Home » Blogs » Indicted: Rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs Alleged to Have Used Guns to Intimidate Victims, Force Participants in Sex Parties

Indicted: Rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs Alleged to Have Used Guns to Intimidate Victims, Force Participants in Sex Parties

Doug Howlett - comments 35 comments

Rapper and record producer Sean “Diddy” Combs aka Puffy aka Puff Daddy aka P. Diddy has changed his name more times than the late Prince (aka some damn symbol we can’t even make on a keyboard aka the artist formerly known as Prince) and the still-performing John Mellencamp (aka John Cougar aka John Cougar Mellencamp). He’s also been sued more times for sexual assault at last count eight including allegations of gang rape, trafficking and forced drug use to Prince and Mellencamp’s combined zero lawsuits. (There were unproven allegations that Prince assaulted some women including the late Sinead O’Connor, but no sexual assault suits ever, and Mellencamp, a noted hot head, has zero such charges though one of his former keyboardists once lived on the FBI’s most wanted list for child porn charges.)

Now, it looks like Combs will also eclipse the other multi-named performers in another arena, after being indicted by a grand jury and then arrested in Manhattan Monday evening on racketeering, transportation to engage in prostitution and sex trafficking charges, it appears Diddy could also face gun charges related to his crimes.

According to multiple news reports including this one from the New York Post:

Sean “Diddy” Combs carried guns “to intimidate and threaten” his victims and the witnesses of his abuse, according to a sex-trafficking indictment against the hip-hop mogul.

The music producer “carried or brandished firearms to intimidate and threaten others, including victims of and witnesses to his abuse,” the court papers say.

Combs also had his security staff carry weapons, and when the feds raided his homes in Miami and Los Angeles, they found three AR-15s with “defaced serial numbers,” other guns, ammunition and a drum magazine, the indictment alleges.

Listening to the press conference held Tuesday in a New York City court by Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, the reading of the indictment made Combs sound like a modern-day Caligula. Describing days-long parties Combs frequently held called “Freak Offs,” these parties featured lengthy forced sexual performances fueled by drugs, often forced on the “performers” through violence, fear and intimidation. Combs would film the parties and use them to maintain control over some of the participants. He would reportedly supply the participants, many allegedly forced, with drugs, personal lubricants, baby oil and extra linens. The narrative of the press conference sounded more like something you’d expect on PornHub. 

The Guns and More

“The indictment alleges on more than one occasion Combs carried or brandished firearms to intimidate and threaten victims and witnesses,” Williams said.

In March of this year, agents executing search warrants found among other evidence of the alleged crimes, “firearms and ammunition including three defaced AR-15s and a large-capacity drum magazine.” They also found in Williams’ words, “cases and cases of the kind of baby oil and personal lubricants used for the Freak Offs.” That included more than 1,000 bottles of lubricant, none of it likely used for cleaning the firearms.

Williams showed off images of the firearms, ammunitions and gun accessories seized during the raids noting how the serial numbers had been defaced to prevent them from being traced.

“A year ago, Sean Combs stood in Times Square and was handed a key to New York City, today he’s been indicted and will face justice in the southern district of New York,” Williams said.

When asked toward the end of the press conference where the firearms and other items were found in his house, Williams said, “some of the AR-15s, two of the three defaced AR-15s, were found in his bedroom closet in Miami broken down into parts along with magazines with ammunition loaded in them.”

35 thoughts on “Indicted: Rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs Alleged to Have Used Guns to Intimidate Victims, Force Participants in Sex Parties”

  1. What a racist article this is! Those of Combs’ demographics are absolute angels! How dare you accuse him, and them, of criminal activity!

    This whole website is nothing but racist!


    • Well, it is a bit strange to see this article in TTAG.

      Perhaps one of you could explain exactly what this has to do with guns or the second amendment, this article seems completely out of context with the subject of this forum.

      Of course, it fits directly into the white supremacy narrative, so I guess that’s why it’s here.

    • Sadly the ones in power seem to eliminate any evidence of illegal and or immoral activities. Doesn’t matter what or who is holding the proof!!!

      New news to diminishings the attempt of assassins attempt on President Trump!

  2. You can take the rapper out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the rapper.

    P.S.: The redundancies in the article plead for a judicious application of the editorial pen.

    • Yes, Good Lord, I went back to check the story after I saw your comment and have no idea what happened in posting the story that several of the same paragraphs were all repeatedly posted in the body of the story. Weird glitch or inadvertent copy and paste on my part. Either way, I think it is fixed now. Thanks for calling it out.

      • Actually, 49er, the slaves owned by Kamala Harris’ family were probably not criminals.
        Which begs the question, if Harris steps in the reparations quagmire, as a descendant of slave owners, would Harris be the one paying the reparations, or would descendants of people that did not own slaves, but that just have the wrong genetics, be required to pay?

        • “the slaves owned by Kamala Harris’ family”

          Really? There’s no evidence that Kamala Harris‘s black ancestors ever owned slaves, this is a common mistake white folks make.

          “as a descendant of slave owners“

          You see, white people are not willing to admit publicly that white masters would rape young black slave girls, and then sell their own children into slavery.

          A perfect example is Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, Jefferson fathered children that he later sold into a life of misery and servitude.

          And everyone of those black Americans can say, just like Kamala Harris, that there are white slave masters in their family…

  3. Would anyone expect anything less of a swinging cat like what’s his name diddy?

    Not so sure about Prince, he was probably was about three feet tall, not sure he could have assaulted anybody who was more than 4 years old.

  4. 1000 bottles of lube at Diddys house, 1000 bottles of lube.
    take one down
    pass it around,

    999 bottles of lube at Diddys house.

    Geez thats either a lot of “freak offs”, or a few folks are in really really dire need of being able to produce personal lubricant.

    • I hope that the SOB finds himself in circumstances, in his new digs at the Greybar Hotel, where he might wish to have a few of those bottles of the personal lubricant available to ease the pain of his imprisonment.
      Yes, not nice, but the whole rap/hip-hop/ghetto genre is entirely detestable, and has ZERO socially redeeming value. How many generations of kids of his demographic have listened to the siren’s song of violence, drug use, garish worship of money, beating your ho’s, promiscuous sex, etc., begetting generation after generation of fatherless kids and the poverty, misery and suffering that goes with it.
      My response to all rappers, thugs, etc., upon hearing of their demise or otherwise removal from society: good riddance!

  5. The “black sector” of You Tube has been taking about these sexual allegations for many years now. Recently, there has been an allegation that Sean Combs is a federal informant.

    His arrest might indicate that he is giving his handlers a difficult time. But it does provide a great distraction. From the total failure of the federal government Secret Service.

  6. How many democrat (and probably republican) senators house reps lobbyists and donors did he provide services to, their names, and when and where it happened

  7. Chump, garbage pusher, slime ball, Black Lives Matter must be proud! Were any of the victims of another race? Racism at its lowest form!


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