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Incendiary Video of the Day: ‘Is Tropical’ Music Video Edition

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Kids these days. When I was their age, we wrote, produced and filmed a series of home made movies, too. Spy action flicks and evil possessed babies. We also walked fifteen miles to school. Up hill each way. And we liked it! This was way back in the pre-video tape (not to mention music video) days. We used Super-8 film and some decent editing. And our special effects consisted of a mouth full of ketchup and a cigarette tucked in a plastic gun barrel to simulate smoke.

This shows some real effort and imagination. And there’s a certain coolness to the project. I’m not sure how much the kids did and how much was done by “grown ups.” And it could be meant as a statement against violence. But I have to confess to being a little disturbed by this. I’m no prude. And yes, all of the violence here is of the Roger Rabbit-style animated kind. But the Peckinpahesque level of firearms mayhem with jets of blood and gore are more than this parent is comfortable with coming from nine year-olds. Now get off of my lawn!

[h/t everydaynodaysoff.com]


0 thoughts on “Incendiary Video of the Day: ‘Is Tropical’ Music Video Edition”

  1. A bunch of violent little buggers, but I’m still laughing. We used to do that with BB guns and no protection, so these kids are a lot smarter than we were.

    • Ha! I remember when my first BB gun quit feeding BB’s. I sawed it down, removed the inner barrel and converted it into a sand and rock shotgun. I can’t help it, this video was a riot.

  2. The video is creative as heck and I’m sure they had a blast making it. I don’t mean to be the bug in the soup here but I very clearly remember the videos Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold made before they shot up Colombine. I agree with the tone of the last paragraph posted by Mr. Zimmerman but I would go a bit farther, this should not even be on this website.

    • I think most boys their age play this way, or in a manner similar to it. I did, my friends did, the neighbor kids do. Heck, you can watch documentaries about primitive tribes in Africa or the Amazon, and you’ll see the little boys doing the same thing with toy bows and spears. If I were to guess, I’d say it’s likely a product of evolutionary psychology. Males of the species playing games to develop “skills” that help them protect their mates/offspring, and kill food. It was probably a bit more practical with a spear, but you can see how it would translate from spear-play 10,000 years ago to gun-play today.

      Also, neither myself nor any of my friends went on to shoot up a high school.

  3. To be honest, when my five and seven year old sons play, their (pretend) carnage is on a level with the violence in this video. The only difference is the graphics.

    I can hear them play in another room as I type this, and they’ve built a “Sherman tank” out of table and a couple of chairs and are launching rockets and firing off the main gun at unseen enemies.

    They’re also arguing over who is the gunner and who is the TC, but that’s another story.

    I need to go now, and set them straight. They shouldn’t be playing like this. I need to change their behaviour, and getting them playing the right way.

    Unless it’s a Calliope, the Sherman doesn’t fire rockets, and my sons should know better than that!


  4. Come on, people. This video was not made by children. It was directed by Megaforce and produced by Jules Dieng. Children appeared in the video.

    Also: FPS Russia is an American kid named Kyle.

    I hope you guys weren’t considering careers in intelligence analysis. No offense whatsoever. The rampant credulity at TTAG is touching.

  5. It needed slo-mo to truly pay homage to Uncle Sam. The 666 on the C4 timer was aces, but I was secretly hoping the turkey would explode.


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