Preferring my lattes stronger than most, I usually order my coffee with an extra shot. Unfortunately, a Cheyenne girl’s extra shot yesterday morning almost killed another patron in a local Starbucks. She dropped her purse. According to her account, the gun “went off.” Except in this case, it probably really did…
As reports the story, she had a .38 double barrel Derringer knocking around in her purse. Her parents gave her the two-shot shooter for protection when she travels. The Wyoming lass declared publicly that she knows very little about guns (a clear violation of the STFU post-DGU rule). Odds are she didn’t have the exposed trigger pocket rocket in a holster. So when she dropped the purse . . . one extra shot, hold the foam.
Two Cheyenne Police officers were in the coffee shop at the time. Once they heard the gunshot, they drew their pistols and scanned the shop.
The officers approached the teen and searched her purse, which had a large hole in it.
They found a double-barrel .38 special Derringer pistol in the girl’s purse. The top barrel had been fired.
According to the report, the bullet missed John Basile, 43, by about 12 inches. After nearly missing Basile’s head, the bullet hit the west wall of the store, bounced back to the east and rolled under the coffee counter.
In this case, the irresponsible gun owner honor could just as easily be awarded to the girl’s parents. So we should make this a family affair. Because Derringers don’t have trigger guards. Just handing one to an untrained juvenile with no instruction or safety tips is asking for trouble. And trouble’s just what they’re getting.
The girl was issued a city summons for possession of a firearm by a juvenile, which carries a $750 bond and a “must appear in court” stipulation.
City ordinance stipulates that individuals must be 18 years old to carry any type of firearm within city limits.
Wyoming state statutes state that a person must be 21 years old to carry a concealed weapon.
We can’t say it enough: gun safety starts at home.
She needs to be charged with one account of premeditated attempted murder.
I suggest you go read the law. Murder requires intent.