The buildup was relentless. The buzz surrounding the event incredibly intense. You couldn’t have missed the constant promotions, the ineluctable call to action. Yesterday, our nation’s capitol played host to the Great Washington March Against Gun Violence. The organizers, including Moveon, Occupy the NRA and United for Change USA, even convinced Shepard Fairey, creative genius behind the original Obama ‘Hope’ poster, to unveil his new anti-NRA effort there to get things off to a rousing start. You saw the reports on all the media outlets last night, right? No? Maybe that’s because no one bothered to show up . . .

And by no one, we mean less than 100 people. Media included. The Washington Examiner’s Charlie Spiering fought his way through the throngs to capture a few snaps of yesterday’s festivities.


And the gun control industrial complex continues to look at the smoldering shambles of national civilian disarmament legislation and wonder, “wha happa?”


  1. Sorry ass illiterate ignoranus idiots…..needs to be wiped out 10 or 30 at time…..liberals needs a royal ass kicking

  2. Though for the record; I’d probably buy that Franken AR-47 depicted if offered for sale.

        • He’s probably a Fu***ng Fairy.

          Oops, sorry I mean he is probably a loving person that enjoys the love and affection of a member of the same sex. YUCK.

        • Out of levels to reply to “Bedbugeddy”, sorry.

          Bed: Thanks for making friends and influencing people. Some of whom might actually be on our side of this issue. But hey, if you think bigotry is a viable tactic, I urge you to continue with it. Just do it elsewhere so I don’t have to shower off the filth after reading it. thnxkayby!

        • So, Bedbugeddy sees a franken-gun and some anti-NRA propaganda, and his mind jumps directly to some presumably hot man-on-man action. Methinks he doth protest just a bit too much.

          Say, what does this gun remind you of? “Gay sex”
          This frying pan? “Gay sex”
          How about a television? “Gay sex”

          It’s like watching toddler wander into the room with her hands behind her back, and break teh silence with “I haven’t been playing in the toilet!”.

    • If you mean Al Franken.
      I wouldn’t buy anything from him nor anything he says.

      And dog gonnit people DON’T like him!

      • Funny enough, I am patiently waiting on my “AR-47” rifle kit to be delivered. Still unsure what to build on the other stripped lower I have in the safe. If the rifle functions as well as I hope, I might build a second.

  3. Lol I’ve seen bigger turn out at friday office parties.

    I wonder if the creators of the poster intentionally failed at drawing an AK/AR/Krink and made it purposely reminiscent of Stalin/Communist/Soviet/Chinese/North Korean Propaganda posters?

    • No, Shepard Fairey, the creator, is always promoting communism with his works.

      The real question is: Whose work is he plagiarizing this time?

      • I would buy a print if someone wants to photoshop the text to end at the word ‘America’. I like it up until that point.

  4. I don’t think a muzzle booster would do anything for an AR15 nor AK47 nor any gas operated firearm…


    • True, Daniel, if it wasn’t the same old Leninist lapdog claptrap he always produces.

      In agitprop art, there is derivative and there is poison derivative.

  5. I met Shepard once. Nice guy. Never understood the craze over his art though. I think his Obama print was kind of a lucky fluke (not to mention he stole the photo) that propelled him into stardom and now he’s trendy in the hip liberal scene. Also, seems kind of hypocritical to me though because a lot of his works features guerrilla fighters carrying “assault weapons”.

    Another well-intentioned idiot…

  6. This is the same guy who did the Andre The Giant Has A Posse stickers, then got butt hurt when Titan Sports issue a C&D (for using their ©’d image), and made the Obey Giant sticker in protest…and has himself (reportedly) issued C&Ds to others using the Obey Giant

  7. So God is saving his mags, Satan is buying more mags and the NRA is a dove in flight with a target on it’s back?

    I’m not sure the poster means what they think it means.

  8. The guy who came up with the image is the same guy who did the old “Andre the Giant has a posse” stickers from the 90s. I used to whiz on them in the urinal on a regular basis as a kid. He did Obama’s creepy poster and he is the owner and inspiration behind the popular hipster clothing label “Obey.”

    American liberals are an increasingly scary bunch. They have taken Soviet Kitsch to the next level with this imagery being so directly associated with Obama and his celebrity supporters. It’s like pop culture Marxist collectivism, completely divorced from reality, but with infinite wealth and media power behind it.

  9. Man –

    The left are such rhetorical idiots. They should stick to playing up race and class warfare – it’s their only real winner. It’s like they think saying “God saved and Satan invests” is going to have some sort of pull on people who actually believe that both God and evil (personified here in Satan) actually exist.

    The poster is visually awesome…

    • Ummm…Fmaj7 played by a beginning student waiting for correction by his teacher because he can’t figure out why it sounds so bad?

      P.S. Who the hell holds a rifle like that?

      • If it was an AK and it was rusted up pretty good, that’s about how I’d hold it to pull on the charging handle, before I put the buttstock on the ground to stomp it open.

        But on a regular basis, maybe some jihadis that don’t know what they’re doing. Otherwise, nobody.

  10. Shouldn’t the muzzle be aimed toward the dove target with brass ejecting in an arc? 😉

  11. Pretty much something any high school kid in graphic arts could have put together, only it would have been better. Even as poster art, it’s not quite to the level of mediocre.

  12. I wonder if we could take this image and use it for our benefit? Perhaps use the image but remove or change all the words? Can you imagine the outrage from the progressives if they saw a bunch of us wearing these shirts?

    BTW: I saw more people enter the last gun show in the first 5 minutes than what showed up to this pathetic event.

    • Also depends on how you interpret the word satan, which has roots meaning against or opposed. It doesn’t always refer to the devil, but to any opposing force. Hence, referring to America as the Great Satan is not really inflammatory.

  13. Kind of like MAIG is full of criminals, the poster’s creator is a criminal as well:

    On February 24, 2012 Fairey pleaded guilty to criminal contempt of court for “destroying documents and manufacturing evidence.”On September 7, 2012 Fairey was sentenced to 300 hours of community service, ordered to pay a $25,000 federal fine, and placed on probation for two years by U.S. Magistrate Judge Frank Maas.

  14. The image is like…someone stuck an AK-47 magazine into an AR-15 looking rifle. And then scaled down a rocket nozzle to mount on the end for the lolz. This image has serious photoshop caption potential, it’s awesome. I think this will probably not have the effect the creator intended. Quite the opposite.

    I’m getting kind of amused by all the anti-gun propaganda. I don’t know anyone who it’s working on, and I work in an office where only 20% or so of people (if that) own guns. It’s kind of hilarious. What’s even funnier is that last year, all everyone was talking about was how messed up Romney (note: Romney sucked too) was, etc. Now all everyone is talking about is how fed up with Obama they are. And this is in LIBERAL PORTLAND. They are pushing propaganda on so many things right now that it’s just making people wake up (and making people laugh).

    It’s like someone went back to soviet russia. Wait…it’s better than that.

    You know those images from North Korea where you see the propaganda posters about the evil evil USA? This is EXACTLY LIKE THOSE. Only instead of Evil Evil USA imperialists! It’s Evil Evil NRA! It’s hilarious. Seriously, you could drop this guy into the North Korea propaganda department and he’d fit right in, the posters have exactly the same elements. Funny if it weren’t so sad. Hell, it’s still funny, let’s be honest. It isn’t going to work.

      • “I don’t know anyone who it’s working on”

        Does the term “circle jerk” mean anything to you?

        Now you know who this is for….

  15. TO: All
    RE: How True

    Where….Satan invests in assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

    Just look at DHS and its billions of rounds of ammo for murdering people.


    [And people doubt that this administration is ‘Evil’……]

    P.S. And don’t forget the MRAPs…..

  16. “God saves” may or may not refer to physical protection in real life. It’s clear in the Bible that He hasn’t guaranteed anyone’s safety. However, He has given us the ability, tools, and permission to defend ourselves and others. See: Isaiah 54:16; Prov.24:10-12;Matt.7:12;Lu.10:36-37.
    Since God has commanded us to defend innocent life, then logically, investing in weapons is a heavenly, rather than a satanic task. Conclusion: poster is theological bunk!

  17. Have we ever figured out what they mean by “High Capacity?” I know it has a double meaning in places like Colorado, but what is considered High and who decided?

    • Have his secret police infiltrate an NRA rally, then arrest all the independent thinkers for trumped up charges using military style tactics, torture them and then release them later after a thorough discrediting and public shaming. If that doesn’t work, kill them at one of their evil gun ranges using a brainwashed PTSD military vet who’s been programmed, Jason Bourne style, to react upon secret command.

      Sound familiar?

  18. So THAT’S what 90% of all Americans looks like. Now I understand how 90% of Americans support ‘commonsense gun control, measures’.

  19. Wow, TTAG is behind. This is the 2nd edition of this screen print. The 1st was about two weeks ago. There is another print by lifeversa that copies the mortons salt girl with the killing in newtonand this came out about three months ago. Lifeversa is also military. It is art and freedom of expression. Get over it and move on. I would rather this be allowed than censored. If it was, then this country really has gone down the toilet. You guys are starting to sound like pansies when something negative in the art or media world comes up about guns. Frak, they tried it with music. Nothing happened.

  20. Shawn: I don’t think anyone on TTAG is saying this kind of material should be outlawed.. Just pointing out how ridiculous it is. I mean, look at it: the artist doesn’t even seem to know what kind of gun he’s drawing.

    • I know that, but he is an artist…they do crazy stuff. So, ignore it and move on. Just like Pierce Morgan.

  21. It’s a ridiculous poster… I doubt it’ll change anyone’s mind, one way or another. Not very iconic given the artist’s resume.

  22. Anyone else notice how Shepard Fairey took the artistic freedom to combine an AR-15, AK, and something else (that muzzle break doesn’t look like a standard AK or AR break)? Is he accusing the milions of gun owners in this country of being Satan? Or is he implying that Satan is arming himself for Armageddon? I’m honestly just confused by this poster and his message. Perhaps he should have just stuck with: “I disagree with NRA and the 2nd Amendment.”

  23. To everyone above commenting about the AR/AK Frankengun, I hate to give the artist too much credit but I think it might be an MGI Hydra. The fixtures on the bottom of the handguard are dead ringers for the Hydra’s barrel locking cams. What do you think?

  24. I’m about 99% convinced that political cartoonists use inaccurate depictions of firearms for the sole purpose of annoying us.

  25. I think he stole that poster from some where else and just edited it. I swear I have seen that poster with different words and instead of the AR it was originally an AK, which would explain the AK mag and flash surpresser as left over from the original image.

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