This image comes to us from the Facebook page of Congressman Steve Stockman, Republican of Texas, where the tenor of the ensuing debate makes our own dear mikeb2000 look positively collegial by comparison. Laughs aside, using salt water as a lubricant is strongly not recommended. Regardless of its source.
Not even for an AK.
Look at meeeeeeeeeeee, I’m dancing!! Look at meeeeeee!
Chrome lined barrel. No worries.
hoppe’s new line of gun cleaners.
Three soldiers were spotted exercising serious training maneuvers while one was screwing around doing the Hokie Pokie.
Privileged to see Mr. Knapp once in person and he was the consummate showman. My favorite trick shot was Benelli “golf.” Tossed a golf ball out and shot it. Ball hooked. Next one sliced and the last one strait as an arrow. The things he did with a shotgun just made you shake your head in awe.
Robert and the Rabbi,
I really appreciate hearing your stories. It is fascinating to hear stories of other Jews that have parents that survived the holocaust and the impact it has had on them. In a little more than 24 hours I will finally be able to submit my application for my CCP in Illinois. A small miracle if you ask me. Never again means many things to me, one of which is having the means to protect myself and my family from future threats, what ever they may be.
I am here today because my grandfather and grandmother had the ‘resilient traits’ to survive and the willingness to protect their family by any means necessary. My grandparents, may their memory be for a blessing, ran from the nazis, hid in barns, practiced Catholicism, bribed and gave up everything to survive. They also knew when to kill and taught my father and two aunts as well. They were survivors and I believe the instinct to survive has been passed down to me as I make sure I have the means to protect my own.
Thanks for sharing your stories!
Ps…Rabbi, I would love to take one of your course some day. Where do you run them?
This man appears to be a master of the low effort, maximum rage effect troll. My hat is off. 10/10
Bought the SR1911 at the PX, no tax at $710. Read this article and many others before my purchase.
Fire 56 rounds on initial outing. Bench fired first mag at 10 yards, to check sights (vs me factor). SR1911 was dead on accurate out of the box. All 56 rounds stayed inside The 2″ square center box. I’m totally impressed. Trigger pull is short and sweet, about 4.5 to 5 pounds (my best guess). Love the sights and overall feel of the grip & trigger.
Been a long time Glock fan, but fired this better than my G23.
Have now fired several hundred rounds and this gun grows on me more with every outing. Very happy with my purchase of the beautiful, well made handgun.
One thing not mentioned is that Remora has a holster for just about any gun you can think of. I’ve had mine for a year or two and carry all of the time. It’s like new. The material is really rugged. It just sticks and stays in place. Washed it once just to keep it clean and to see how it cleans up and it regained full tackiness not that the tackiness diminished noticeably at all. It works well for OC if you just tuck it between your belt and pants. I think I paid all of $24.
It amazes me that some people on this board think a training requirement is not an infringement on the right. If you have to pass a government approval to exercise a right, IT’S NOT A RIGHT at that point.
“keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands”
Sounds like we need more hand control. Guns aren’t dangerous, hands are.
Is AK, glorious gun of Soviet Union. Is best gun in world. Tears are part of operating instructions.
I’m gonna start a hog hunting company that uses Chinook flying bananas with 8 Ma Deuces on board, crewed by large-chested bikini-clad spotters with IR designators and few (if any) inhibitions. The cost? You pay for ammo, that’s it. I’ll gas it up and pilot it on my own dime, just so I can say I’m the real Pirate of the Skies, replete with bodacious wenches.
I’ve been using RemOil for thirty years+ now. It’s good stuff in the right situation. That said, is there any nectar so sweet (or lubricant so efficacious) as the tears of a hippy? I think not. YMMV.
3 tips on shooting helo’s down?
First tip, don’t try to shoot the large angry ones down.
Just when you think basic training can’t get any worse, your drill sergeant dresses up like a ninja.
How many times I terr you? Keep booga hook off of bang srich!
Play a pickup game of airsoft with a team thats never played together. Realize everyone ran off in different directions. Realize you have almost no chance against the other team. Almost no chance while carrying a pistol is still a better chance than that one dude running around trying to karate chop guys with a blue training knife.
I have no delusions about how bad the odds are in an unexpected gun fight, but the first step is to have a gun.
This could come back to bite the Democrats on the posterior. I would suspect that most who will be judged mentally incompetent are liberals.
They write the laws to disarms themselves.
Liberalism IS a mental disorder.
My son and I have inherited a Smith-Corona 03-a3 from his great grandfather. Initially, most of the info I needed to know what type of gun was obscured by the scope mount. When further inspecting, found that it is a smith-corona o3a3 that has been sporterized with a fajen stock. I own several guns and would love to take this one to the range and fire it, but am concerned about whether it is safe to fire. When operating the bolt action, it seems extremely “wiggly” when pulled back as far as it will go. Admittedly, i know little about mauser-style bolt actions and would like to know if this is fairly normal with these guns or there is cause for concern. Thanks.
If it was the right to breathe being infringed, I am sure they would understand the meaning just fine.
Three other tips (from “Full Metal Jacket”)
1. Anyone who runs is a VC.
2. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC.
3. How can you shoot women or children? Easy! Ya just don’t lead ’em so much!
Two is one, one is none. Also, if you have to use a gun, you’re already having the unluckiest day of your life – just go ahead and assume EVERYTHING else that can go wrong is going to. Two guns is a minimum, three is a lot more versatile. There’s no such thing as too many unless you can’t walk under the weight.
what ever happened to fps russia
Nice, but I won’t own one with a frame lock. Too many documented breakages including one of RF’s own.
Very disappointing, but it reflects a Glock corporation in turmoil.
I’m guessing “it’ll buff right out” wont work here?