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Where were we Friday? Did you know that the 21st was Peace Day? How the hell did we miss “the largest gathering of individuals in the name of peace ever seen on one day”? Guess we were busy at the range. Or something. That’s why Peace One Day asked 23 contemporary artists to give the AK-47 “a new identity in the name of peace.” So…Peace Day is being promoted by Peace One Day. This is all very confusing. Anyway, to commemorate this momentous event, an exhibition of the AKs that have been transformed into “weapons of peace” has been mounted by the Institute for Contemporary Arts in London. It runs through Sunday so you still have time to catch it. In case you can’t make it, though, there are a few more of these objets d’art (including one that’s probably NSFW) after the jump.

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  1. The top photo is incendiary with how our money’s value ie the Federal Reserve Note (not a a US dollar) is being destroyed by liquidity easing. Someday that FRN might be truly incendiary when its value is not worth more than using it for fire making after the fiat/fake currency implodes. It does happen to all fiat currencies. Just study history.

    Lower down, the boy with the penis nose and orifice mouth is expressing ‘misandry’ the hatred of males with its association of males’ sex organs and vioence. Someone needs to tell the so-called artist that women now own 10-15% of all guns in America, women hunt, and some even enjoy shooting fully-auto. Back to peace: male warrior drones have historically been ordered or manipulated into fighting and being killed in combat by the alpha-male rulers like Obama and Bush, and Hitler and Lincoln. Such alpha male rulers seek the glory of their egos through proving their male power at the expense of other men and nothing pleases those alphas more than getting the naive adoration of the women in their kingdom.

  2. The top photo is incendiary with how our money’s value ie the Federal Reserve Note (not a a US dollar) is being destroyed by liquidity easing. Someday that FRN might be truly incendiary when its value is not worth more than using it for fire making after the fiat/fake currency implodes. It does happen to all fiat currencies. Just study history.

    Lower down, the boy with the peniz nose and orificiz mouth is expressing ‘misandry’ the hatred of males with its association of males’ sxx organs and violence. Someone needs to tell the so-called artist that women now own 10-15% of all guns in America, women hunt, and some even enjoy shooting fully-auto.

    Back to peace: male warrior drones have historically been ordered or manipulated into fighting and being killed in combat by the alpha-male rulers like Obama and Bush, and Hitler and Lincoln. Such alpha male rulers seek the glory of their massive egos through proving their male power at the expense of other men and nothing pleases those alphas more than getting the naive adoration of the women in their kingdom.

    In ancient and modern times: average men pay the price for providing and protecting through war in their bloood and gutz.

  3. Yuck…this is just as bad as when I saw someone tacticool the hell out of their AK…is this what passes for art nowadays?

  4. When the Nazis were determining who was”essential” and who was not, the artists were not. Looking at the pic of the child with the male part on his face, I can see why.

    But please, don’t restrict the artists freedom of expression, because we would miss treasures like this. -sarc off-

  5. So you agree with the Nazis Mr. Foster?

    With the exception of Pinnochi-OHface, I think this really cool and creative. Freedom of expression is one of the things that make this country great. Yes it’s provocative, that’s the point. Good art makes you think about what it is your looking at and the thought process that went into creating it, both the intended and unintended message.

    This could be a step in the right direction (excluding Dicknose) towards changing popular opinions about the AK and other “””Assault Rifles”””. Besides, Who better to see armed than peace loving creative types?

    • “This could be a step in the right direction (excluding Dicknose) towards changing popular opinions about the AK and other “””Assault Rifles”””. ”

      Don’t count on it. Art like this is made to seem trendy and up to date on a wall in some metropolitan art gallery, and, as such, almost no one will see it and even fewer will care about it or it’s ‘meaning.’

      From what I can see, and I’ve seen my share of tripe like this, it’s just recycled cliches from the last century.

  6. This show was in London. I wonder how many of the Queens subject males have tried to kiss the nose on that one display.

    • London? As in England? I didn’t think that folks there were even allowed to look at pictures of a rifle. Didn’t they try to ban children from seeing the shooting events during the Olympics? I’m surprised that this was even allowed there.

  7. It takes a pathetically simple and dull mind to misunderstand that peace must sometimes be obtained through violence.

    Or, they’re still just bitter that us colonials used our “weapons of peace” to earn our freedom and peace from them.

  8. The most common weapon of war in the world, slathered in greenbacks: Where are the Rubles, Yuan and every other currency of every nation-state that actually sees the use of that weapon in anger within its own borders?

    The rhinestone-and-butterfly monstrosity: I was certain that the AK could be made more ugly. I stand corrected.

    The, ahem, yes well: What are these people on, anyhow?

    The thorny problem: Not bad. The people who habitually use this weapon for its intended purpose have indeed been a thorn in the side of those who believe that the state does NOT know best.

    The Jackson Pollack wannabe: Dude, you’re not original or deep. Get your hair outta your eyes and get a fvcking job that actually does something positive for society.

  9. the pic of the ak covered in american money i think it symbolizes that the U.S government has the money & power & that they are the real terrorists (ak47 so called weapon of terrorists) because its the U.S government who escalate/start wars. im american & i love my country but not my government.

  10. Absolutely not, I just found the one pic way offensive and did a poor job of making a point that I’m not going to restrict their rights (1A) and don’t want mine restricted either (2A). Rereading my post I can see why you would ask.

  11. The AK-47 is a triumph of minimalism. A better way to portray it would be Japanese line art. These things were imbecilic, when they weren’t outrageous.

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