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Instacart Driver Delivers Deadly Shot to Actress’ Dog

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Actress Angie Harmon, known for her roles in “Law & Order” and “Rizzoli & Isles,” has shared a heart-wrenching account of her family’s dog being shot and killed by an Instacart delivery driver at her home in Charlotte, N.C. The incident, which Harmon described in a distressing Instagram post, has left her and her daughters “completely traumatized & beyond devastated.”

Incident Details

On the afternoon of March 30, while using the Instacart service for grocery delivery, Harmon alleges that the delivery driver, after dropping off the groceries, shot their dog Oliver and then openly admitted to the act in front of her and her daughters. According to Harmon, the driver claimed self-defense, yet she contests this assertion noting that the driver appeared unharmed without any signs of a dog attack.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department responded to the distress call at Harmon’s residence. According to the police, the delivery driver reported being attacked by the dog, prompting him to defend himself by firing a shot that resulted in the dog’s death. The police statement mentioned that no criminal charges have been filed and the case has been closed, with no further parties being sought after in the investigation.

Corporate Response

Instacart has expressed their deep disturbance over the incident, stating a zero-tolerance policy towards violence. The driver’s account has been suspended as they cooperate with the police investigation. Additionally, the company is in direct contact with Harmon, extending their cooperation and support.

Legal perspectives suggest potential civil claims for the family, including intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, given the traumatic nature of the incident. But with no charges forthcoming by police, it is unlikely a civil claim would get much traction. But the negative fallout to Instacart could be significant and will be worth watching if people fear their pets could be harmed by delivery people who feel threatened by the animals should one get loose or aggressive with a stranger.


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