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“A woman said she accidentally shot her boyfriend Thursday morning in Daytona Beach Shores while he was teaching her how to use a rifle, and he died a short time later,” reports. The instructor in question: one Robert F. Branton. While one might wonder why anyone would want to begin firearms instruction at 12:30am with a woman in her bra and underwear, the 911 call sounds plausible enough. [Click here to listen] It’s also pretty distressing, listening to a man die and all. Hang on, what about . . .

APPLYING A TOURNIQUET? If you ask me – and you didn’t – the 911 operator should have got straight on that. Anyway, always begin any firearms instruction by discussing the four safety rules – if only to remind yourself. And to ensure that your student doesn’t shoot you. Anything less is entirely irresponsible, and potentially deadly. That is all.


  1. So, if it turns out she shot him on purpose, murder, and he was unaware of her training session will you print a retraction or apology?

  2. And firing a weapon at 12:30AM in residential neighborhood if Google’s satellite view is correct.

    While tragic, it causes mixed feelings. Sort of like watching your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new car.

  3. I’m picturing low ready, boyfriend standing off to the side in front of the muzzle, and her finger on the trigger when it should not have been.

    A close range rifle shot through the keg likely means an arterial wound, in which case he was f***#ed from the jump, especially if it was a large caliber long gun.May as well have dispatched the coroner and saved the EMTs time.

    • “A close range rifle shot through the keg likely means an arterial wound, in which case he was f***#ed from the jump, especially if it was a large caliber long gun”

      If she were able to get a tourniquet above the wound she would have had a chance to save him.

      Maybe if combined with pressure points…

  4. A woman said she accidentally shot her boyfriend Thursday morning in Daytona Beach Shores while he was teaching her how to use a rifle, and he died a short time later,”
    Uh huh, I would venture there is more to this than what is being released for public consumption. Teaching women ( or anybody else ) to use a rifle is not rocket science.

    • Yes, alcohol was a factor. It thinned his blood causing extra blood loss. But he didn’t drink enough to be asleep at 12:00 am.
      Had they both drank more, he would be alive today. Wouldn’t do a damn thing to cure the stupidity.

  5. Not that easy to do with a rifle. I would venture to say it was probably not an accident. And why was the shot to his leg fatal ? As someone else mentioned, person answering the 911 call should have told them to stop the bleeding, apply a tourniquet or something. Have to hit a major artery to kill him that quick. Unless it was a shotgun and blew his leg off. Several things sound fishy with this one.

  6. That looks like a duplex, sure the people next door loved the sound of a gun shot and “SOMEOFAICH!!!!” Doubt if the wall would stop a rifle round. Home the next tenants are better at firearm safety.

    Teaching her with a loaded rifle in a house, who would have guessed it might turn out poorly?

  7. Teaching her to use a rifle.

    In her bra and panties. At 12:30 AM.

    With live ammo, inside their apartment no less.

    • Good point. Teaching while wearing her bra and panties might have been a factor. Cross-dressing gun owners deserve more respect.

  8. A loaded gun for new shooter firearm training, in your house, after midnight?

    Darwin Award, sadly.

  9. one might wonder why anyone would want to begin firearms instruction at 12:30am with a woman in her bra and underwear

    I have no problem with this part of the story.

    • one might wonder why anyone would want to begin firearms instruction at 12:30am with a woman in her bra and underwear

      Maybe she just wouldn’t take them off. Or maybe he was waiting for the roofies to take effect.

  10. What exactly is the point of these “Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day” posts? First of all they’re not daily. Second of all, the editorial that is implied is not clear. Pointing out that stupid and irresponsible people are allowed to buy guns legally…well, you’re only just proving that the “antis” have a legitimate point without offering any solution. Do you propose that irresponsible gun owners be forced to undergo training or have their weapons confiscated? We’re all fine with having the “right” to own a gun but what about when a gun owner person proves that they are a danger to those around them? All rights have limits within the context of a society.

    • My GUESS, is that the does this to show the rest of us, gun owners, we all can have moments of dumbness. We get lax in our habits. These remind all of us to think about being safe.

      One organization I belonged to use to have safety message compiled from the week before “here hold my beer”, “this is going to be great”, “hey watch this” or just moments of pure stupidity, drunk driving, home repairs, etc where a safety investigation or medical report was done. We got to laugh as it was written with some humor but the point of the message was don’t do this or the rest of us will be laughing at you. I read a report where a F-16 pilot had to eject cause his piddle pack

      These are what NOT to do type posts. Hopefully keeps the rest of us from making the news.

  11. I don’t believe it. There’s more to it than that. Report only what is convenient to the agenda…

    Oh, and yes, Floriduh. Of the many thing is like about my State, the people are not among them.

  12. Alcohol may have been involved, but there are no other fishy details. Sadly, it was a tragic (preventable) accident. She did hit his femoral artery. She is devastated. Yes, it would have been nice to hear the operator tell her to apply a tourniquet and pressure, but the chances are still so slim that he would have made it-or so we hope since we can’t go back. He was full of life while he lived, a complete prankster. I have heard other 911 calls, but listening to your friend from high school fighting for his life changed me a little today. Be safe, stay alert, and take care.

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