letter Edition”

  1. I have one and it fills my need for a MBR VERY WELL. I had swapped the firing pin for a titanium McCann Industries unit back when they were still making them before I ever took it to the range; so I never had an issues with slamfire. It is very relaible, easy to maintain and built like a brute.

    Possibly the greatest buy out there for a Mil Spec MBR.

  2. It’s the people who put PM on CNN we need to be concerned about. There is a body of political influence who feel we must look alike, live alike, act alike, eat alike and think alike. This is contrary to the independent nature of man but can be achieved to a large degree as it is with livestock and prisoners. Those that do not fit in are culled.

  3. The comments on made my eyes bleed. I am literally having trouble fathoming that there are more than five people on earth who are so brainwashed. How can we win against that?

  4. This Connecticut crisis Will not end it confiscation or blood I can’t see the govenor or ag pursuing it even they know it is just too dangerous to give an order like that. That said if they do go through with confiscation this will end horribly

    • A few high profile media circus felony arrests of “lawbreakers” and the tone will be set. You see, the law abiding will lose sleep at night knowing the govt has branded them felons, the anxiety will achieve the compliance the tyrants want without a messy backlash. The broken subjects will relinquish their contraband and find solace that they still have their shotgun. For now.

      • The real, huge danger is the taking away of the “law abiding” descriptor we like to throw around. By the stroke of a pen, they can claim that they are not law abiding gun owners, they are felons.

        It’s a pretty devious trick, and it has tendrils that extend far beyond just CT.

      • I’m really beginning to think this is more about driving out undesirable voters than driving out undesirable firearms. Do you think people who take the 2nd Amendment seriously are going to be the type to support the Dem political machine?

  5. Recently, sold tapered barrel mod 10, nickle plated, bout 70/75% condition.shot good. Bought mod 10 nickle plated.95/98% condition.with fake gold on trigger.hammer.crane pin and screws.Represented to me as” presentation grade”. Can anyone elaborate on this particular mod 10-5. Factory? Someone had gold plating done?..shame its not as accurate i sold previously…thanx

  6. This whole administration is lies and so on the right. I purchased a mail box in FL for 100. Then send in a Declaration of Domicile. No state tax and none of this. Yes it is that easy.

    • Because of thinking like this the door to door no knockers will have a dude with a metal detector to sweep walls, under the house and yards. Best bet would be putting them under your anti-gun neighbors yard!!!

      • “When you think it’s time to bury your guns, it’s actually time to dig them up”.

        -seen previously on TTAG but I don’t remember what post so it’s difficult to provide credit where credit is due. If onna you editors remembers or can find out easily and fix this for me – it would be appreciated.

        What, when the MIB shows up you’re gonna say “Hang on there gentlemen – I need to go dig some holes real quick. Be right back.” ?

      • “I swear, I don’t know how that got there”

        Allyou would haveto do is burry it underneath/near a cable box or or near a metal light post. You could also bury it underneath a red herring, some other metal object and hope they don’t double check the hole.

  7. This is stupid. Under CA law a psychological evaluation CAN be required. But if so, it must be by the same service that screens deputies/officers for employment, cannot cost over $150.

    Up until last year only one County (AFAIK) required this. Most did not, whether they were virtually shall issue or very restrictive. It sounds like he is anticipating not being able to use good cause anymore to discriminate, and perhaps sees the danger of trying to use the good moral clause for the same. So add costs and times to discourage.

    • I found a source that indicates a typical person pays the state $500 for a concealed carry license in California. Would these “mandatory” mental health evaluations costing $150 be on top of that? This sounds like a poll tax to me.

  8. Did anyone determine when the FOIA requests regarding the “Sandy Hook” event will be replied to? There are a lot of interesting unanswered questions about that day, and this gun-grabbing action (one thin slice at a time) hinges on that tall tale. Listen to what Wolfgang Halbig, who has investigated past school shootings, has to say about Sandy Hook:

    No medi-vac helicopters summoned?
    Porta-potties in place within hours?
    A FEMA simulation of the exact scenario taking place twenty minutes away?
    No wounded kids, all killed, all within 10 minutes?

    It’s worth listening to. Especially given that the story was followed by a well-prepared gun-grabbing campaign. Which, happily, has largely fallen on its face.

  9. If the state really wanted people to turn in their guns they would buy them. Point number four where it says to relinquish the firearm to the police makes it obvious this is about disarmament to anyone who doesn’t already know.

  10. It should be ridiculously easy to avoid prosecution for this. The amount of resources necessary to track down all the “sold” and “gifted” guns will be astronomical.

  11. Ok… how many people do we think actually submitted applications AFTER the deadline? Those will be the only people they can even target/question/confiscate/etc.

    • This post leaves out a lot of information.

      The image is of a letter sent specifically to gun owners who tried to register but missed the deadline.

      From the article in the CT Journal Inquirer:

      The state is sending letters to 106 rifle owners and 108 residents with high-capacity magazines saying they can destroy the guns and ammunition, sell them to a federally licensed gun dealer, move the items out of state or sell them to somebody out of state, or make arrangements to turn them over to local or state police.

      Guns save life originally posted the story, then picked up by Sipsey Street and finally Bearing Arms posted the image of the letter today.

  12. To every AR owner inCT!! I’ll give you $100 each, $10 for mags and with signed contract to be sold back to you, unfired, as soon as CT lawmakers drop this petty bullshit unconstitutional law!! Hell I’ll even drive up there and meet you at the state line!! Anyone up for a road trip??

  13. They’re not taking away our guns, they’re making it unlawful to refuse to relinquish your firearm to your local police department. Isn’t that better?

  14. The case looks identical to MTM Ammo Cans seen here:

    MTM Ammo Can

    I own a couple of them and they are decent cans, and fairly sturdy. However, water tight is not a word I would use to describe them. The latches pop open EXTREMELY easily.

  15. I hereby propose that we as the gun community eject the word “tactical” from the English language, and replace it with the word “kitten”. This will force companies to stop labeling every damn new product as “tactical” in an attempt to appear bad ass.

    Who will buy “300 Below Kitten Triad Cleaning Kit”?

  16. Ok 106 rifle owners and 108 mag owners. Can we find enough people here to pay the FFL fee and have them transferred out of state till CT gets rid of these ignorant politicians. When the political pussies are gone the owners can pay the FFL Transfer fee to get them back!!
    They don’t lose their weapons and CT government doesn’t get to keep or “destroy” the “illegal weapons/mags”!!

  17. Why don’t try telling that to the woman in Detroit when she had 3 guys try to break into her home and all she had was a Hi Point Carbine to protect her and her children that it’s a romanticized narrative.

  18. This issue about the external safety between the 1911 and the Glock 26…my teaching on carrying the 1911 says don’t even use the external thumb safety…it already has two other safeties incorporated into the weapon anyway. WRT Sig Saur systems: The only one I’ve ever owned was a P230. VERY NICE little piece. I ended up giving it to my daughter when she got her permit. My carry…S&W 642-2. It’s light, reliable, and hides well.

  19. Pretty sure the one’s who didn’t register are using this letter for practical uses. Making paper planes or Origami, starting a fire in a fireplace, or just using a shredder.

  20. Well no surprise given the panic induced on the left by the 9th Courts decision….we will start to see these “reasonable” seeming or slightly superior viewpoints flated by non-threatening teddy bears and various other “urban cool” roll models for the Hollywood set…like pjboy on Obamacare.
    Expect to see coordination in the StateRunMedia in the linkage and navel gazing on same and then “horrified” reaction when someone at some gunsite dares to make a comment they can seize upon as proof…

    We need to start a list of these ridiculous appeals….
    1. gun shooting is a hobby thus not 2a… with a fact or two and a choice pithy comment based on truth…that mocks them for their illogic…not ad hominems.

    Then we’ll see

  21. PS: we get that some feel butthurt for being singled out or stepping over some imaginary line of good vs bad taste. And forgetting that feelings aren’t facts…

    But at some point one hopes that you will be able to Move On! It would be a typical cheap proglibtard troll trick to keep trying to inflame this old news into something OT to distract from a bigger point like in the subject at hand rather than ones own ego…

  22. All this racist talk is PC BS. If they had the minority holding they gun that group would have called it racist. regardless of who has the gun it is racist. I am so sick of having everyone cry racism all the time. The last 10 years have been the worse years of my life for seeing racism in everything. This nation is far less racist now than it has ever been. Please stop with finding racism in everything.

  23. I think I would rather play the “How many laws are being broken in this picture” game.
    Let’s see: Gun Free School Zone, Possession of a gun by a minor, High Capacity Magazine, Magazine loaded with more than the allowed number of rounds, Shoulder Thing that goes up.
    Am I missing any?
    It’s for the children, of course.

  24. I know some furries, and the ones dressed up in costumes are a subculture (just like 3-Gunners are a subculture of firearms enthusiasts). Friendly people, I have to say. They throw good parties are rarely judge.

  25. MDA are racist, but not just because of their crappy posters. Most of their members are yuppie moms who didn’t give a crap about violence against children until a mostly white suburban school got shot up by a deranged kid. If they really cared about dealing with violence against children in schools, they would be looking at the cities of CHICAGO and WASHINGTON DC.

    Of course, MDA don’t like it when gun owners bring up Chi-Raq or DC because those cities are textbook examples of why gun control does NOT work in preventing violence. They’d rather waste money on more onerous laws that punish law-abiding citizens then actually spending money on things that are statistically proven to reduce violence – you know, better schools, after school programs, community sports, etc. God forbid that MDA actually care about young minority victims of violence.

  26. LEOs above all people should be subject to mental health examinations. Also, people who choose to remain defenseless because of their hoplophobia should see a real good psychiatrist.

  27. There is a lot more extra stuff you have to buy to switch over to 6.5 than with 300. With 300 you only need to change the barrel and can convert one rifle out of your AR Stable much more easily.

  28. 300 Blackout is primarily a sub-sonic platform, hence the name “Blackout” or “Whisper”. The Grendel fits between the 223 and 308 in a A/R platform. They each have their uses, but I think optimum is 300 blackout for CQB, 223 for lighter mid-range, and 308 for the longer ranges. If you don’t or cant’ spring for a 308 rifle then Grendel is a good alternative for 800 yds or less.

  29. What has to happen to the human mind for it to cling so dearly to falsehoods and assumptions? The romanticized notion that this nation has a problem with is the notion that government restrictions on peoples behavior, and dependence on government to provide for the people is healthy for society.

    Just another pile of ignorance produced by a mind damaged by progressive cognitive dissonance. A pure product of ignoring the number of successful defensive gun uses, many of which actually negate the need for violence purely because a firearm was present.

    I take comfort in the knowledge that they seem to be losing, but the fact that a human mind can function that way will always worry me.

  30. When people talk of a SHTF gun and they call out any semi-auto (or full giggle-mode) gun, they’ve lost me.

    My SHTF gun would be a 1903[a3] Springfield first, falling block (like a 1874 Sharps) second. No brass resizing to reload, no crimping, simple to fix, don’t need many tools to tear down, etc.

    SHTF means “KISS” to me. As soon as you want a gun to reload itself… you’ve moved way far away from “simple.”

  31. Probably would have done it differently…. but I never 2nd guess the guy that had 20seconds to make the decision or die. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy when you are watching it on the boob-tube. But when you are there, cold, limited on what to do, and have to make a decision “RIGHT NOW!” Well, that’s different.

  32. All this talk about furries is sure to make at least one occasional reader of TTAG a little excited.

    Remember Tex Grebner, the YouTube gunny who shot himself in the leg and made it onto Tosh.0, making us all look like backwood idiots in the process?? (Tex talking about his BDSM Werewolf Sex Costume) (Commentary about Tex’s costume) (Tex beating himself up with “toys” **TOTALLY NSFW**)

  33. I have a major preference to the AK myself. Doesn’t mean I totally shun the AR platform just in case SHTF and I am not home.. There will be plenty of those laying around along with 5.56/.223

    home wise, I have an AK in both 5.56 and 7.62×39.
    Should be well covered if SHTF. I certainly am not going to be going out of my way on “missions” and doing CQB and all that if it comes down to that, I’m taking off into the wild and vanishing until otherwise noted.

  34. This right here is exactly why I started packing bear spray, I had a very heated experience with a cow moose w/ calve in Montana and I did not want to kill her.

    Of course I back that up with a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan in .454 Casull that Bowen Custom Arms put a 4″ barrel on, spitting out 332gr hard cast…

  35. Wow most hunters and even the bird shooters I know have more than that. Those assorted holsters and bags really have an impact and really add to the “deadly” effect I keep trying to put a trigger lock on the gun slip my Beretta came in but the foam keeps getting in the way:) A good day at the trap or skeet range will consume a hundred rounds of shotshell’s without much effort. A hundred rounds of .22 is just for warm-up work on range day.

  36. Hold Fast Patriots. The eyes of every freedom loving American across this great nation are focused squarely on our Brothers in Conn. The Govt should fear us yet they systematically strip us of rights , force unwanted burdens upon our shoulders and do as they please without listening to the people . The men and women who will uphold our constitutional rights on our own soil have kept quiet . We have been mistaken as weak ,mistaken as unorganized and mistaken as timid however we are none of these. We are smart , we are brave and we are strong . The talking heads have been building steam under the disillusion of all these things they think we are , they see we are not standing and as of late , the corruption is growing so fast that we can no longer even keep daily track of the scandals and atrocities that plague our offices on high. However they have only succeeded in lulling themselves into a false sense of security , perhaps the same way the Japanese thought of this great country as weak before they bombed Pearl Harbor . However they will surely see , with eyes wide open that we are anything but weak. Get out of the cities , away from the urban sprawl . Walk into a coffee shop , a gun store or anyplace where MEN meet in small town USA . Listen to the murmur , it is the same across the country . We are fed up , and tired of the political disobedience from our elected officials. The meek shall inherit the earth , sound familiar ? Its the truth . The harder you tear at our constitution , the louder that murmur gets . Soon it will be a yell , then an inevitable war cry and you will find yourselves with backs against the wall . You see , your plans of using our military against us is not going to work . Those are our Brothers , Sister , Sons and Daughters. We have sat on tailgates around campfires together , Hung deer stands in the timber and sighted rifles side by side. We were the ones that hugged them when they left , and the ones that teared up when we saw them return , not you. They are not your lapdog servants . They are our FAMILY . So again , Hold Fast Patriots , Hold Fast Connecticut , Hold Fast New York . You are the first , you ARE the threshold , you are ………..the breaking point . To everyone reading this , you are not alone , you and your friends conversations and thoughts are shared , we are united with an unspoken bond . To the puppet masters pulling the strings , this is not a threat , it is not a warning , It is a plea . A plea to stop abusing your power and the people of this great nation . No one WANTS this . Don’t put us in a position where we NEED this.

  37. That trajectory just doesn’t sound right. I have a 9″ AAC. My sight over bore is about 2.7″ with a T1 or low power variable in a ADM Recon mount. With a 50 yard zero shooting 110gr TSX Black Tip, I’m about .5″ high at 100 yards, back to zero around 125, -2″ around 160 and about -6″ around 200 yards.

    My indoor range says 50, but is actually 44. This turns out to be a great zero as it puts be just under an inch high at 100 yards, back to zero around 140 and about 5″ low at 200. Using a 16″ barrel, you’d only be about 2.2″ low at 200 with this zero.

    To 180 yards, this is not much different than a 10.5″ 5.56 using 70gr TSX.

  38. I am 100% in favor of guns and very limited gun control. Unfortunately the only truth about guns here is that some people shouldn’t be allowed to carry them, and that there are a lot of retards who will stand and cheer ANY use of a gun no matter how wrong headed. I suppose a lot of you would be cheering if he has pulled a gun on a ‘big for his age, mentally deficient child’ and shot him in cold blood if the child swung at him in confusion, which is pretty close to what happened here.

    There were half a dozen other options to resolve this situation that didn’t involve shooting the moose. If the moron was too retarded to avoid this confrontation (as he obviously was) then he needed to be removed from the human gene pool. This is a loss for humanity, not a win.

  39. “Reloading new magazines into a gun more often] is really not the end of the world, but it is the end of the world when you lose a child or a loved one.”

    I read this as decreasing the amount of ammo a mag can hold, only puts children in danger because protectors have to reload.


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