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Snap it? 1930s/1040s era valentine courtesy

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  1. I think a torpedo that is fired quickly is called a “snap-shot”.

    From Wikipedia:

    In submarines, a snap shot is a torpedo fired rapidly back down the bearing of an incoming torpedo, without taking the time to set up a fire control solution.

    So, the valentine is inviting the recipient to give themselves over without thinking too much!

    Typical sailors…

  2. I don’t really have a great idea of what “Snap It” means here, but in handgun field manuals (for M1911A1 FM 23-35, 1940), to “snap” a handgun was parlance for dry firing it. “Snapping” was recommended as trigger control practice.

    pg 11-12:
    “The hammer should not be snapped when the pistol is
    partially disassembled.”

    pg 25:
    “c. Always point the pistol up when snapping it after
    examination. Keep the hammer fully down when the pistol
    is not loaded.”

    “d. Never place the finger within the trigger guard until you
    intend to fire or to snap for practice.”

    “e. Never point the, pistol at anyone you do not intend, to
    shoot, nor in a, direction where an accidental discharge may
    do harm. On the range, do not snap for practice while
    standing back of the firing line.”

    Other places in this manual refer to executing maneuvers and exercises “with snap”, indicating “act with speed and precision”, but assuming this usage the directive “snap it” doesn’t make sense.

    My guess is that “snap it” on this card is a euphemism for an intimate act. “fiddle with my gun”, etc.

    An interesting tangent, Chapter 4 of FM 23-35 1940 provides instruction on proper use of the M1911A1 while riding a horse.


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